Authors Posts by It's Going Down

It's Going Down

It's Going Down
It’s Going Down is a revolutionary media platform from anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movements. We are a network of friends and comrades across so-called North America, who seek to provide news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt. We are a news website and not an organization who seek to uplift and build capacity for a wide range of social struggles, movements, and revolutionary groups.

Interview on Gender Strike ICE Action in SF

On March 8th, revolutionary anti-capitalist feminists and anarchists organized an autonomous action that drew hundreds of people together in San Francisco, CA. While groups...

Portland, OR: Anarchists Are Fixing Potholes On City Streets

Anarchists in Portland, Oregon have taken to the streets - to fix the roads! Proclaiming that "We Will Fix the Roads," anarchists are fixing...

Call for Week of Solidarity Against Repression April 1st-7th

From Standing Rock, to Sacramento, to DC In cooperation with CrimethInc.,, and others, we are calling for a week of solidarity to support everyone...

Dispatches from the Borderlands

It is the intention of this ongoing column to highlight issues, points of reference, lessons and possibilities gleaned from the years we’ve spent in...

All the News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

This was a busy week. Trump rolled out a new version of the Muslim Ban in a new executive order as attacks and deportation of...

IGDCAST: Siddique Hasan and Looking Back on the #PrisonStrike

Despite the inauguration of Donald Trump overshadowing many social movements and struggles, in recent memory there remains few other examples that can match the...

Liberal Hypocrisy: Berkeley Clashes Should Serve As Warning

After riots successfully shut down Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking at UC Berkeley, where he planned to out and attack undocumented students, it took only...

IGD: People Take to the Streets Against Trump Rallies Across US

On March 4th in Washington DC and across the US, an offshoot of the Tea Party, the Main Street Patriots, are organizing a swath...

Far-Right Terror Grows, Trump Blames Victims and “False-Flags”

In the last weeks and months, the US has been rocked by a wave of anti-Semitic attacks, vandalism and arson against Mosques, white supremacist...

San Francisco, CA: Gender Strike March 8th! Shut Down ICE!

The rally kicks off at noon at Justin Herman Plaza. There will be speakers, free childcare at the plaza park, and materials for making...