Thursday, June 29, 2017

Report: "Violence and Terror: Findings on Clandestine Graves in Mexico”

 Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from La Jornada 

        More Than 1000 Clandestine Graves Found in Mexico, 
                Report Confirms and NGO's Denounce

BY: Fernando Camacho Silva
June 22, 2012

Extra Material from TeleSurTV

Mexico City. Throughout the country there are more than a thousand clandestine graves, in which 2,114 human skulls have been found, according to the report Violence and Terror: Findings on Clandestine Graves in Mexico , carried out jointly by various academic and human rights organizations.
During the presentation of the study, Jorge Ruiz and Mónica Meltis, two of the authors of the paper, explained that the methodology of the analysis consisted of gathering hemerographic notes on the subject and data sent by the prosecutors of several states of the Republic , via transparency requests.
Ruiz said that only 12 state procuratorial offices provided information on the clandestine graves found in their territories (Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Coahuila, Durango, Sonora, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Campeche and Quintana Roo), meanwhile the others stated that they had no data on them or were not obliged to provide them.

Zeta leader sentenced to 7 life sentences in United States

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article

Subject Matter: Marciano Milan Vazquez, El Chano, Orejon
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Mauro de la Fuente
Marciano Milan Vazquez alias El  Chano or Orejon, leader of Los Zetas in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, allegedly responsible for the deaths of 300 persons, was sentenced to seven life sentences.

The ruling was announced Wednesday by the Judge of the West District Court in San Antonio, Xavier Rodriguez. Between 2011 and 2012, the Los Zetas cartel ordered the death of 300 people, including women and children, said a witness identified as J. Rodriguez in the Milan Vazquez trial in June of 2016.

The desertion of one of its leaders identified as Mario Alfonso Poncho Cuellar, said, that and internal struggle was unleashed that ended with the elimination of the allies of the latter in the organization.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Ensenada Baja California: 4 bodies thrown on the highway

Ensenada: 4 Bodies discovered on the highway

I struggle to write these "headlines" sometimes.  How can I convey what happened, without sensationalism, but without bland casualness, similar to American local news anchors, who discuss atrocities, degradation with the conviction of discussing office gossip?

They are embarrassed, uncomfortable, bothered only by the intrusion into their other stories, who don't involve brutality, wrenching violence.  

So, I go for a balance.  Try to make it up in the article. But, I don't always feel one.  I wonder who cares?  And how do I care?   Do I write that these can break me, and beat me with the relentlessness....the cruel realities of violence?

Autodefensas form in Quintana Roo

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article

Subject Matter: Autodefensas
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Benito Jimenez
A group of businessmen of Quintana Roo integrated yesterday to auto-defensas to combat the insecurity and corruption in the state. "This venture of auto-defensas is very serious. The violations of the law on the part of the Government are repetitive, we have the proof of the corruption, and the authorities refuse to act."

"Not only are they not acting, they are attacking, intimidating and using death threats and executing people to stop the voices of Quintana Roo", businessman Carlos Mimenza, who heads the group said to Reforma.

Mimenza launched a video in which he figures with another 5 persons, all in black, to advertise that the auto-defensas will watch the functionaries of the state.

The initiative started with the participation of about 20 businessmen who said they felt betrayed by the new Governor, Carlos Joaquin Gonzalez, for new acts of corruption like those registered b in the last sexenio by Roberto Borge, detained in Panama.

Lucero Sánchez Arrested at Otay Mesa Border Crossing

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Debate

                  Lucero Sánchez arrested in California

The former legislator, who is linked to "El Chapo" Guzman, was arrested by the US Border Patrol and is accused of conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

Additional information from UPI
By: Ed Adamczyk June 23, 2017

Baja California.- Around 10:00 am today, June 16, 2017 Lucero Sánchez Lopez, former deputy for the 16th district of Cosalá,  Sinaloa, was arrested by elements of the border patrol  when she tried to cross with a Tijuana visa to San Diego, California from Mexico through the Otay Mesa Border Crossing in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

Francisco Verdugo, a lawyer for the former local deputy, announced that Sánchez López was charged Thursday June 22 with conspiracy to distribute cocaine.


"She was detained by the US government apparently accused of conspiracy, the reason for her presence is that she feels threatened in Mexico," said her  lawyer.

Rafael "Borrego" Chavez, brother of Julio Cesar Chavez, executed in Culiacan

Original article available at SinEmbargo
Translated by El Wachito

Rafael "El Borrego" Chavez, brother of Boxer Julio Cesar Chavez, was executed by gunpoint in his house by a man. According to Omar Chavez Carrasco, his nephew, the execution occured around 22:00 on Sunday, when several armed man ilfiltrated his residency located in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Omar Chavez claimed that "He cant believe it, and that he is seeking justice from the government".

Borrego Chavez in the middle

The authorities informed that he was 53 years old at the moment of his execution. ACcording to the authorities, the execution happened around 23:20, in Rafael's house, which is located in Sexta street and Hilario Medica, south of Culiacan.

It was indicated that a man tried to robbed the brother by threatening the victim with a gun.

Rafael didn't turn in his belongings to the robber, and he shot him several times. The robber ran away from the scene.

US offers FBI help to train Mexican police

Posted by DD from Mexico News Daily

FBI training could 'change history,' says US embassy official

The United States has offered to provide training to 350,000 state and municipal police officers at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, in an effort to better prepare security forces to combat organized crime.

The Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. embassy in Mexico, William Duncan, said the offer was made in recognition of the wave of violence in Mexico caused by the demand for drugs in the U.S. market and because police forces in Mexico are facing the “most ruthless” criminal organizations.

“The U.S. government understands that the security of both countries is directly related, what happens in Mexico affects us and vice versa. Our future prosperity depends on the collective prosperity of the North American region.”

Guerrero lives through 5 days of gun battles

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from Reforma article

Subject Matter: Los Jefes, Los Rojos, Cartel de la Sierra
Recommendation: See link to article on current groups disputing Guerrero

Reporter: Jesus Guerrero
For five consecutive days criminal groups of antagonistic sicarios carried out gun battle in the streets of Chipancingo. Some of these events have happened during the day, and the Police corporations have not detained the alleged criminals.

According to the authorities, the plaza of Chilpancingo is heating up, because of a dispute between the criminal groups of "Los Jefes", against "Los Rojos" and the Cartel de la Sierra.

On Sunday night a gun battle was registered in the 20 of November Colonia, the Guerrero 200 Colonia, and the La Adolfo Viguri Colonia in the south of the City.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"I quit!" says former governor Javier Duarte at his extradition hearing

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat with material from Reforma and Mileno

The ex-governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, appeared at his second hearing before the Third Court of Guatemala.

In the appearance that took place in the Tower of Courts, Javier Duarte accepted the extradition to Mexico, to face charges of the crimes that are imputed to him, as they are, abuse of power, diversion of resources, money laundering, organized crime  among others.

"I have determined to try to face justice in my country. I accept the extradition that the failed government is imposing on  me," he said during the second hearing held in Guatemala.

Los Cabos: Two tons cocaine tossed into the sea

On Monday Elements of the Marina navy secured almost two tons of cocaine that was thrown off a boat into the sea.  This after the suspicions boat was spotted off Los Cabos, in Baja California Sur (BCS).

Initial reports from the Fourth Naval Region reported that 76 packages with a gross weight out of approximately 1,800 kilograms.  The interior of the packages contained cocaine in brick formations. 

PGJE Confirms the Death of Michoacan Journalist Salvador Adame

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Proceso

Michoacan Journalist Salvador Adame Pardo
Missing for over a month

By: Francisco Castellanos J.
June 26, 2017

MORELIA, Mich. (Apro) .- The Attorney General of the State (PGJE) confirmed the death of journalist Salvador Adame Pardo, whose remains were found on Friday 14 in the Barranca del Diablo, municipality of Gabriel Zamora.
The head of the PGJE, Martin Godoy Castro, confirmed the location of the corpse of the jounalist, who was allegedly killed by drug trafficker Feliciano L. " El Chano" Ledezma. The body was found calcinated (burned), but it will be the PGJE that determines the cause of his death, after performing the necropsy of law.

Monday, June 26, 2017

15 Kidnapped from Culiacán Restaurant

From El Debate Posted by Guasa

Culiacan, Sinaloa.- An armed group stormed the Mar and Sea restaurant and deprived about 15 people of their freedom, including a pair of musicians.

The restaurant located at the convergence of the boulevards Sánchez Alonso and Diego Valadez.

It was at 00:30 hours, when several vehicles, including carrying a large group of men with high-powered weapons,  who exited  stormed the premises of a restaurant.

When the evening was abruptly interrupted, the guests tried to flee, but all exits had been blocked by gunmen.

Local employees were forced to the floor and stripped of their cell phones and wallets, while the male clients were taken from the premises.   The ladies present were not bothered, according to a witness's version.

The restaurant was about to close, in fact some customers were already saying leaving in anticipation of its closing,  when the gunmen arrived," said one eyewitness.

Tamaulipas State Police Commanders receive training from the United States

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article

Subject Matter: Tamaulipas State Police
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Benito Lopez
With resources from the Merida Initiative, 63 Commanders of the Tamaulipas State Police received training from certified instructors sent by the United States.

The training focused on front line leadership to deal with better strategies for organized crime. The head of Political and Economic Affairs of the United States Consulate in Matamoros, Jose Gutierrez, said that this was the first of its kind since the creation of the bi-national security support program.

"The project seeks to provide training to the front line supervisors, and is a joint effort between the United States and Mexico to strengthen security and support the development of Police in Tamaulipas", he said.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Colombian War Fed by Mexican Cartels

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Proceso

By Rafael Croda

Tumaco is a municipality of Colombia with the largest amount of coca leaf crops: 28 thousand hectares that can produce 190 tons of cocaine a year. Its port is currently the main Colombian drug outlet to the United States, Europe and Asia, and is at the same time the largest drug supply center for Mexican cartels. After the withdrawal of the FARC from this territory, different criminal gangs wage a war for their own control, a struggle that Mexican drug trafficking organizations feed with money and arms.

TUMACO, Colombia (Proceso) .- The information that a criminal delinquent gave to the police was precise: on a bank of the Mira River, only 12 kilometers southwest of the urban center of the port of Tumaco, five Mexicans had stored a large amount of cocaine to be sent to the coast of the Mexican state of Colima.

Port City of Tumaco, Colombia
"They are from Sinaloa (allegedly from the Sinaloa Cartel) and gathered two tons,  they moved it near a creek to a hiding place under the ground,"  said the informant, who had attended a meeting in which Mexicans, who were moving into the Tumaco region discretely, to close a deal with their Colombian partners.
According to an intelligence report of the National Police of Colombia (PNC), to which this weekly (Proceso) had access, the Mexicans negotiated the drug price at $1,800 per kilo, which means that the total transaction was for $3.4 million dollars to be paid in cash to its suppliers, half to be received  with the first delivery at a house near the bank of the Mira River and the rest to be paid at the completion of the delivery of  the two tons of cocaine.
The money came to them by  a boat which had picked up two sacks thrown over board    from a  fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean, not far from the Tumaco coast, and transported the bundles down the Mira River to the Mexicans in a mangrove swamp.

Typical Cocaine "Processing Facility" in the Colombian Jungle 
The five "Sinaloa" envoys were led by a tall, white man with a thick mustache and long hair called Puma. The other four were of brown complexion; two of them were called Polo and Flaco.