Flat White


The flibbertigibbet Pope

After two Popes of towering intellectual and spiritual strength, it is difficult to become used to the fact that their…

1 Jul 2017

The peaceful majority are irrelevant

Islam has exported its primitive, age-old and endless Sunni vs Shiite war of religious violence around the world, expanding it…

1 Jul 2017

On a sensitive issue

In 1939 Paul Hasluck published ‘Our Southern Half Caste Natives and their condition.’ It was a pamphlet based on a…

1 Jul 2017

A penance or a curse

If the UK general election had been a military battle it would be taught in Army staff colleges around the…

1 Jul 2017

Business/Robbery etc

What’s left of Australia’s manufacturing industry needs to get its political hands dirty. If it really wants to survive it…

1 Jul 2017

No pie in the sky

The authoritarian attitude of Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has been challenged by Robin Speed, the President of the Rule of…

1 Jul 2017

Deadly self-censorship

Political correctness is eating itself. It’s in very real danger of destroying us, and will do so while apologising for…

1 Jul 2017

True Islam

Each new Islamic terrorist atrocity is denounced by western leaders such as our Prime Minister as a ‘twisted’ or ‘perverted’…

24 Jun 2017

Tom Roberts The sculptor’s studio 1884-85

We may have seen them before, but the prospect of the Australian Impressionism show is very alluring; it has now…

1 Jul 2017

Andrew Nicholl A distant view of Derry through a bank of wild flowers

Last week came the welcome announcement of the State Government’s funding of the major extension, indeed doubling, of the exhibition…

24 Jun 2017

Tom Conroy as Winston Smith

‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.’ That is the arresting opening line…

17 Jun 2017

A N Wilson and Resolution

A sold-out session at the Sydney Writers’ Festival was an indication of public interest in the writer, A. N. Wilson,…

10 Jun 2017

High life

A major Greek ship owner, whose political knowledge matches his wealth and business acumen, explained to me what the Qatar…

1 Jul 2017

Low life

I got up, made a pot of coffee and sat and read the paper. A churchgoing charity worker had stolen…

1 Jul 2017

Real life

Since moving to my dream home in the country a month ago, I’ve only had to fight a parking dispute,…

1 Jul 2017

J.K. Rowling’s schizophrenic politics

On the face of it, there is nothing complicated about the politics of Harry Potter, who made his first appearance…

1 Jul 2017

The turf

Back on the political beat with CNN for the general election, I was reminded how politics is now dominated by…

24 Jun 2017

High life

A famous epigrammatic nugget of wisdom appears in The Leopard, Lampedusa’s great novel about a noble Sicilian family’s fortunes: ‘If…

24 Jun 2017

Whimsical digressions

The practical difficulties of extracting keys from the pockets of tight-fitting trousers while ascending stairs; the logistical hazards of seducing…

1 Jul 2017

Size matters

Trust scientists to ruin all our fun. The spectacularly beautiful 2014 film reboot of Godzilla, it turns out, is anatomically…

1 Jul 2017

Worthy, but wordy

Milan Kundera’s novel Immortality wryly depicts Goethe preparing for immortality — neatly laying out his life in Dichtung und Warheit…

1 Jul 2017

Vice guys

In 1981, an FBI team visited Donald Trump to discuss his plans for a casino in Atlantic City. Trump admitted…

1 Jul 2017

Fad fury

Anthony Warner is angry. He’s angry about diets. He’s angry about detoxes. He’s angry about pseudoscience — and he has…

1 Jul 2017

Two dark tales

Just over halfway through this grim and gripping book, the author describes herself and her girlfriend ‘lying on my bed…

1 Jul 2017

The appeal of mysticism

This extraordinary book has two main characters: Gershom Scholem (1897–1982), an early Zionist and the founder of the modern study…

1 Jul 2017

A choice of first novels

Patty Yumi Cottrell’s blackly comic and sophisticated debut Sorry to Disturb the Peace (And Other Stories, £10) opens with Helen…

1 Jul 2017

Life classes

It has taken much of a celebrated literary life for Elif Batuman to produce a novel. At the beginning of…

1 Jul 2017

Verse and worse

Molly Brodak, a fair, young Polish-American born in Michigan, is a winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize. Iowa: that hotbed…

24 Jun 2017

The disgrace of the British left

Giles Udy did not start out with the intention of writing this book. He was in Russia about 15 years…

24 Jun 2017

Blood and bling

There must be any number of self-respecting gemmologists out there on first-name terms with other diamonds, but for most of…

24 Jun 2017