Taika Waititi’s Simple Punter’s Guide To Being ‘Just A Little Bit Racist’


The rising New Zealand star is determined to help keep racism alive. And you can help too.

It’s now a matter of indisputable fact that Taika Waititi – the director of the soon-to-be released Marvel movie Thor – is already an accomplished film-maker.

He wrote and appeared in what is, if not the funniest movie in history, certainly home to the funniest funeral scene every captured. We won’t spoil it for you, but if you’ve never seen Hunt For The Wilderpeople, you’re definitely missing out.

Waititi’s latest undertaking, however, is a little more serious… although it still manages to be pretty funny.

The famed Maori director is starring in a New Zealand Human Rights Commission campaign which urges fellow Kiwis to #givenothingtoracism

But in true Waititi style, he’s take a slightly different slant. He’s hoping to guide people towards giving what they can, to help keep racism alive.

http://bit.ly/2sparkkebubbles“As New Zealander of the Year, I’m calling on every one of my fellow Kiwis to help support a very important cause… Racism needs your help to survive,” says Waititi.

“You may not be in a position to give much to racism, but whatever you feel comfortable giving, will make a huge difference.

“You don’t have to be a full on racist, just being a tiny bit racist is enough.”

We won’t spoil the rest of the clip, but there’s a few more zingers which anyone on the receiving end of ‘white power’ will identify strongly with.

You can find out more about the ‘Give Nothing To Racism’ campaign here. And you can follow Taika Waititi’s very excellent Twitter feed here.

And while you’re at it, you can ponder why the Kiwis do this stuff so much better than we do.

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