
The IGDCAST is a weekly podcast produced by It's Going Down which features interviews with participants in social movements, struggles, rebellions, projects, thinkers, and organizers. If you want to be on the show, please contact us. Subscribe on iTunes here!

Austin, TX: Audio Report Back from Anti-Muslim Rally Shutdown

Photos from Ann Harkness In this audio reportback, we speak with Kit O'Connell, of the OSWN Collective in Austin, Texas. In the interview, we discuss what happened on June 10th, and how a group of anarchists...

Object to the State: A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant

The Tilted Scales Collective has recently published a brand new book entitled, A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant, which discusses various strategies, both personal, legal, and political, that defendants can draw from while facing down...

Daryle Lamont Jenkins on Richard Collins III & Rising Alt-Right Terror

Less than a week ago, according to witnesses at the University of Maryland, Richard Collins III, who was about to receive his degree and graduate, was brutally stabbed and murdered by Sean Urbanski, a...

George Ciccariello-Maher on Free Speech & White Supremacy

On this episode, we caught up with George Ciccariello-Maher, a radical professor, organizer, and author of the recent book, Decolonizing Dialectics. We discuss both their coming under fire from Alt-Right trolls after mocking the concept...

IGDCAST: Maru on Hunger Strikes at North West Detention Facility

For the past several weeks, a series of hunger-strikes has been launched at the NorthWest Detention Facility in Tacoma, Washington. The strikes have spread to a variety of dorms and facilities and in support,...

IGDCAST: How Heathens United Against Racism In the Pagan Community

Heathens United Against Racism (HUAR) might be a group that you've never heard of unless you travel in Heathen and Pagan spiritual circles. While the group may not be well known, since they formed...

IGDCAST: Trump, Clinton, Russia, and US Intervention in Syria

In the last several weeks, Trump has launched a series of strikes in Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen in an attempt to gather support from imperialists, war-hawks, and the mainstream media and also bounce back...

IGDCAST: Louise Rosealma on Berkeley and It’s Implications

The image of Louise being punched by Nathan Damigo, the neo-Nazi leader of Identity Evropa, has now become the most iconic footage to come out of the clashes between anarchists and white supremacists in...

IGDCAST: CrimethInc. on Repression, Syria, Trump & the Road Ahead

"The goal of repression is to make us scale back. If the movement is strong, if the movement continues...then the calculus that the FBI uses...is different. They can't go after a powerful, widespread movement...

IGDCAST: Building Community Self-Defense in the Twin Cities

Recorded at the ROAR Conference in the bay area, this podcast features two members of the General Defense Committee (GDC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis -...