- published: 27 Jan 2017
- views: 2761
Channel 2 or TV 2 may refer to:
All That is an American live-action, sketch comedy-variety show created by Brian Robbins and Mike Tollin, which originally aired on the Nickelodeon cable television network from April 16, 1994, to October 22, 2005, lasting ten seasons. The series was produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions (later Schneider's Bakery during the final season). The pilot episode originally was shown as a special "sneak peek", with the show officially debuting a regular series on December 24, 1994.
The series features original short comedic sketches and weekly musical guests aimed toward a younger audience. The show's sketches parody contemporary culture and are performed by a large and varying cast of child and teen actors. Early episodes were taped at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Orlando, but then moved to Hollywood at the Nickelodeon On Sunset theatre (formerly the Earl Carrol Theatre), where other Nickelodeon shows such as The Amanda Show, Kenan & Kel, and Drake & Josh were also filmed.
In 2000, after six seasons the show was put on hiatus to be retooled and was relaunched in early 2002 with a completely new cast. Four more seasons were produced before the show was ultimately cancelled. On April 23, 2005, Nickelodeon celebrated the 10th anniversary of All That. The special reunited cast members from both the original and relaunch eras of the show and several other special guest stars in an one-hour event.
All That We Share.
TV2 - Det eneste hun ville var at danse - med tekst - lyrics
TV2 - Rigtige mænd
Cuki: Ezért jár Kulcsár Edina a dédijével bulizni - tv2.hu/mokka
Tv-2 - Der Går Min Klasselærer
All That We Share - Übersetzung von ZUKAR
Mr Bean: cartoon "Big TV" (2/2) Part 32/47
Her går det galt på direkten på TV 2 Nyhetskanalen
Tv-2 - De Første Kærester På Månen
TV2 - Det eneste hun ville var at danse - med tekst
Egy népszerű női magazin gáláján vehette át díját Kulcsár Edina, ahová a 86 éves dédnagymamája, Anci néni is elkísérte. Edina nem először vitte magával egy eseményre dédijét, hiszen, mint mondja, nélküle nem lenne igazi a buli! Kulcsár Edina és dédnagymamája, Jakab Mózesné szoros kapcsolatukról meséltek a Mokkában, és azt is elárulták, miért szeretnek közös programokat szervezni.
Music video by Tv-2 performing Der Går Min Klasselærer.
Muss uns erst ein TV-Sender erklären, wie Gesellschaft funktioniert? WARNUNG! Wer leicht feuchte Augen bekommt, vorsicht. Dies hier ist was fürs Herz. Wir haben es extra für Euch auf Deutsch übersetzt (Kann uns jemand helfen, das auch noch Arabisch zu machen? Message please). Einfach nur schön! All credits for this Video are by TV2 Denmark. https://www.facebook.com/tv2.danmark/ We do not own any of the rights on this video. But we love it and want to spread the word!!! __ Press contact: press@zukar.org FOLGT FIRAS AUF: Facebook - https://fb.com/FirasAlshater Twitter - https://twitter.com/firas_alshater Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/firas_alshater YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/zukar No commercial & use without licencing. Short citations in TV up to 10 sec are free. NonPro...
Det er ikke alltid det går etter planen når man sender direkte. I forbindelse med TV 2 Nyhetskanalens 10 års-jubileum har vi snekret sammen en liten tabbekavalkade.
Music video by Tv-2 performing De Første Kærester På Månen.
Palavras e ações lançadas em minha direção
me atingiram em cheio e agora em meu peito estão
à esquerda alojados, só tentando me derrubar
Família e amigos não vão me deixar fraquejar.
Seguirei os seus conselhos
quem tá de fora vê melhor
com a cabeça fria e a razão
eles irão me ajudar
Sentimentos me corroendo
as coisas que ela me disse estão doendo
aqui dentro, do meu peito
a cura ninguém tem e eu estou sofrendo
Agora que algum tempo já passou
aprendi que não é feio chorar
que não devemos reprimir os sentimentos
bonito é dizer o que estamos sentindo
Minha Família, meus amigos
vocês são tudo que eu tenho nessa vida
quando eu preciso são vocês que me amparam
obrigado, amo vocês.