Fighting Pipelines and Displacement with Camp White Pine


What would you do if your family’s home was threatened by eminent domain to make way for a pipeline of fracked gas? Would you roll over? Give up? Take the money and run? Or would you stand and fight?

This interview, with Camp White Pine, details how one family in Pennsylvania stood up to a pipeline which is threatening to not only evict them from their home, but also build a pipeline which would pollute watersheds and ecosystems in the local area. From their Facebook page:

With construction season upon us, Camp White Pine is digging in our heels to fight the Mariner East 2 pipeline in the Susquehanna Valley of so-called Central PA on occupied Shawnee, Lenape, and Susquehannock Territories.

The Mariner East 2 is a 350+ mile long Sunoco pipeline project, comprised of two new pipelines starting in southeastern Ohio, and running through northern West Virginia and across the length of Pennsylvania. These lines will carry natural gas liquids (NGLs) like butane, ethane, and propane to an export facility along the Delaware River in Marcus Hook, PA.

Resistance to the Mariner East 2 is spreading, with impacted residents and organizers working in communities all along the proposed route. Sunoco Logistics has no regard for the beauty of Appalachia, the preservation of its diverse ecosystems and the safety of the people who live here.

We also discuss the harassment, threats, and attacks that both law enforcement and corporations have leveled against those who are standing up for themselves, as well as the connections between the #NoDAPL struggle and ongoing pipeline battles happening across the US.

More Info: Bail Fund Donate Here, Camp White Pine Facebook

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It's Going Down
It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.