Archiv der Kategorie 'politix'

nina scholz hated den wald

wald hate hass nina scholz
bild von threesecondthrill

Zu dem von Nina Scholz verfassten Artikel Tatort Hassort: Wald für das Hate Magazin. Schlimm ist ihr das Bild vom „vermeintlich gestressten Großstädter“ – Was ist das überhaupt für eine überheblich zynische geschmacklose Formulierung, Ey, wer haten will muss fühlen – weil diese am Wochenende teilweise aus der Stadt ins Grüne außerhalb fahren.

Das begrüßenswerte Ende des Aktivistentums

überarbeitet März 2011
Der Versuch, aus der Analyse des Scheiterns eine Überlieferung zu schaffen, die genau dieses Scheitern und nicht den Mythos des Davor zum überliefernswerten Inhalt macht.

Seit den 90er Jahren zeigte sich weltweit eine Widerstandsbewegung, die mit neuen Formen des Protests und neuen Organisationsansätzen aufwarten wollte und konnte. Doch der real existierende bürgerliche Anarchismus in Form von Einzelaktivismus privilegierter Mittelklasseindividuen führte zur Desorganisation dieser Bewegung und damit zu ihrer tendenziellen Stilllegung.


megaspree bachstelzen
In Zeiten von Twitter-Aufmerksamkeitsspannen am Besten das Resümee an den Anfang:
#megaspree #gentrifizierung #mediaspree #bar25 #bachstelzen #ms-versenken Protestspektakel Megaspree gegen Mediaspree und andere Unanständigkeiten vereint vielfältige Anliegen. Vor Ort gesehen: Erhalt des alternativen Kulturbetriebes (Bar25), scheinbar radikales gegen Mietsteigerung, Privatisierung und „Verdrängung“ (Gruppe Soziale Kämpfe), Appelle an Wowereit (MS versenken), Skandalisierung der Nichtumsetzung des Bürgerentscheids (Bachstelzen). Fehlende Reflektion der eigenen Rolle läd zur Mob-Bildung bei den Konsumenten des veredelten Hippietums ein.

Hier noch in gebotener Ausführlichkeit und trotzdem recht knapp Eindrücke und Gedanken zu Megaspree:

squat tempelhof? fail.

squat tempelhof cops

In Berlin, some thousand people gathered to squat the shut down innercity airport Tempelhof last saturday, 20th of june 2009. The event was understood as a major action against the gentrification (a political term used to denounce the process of refurbishment of houses and displacement of poorer people – through the raising rents – from the inner city districts) of the area. Local government plans to establish a park and some upper class houses, together with some kind of new media district.

It was prepared in a way that different kinds of participation would be possible: going in with force (opening the fence), going in when force has been used by others, or only diverting the security forces.

During the day people were walking around the airport, people with backpacks were checked, police was everywhere at the fence. Clowns were arrested for diverting cops and going towards barriers, some people were arrested for throwing flower seeds over the fence. Some black block people tried to tear down the fence with ropes and grapnels. Bystanders didn‘t divert the cops, so the black block were hindered from action immediately as cops showed up. First failed attempt.

In another area one person on bike was catched by a plain clothes cop (allegedly during an attempt to cut a hole). As the person lay on the floor black block persons ran to the situation and the cop showed his pistol (with opening towards ground).

Later the day there were two big manifestations announced. The crowd was to split up and make the attempt to go in. The split up was failing due to coordination flaws. In the southern gathering point 2 of the 3 colours to follow were not visible. So everybody went in one mass. Police lines were broken through by just running through them. Some people from the south mass went to the fence to open it. The big mass stayed with the music on the street and didn‘t support them. Second failed attempt.

Now street parties were everywhere (a bit away from the fence) and black block gathered for a riot on the northern street outside of the airfield. Nothing more happened, police had the whole situation under control and no one got near the fence.

The local government couldn‘t just open the field, since the ownership is still split, so reformist appeals towards them were irrelevant. The interesting factor for the activists would have been if the local people could be mobilized against the fence that stands for government control of the space. The symbolic content of this action should have been to intervene in the decision making process about one of the biggest inner city open areas in europe. So the constant talking about how hard the police acted and the scandalization of the fact that the police showed a gun to the black block just diverts from the fact that this mobilization failed. It failed because the participants announced they were right with their demands and that they have the legal right to participate in the decision making process, and now feel being treated in an injust way. But this right would in any ways be something that is not existing, because it is only existing in the way of plebiscites that are not officially binding for the local government. Tearing down the fence would have been nothing else than an symbolic act of direct democracy in the normality of capitalist city development.

squat tempelhof cop spraycan pincer


linienstraße 206 demo autonome freiräume
bild von „berlin bleibt dreckig!“ unter cc-by-sa lizenz

eine demo (indy-artikel) mit ein paar hundert leuten zieht durch die straßen, der frontblock* gröhlt in der kastanienallee „yuppies töten ist kein mord“ und leute am lautsprecherwagen dann in der brunnenstraße “ [investorenname] aus der traum, bald liegst du im kofferraum“, auf den fähnchen steht „investoren raus“.

Opening night of the O2 World Berlin

o2 world berlin eröffnung
Picture by Björn Kiezmann, Creative Commons by-nc Licence

Report on some derive and direct research in the protest against the opening of the O2 World in Berlin on Wednesday, the 10th of September 2008

Eröffnung O2 World Berlin

english version available here

o2 world berlin eröffnung
Bild von Björn Kiezmann, Creative Commons by-nc Lizenz

Bericht über ein bisschen Umherschweifen und direkte Untersuchung im Protest gegen die Eröffnung der O2 Arena am Mittwoch den 10. September 2008.
