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Reports and analysis of revolt and social movements from a revolutionary anarchist perspective across so-called North America.
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"On Monday, June 19th, far-Right troll and video game blogger Ian Miles Cheong, who has argued that “Pepe the Frog isn’t racist” and also compared himself to Hitler, writing for far-Right publication HeatSt., published an article attacking entitled, Antifa Website Encourages ‘All Manner of Physical Violence’ Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists.

Two days later, the story was picked up and re-used, in some cases completely verbatim, by Fox News, along with... video footage from an author at a white nationalist website, while repeating the same allegation that, “Promotes all manner of physical violence against Trump supporters,” without showing any direct evidence, links to quotes, or even linking to our website. Not surprisingly, it turns out that both HeatSt. and Fox News are owned by the same multinational corporate conglomerate, News Corp."

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On Monday, June 19th, far-Right troll and video gamer blogger Ian Miles Cheong, who has argued that “Pepe the Frog isn’t racist” and also compared himself to Hitler, writing for far-Right publication HeatSt., published an article attacking entitled, Antifa Website Encourages ‘All Ma...|By It's Going Down

ICYMI: #WashingtonDC Speakout Against Fascism June 25th

We won’t let the right-wing steal our free speech. We won’t let the police steal our right to protest. We won’t let the state steal our right to exist. Marginalized people, activists, and workers face escalating state repression. Communities combating capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, and oth...
On Thursday, June 15th, Patriot Prayer came to evergreen to hold a “free speech” rally in response to protests against white supremacy on campus. For more background information on the situation at Evergreen, go here. A Few Words About Patriot Prayer Patriot Prayer is a violent, ultra-nationalist, f...

"In the wake of the #NoDAPL struggle, resistance encampments across the US have grown as thousands step up to fight pipeline and resource extraction projects that threaten both human communities and the natural environment. One of these camps is in Florida, which has formed to fight against the Sabal Trail Pipeline which endangers watersheds, schools and communities, and living ecosystems. Wanting to know more about the growing anti-pipeline movement in the wake of the #NoDAPL struggle, we reached out to someone involved in Sabal Trail Pipeline resistance to find out more information and how people can support those on the front lines."

#Flordia #SabalTrail Stop Sabal Trail Pipeline Sabal Trail Resistance - STR

IGD: When did you get involved in resisting the Sabal Trail Pipeline and why? I want to say I got involved in resisting the Sabal Trail Pipeline (STP) back in October of last year. I was at a NoDAPL protest in Gainesville FL when someone, who I later found out was an Earth! Firster, handed …|By It's Going Down

What is talk of terrorism in the face of actual terrorism.

The shooting at a Republican congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia last Wednesday has been followed by a predictable flurry of disingenuous and opportunistic narratives from politicians, corporate media outlets, and the right-wing about the rise of “left-wing terrorism” in the curr...

Stand with antifascist prisoners on July 25th.

As the third annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners approaches, we find ourselves fighting the hydra of fascism and far-right ideology. While its many heads have distinct looks in different parts of the world, this beast spews the same venomous poison of national...
When: Sunday, June 18th at 4pm This week, Bloomington Police began to occupy People’s Park, heightening policing and surveillance, harassing community members into leaving the park, and preventing food sharing and basic habitation of the park. This recent increase in police intimidation is part of a...
On June 10th, ACT for America held anti-Muslim rallies across the country. They were assisted by American Vanguard, a white-supremacist fascist group, and the Oathkeepers, a hyper-masculine organization of former military and police officers. One of the rallies was held in Harrisburg, PA, where they...

"There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in the past few months in reaction to Trump.

But is this really the case? If we trace the genealogy of resistance to white supremacy, colonialism, and racism in the United States, we f...ind a rich history of indigenous and Afrikan insurrection against colonial states in so-called North America. In these struggles, people fought not only paramilitary formations such as the Klan but also against police forces that grew out of the slave patrols. If these struggles are to inform us, just as much as formations such as Anti-Racist Action (ARA) have, we should remember that these rebels fought not against ‘fascism’ or ‘national socialism,’ but instead against settler colonialism, white supremacy, and democracy itself."

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There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in th...|By It's Going Down

What's in a Kek?

Things don’t really seem to be going well for the Alt-Right. The entire “united front” that Alt-Right leaders have been pushing for in the past two months has more or less collapsed, as the Oath Keepers and militia types, the ones with the connections to local law enforcement, have become openly hos...

Our friends at CrimethInc. are once again presenting a live panel discussion on fighting repression from Standing Rock to DC. Check it out!

This evening, thousands converged at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul, to response to the jury in Philando Castile’s murder finding the police officer, Jeronimo Yanez, not guilty. After a rally that grew to thousands, people took the streets of the city. Easily a couple thousand people here already...|By It's Going Down
This is a report back from someone on-the-ground in the San Bernardino anti-fascist action against the “March Against Sharia,” an Islamophobic event that happened across the country on June 10th. Check out our report back from the Lansing, Michigan anti-fascist response as well. Dealing With the Lib...

Report from No More Deaths about the recent raid by the border patrol on their humanitarian camp.

A helicopter, 15 trucks and 30 armed agents descended on the medical aid station to apprehend 4 people receiving medical care in deadly summer heat Thursday, June 15th, 6:00 pm, Arivaca, Arizona: In temperatures surging over 100℉, US Border Patrol raided the medical aid camp of humanitarian organiza...|By No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the incredible show of solidarity for Haitian garment workers and their fight for 800 Gourdes minimum wage! Organizers in Haiti say that your emails, tweets, calls and donations are making waves. Factory owners, the government, and corporations know that the world is watching.…

"The Center is Dead" by anarchist prisoner Sean Swain

This following article is written by Sean Swain, an anarchist prisoner currently doing time in Ohio. To learn more about Sean and his case, go here, and listen here for Sean’s recordings. Sean’s article is in response to a piece that appeared on IGD entitled Downfall: Preparing for Right-Wing Factio...
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No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes

BREAKING: We are saddened and appalled to report that at about 6PM, in an unprecedented show of force, approximately 30 armed agents raided our humanitarian aid... camp with 15 trucks, 2 quads and a helicopter to apprehend four people receiving medical care.

More information to come.

NOTICIAS DE ULTIMA HORA: Estamos tristes y agobiad@s de informar que alrededor de las 6pm, en una demonstracion de fuerza unprecedente, nuestr@ campamento humanitario fue invadado y desalojado por
aproximadamente trente agentes armadas y, por lo menos, 15 camionetas,
2 quads, y un helicóptero, en su esfuerzo de detener cuatro pacientes recibiendo atención médico.

Más información por venir.

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