Part A: Definitions and Interpretations


means your Corporate Account and each of your Product Accounts.

Account Data
means the transactional data relating to your Accounts, including win/loss history, turnover history, bet type selection and responsible gambling activity.

Australian Consumer Law
means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

means the online service set up by you to play your selected Lotto games automatically.

Cash Out
means the fixed price betting feature described in section 15 of Part D and section 12 of Part E.

means any claim, action, proceeding, litigation, obligation, investigation or demand made against the person concerned however it arises and whether it is present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent of whatever description.

Corporate Account
means your account with Tatts Online.

Designated Account
means the account nominated by you for withdrawals from your Account (refer to section 10 of Part B).

Golden Casket
means Golden Casket Lottery Corporation Limited ACN 078 785 449.

means that there has been no deposit, withdrawal, Product purchase, dividend or prize won or paid, on all of your Accounts.

Inactive Account
means that your Corporate Account has been Inactive for a continuous period of at least fourteen months or has otherwise been deemed Inactive by us in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

means, in respect of the Products of:

  1. UBET QLD – Wagering Act 1998 (Qld);
  2. UBET SA – Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000 (SA);
  3. UBET NT – Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act (NT) and the Racing and Betting Act (NT);
  4. UBET TAS – Gaming Control Act 1993 (Tas);
  5. Golden Casket – Lotteries Act 1997 (Qld);
  6. Tattersall's Sweeps (including Pty Ltd) – Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (Vic);
  7. NSW Lotteries – Public Lotteries Act 1996 (NSW),
  8. Tatts NT – Gaming Control Act (NT) and the Soccer Football Pools Act (NT),
  9. SA Lotteries – State Lotteries Act 1966 (SA),

and all ordinances, by-laws, regulations or other statutory documents issued under each of the documents set out above.

means any debt or other monetary liability or obligation however it arises and whether it is present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent of whatever description.

includes any direct, indirect or consequential loss, loss of chance, damage, Liability, cost or expense however it arises and whether it is present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent of whatever description.

means a person who has been accepted by us as either a Restricted Member or an Unrestricted Member (as applicable) following submission of an application for registration.

Nominated Pre-commitment Limit
means your nominated monetary limit on Products that can be purchased by you over a specified period of time.

NSW Lotteries
means New South Wales Lotteries Corporation Pty Ltd ACN 142 890 195 and ABN 27 410 374 474.

Predictive Monitoring
means the use of data algorithms and models to support the identification of customers who may be at risk of problem gambling.

Politically Exposed Person
means a politically exposed person as defined in the Commonwealth Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No.1)

means wagering and lottery products and services as supplied by the Product Suppliers and any other products and services that we are lawfully able to supply from time to time.

Product Accounts
means your account with one or more of the Product Suppliers.

Product Suppliers

  1. for wagering products:
    for residents of Queensland, UBET QLD and UBET NT[1];
    for residents of South Australia, UBET SA and UBET NT[1];
    for residents of Tasmania, UBET TAS and UBET NT[1];
    for residents of selected international jurisdictions and all Australian jurisdictions other than Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory who created their wagering Product Account on or before 26/03/2012, UBET NT; otherwise, UBET TAS and UBET NT[1];
  2. for lottery products:
    for residents of Victoria and Tasmania, Pty Ltd ACN 060 353 195 on behalf of Tattersall's Sweeps;
    for residents of the Northern Territory and selected international jurisdictions, Pty Ltd ACN 060 353 195 on behalf of Tatts NT;
    for residents of Queensland, Golden Casket;
    for residents of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, NSW Lotteries;
    for residents of South Australia, Tatts SA as master agent for the Lotteries Commission of South Australia.

Related Body Corporate
has the meaning given in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Restricted Member
means a person whose identity, age and place of residence have not been verified in accordance with our identification procedures. A Restricted Member includes a person who has advised us of a change to their personal details, which has not been verified in accordance with our identification procedures.

means the rules made by each of the Product Suppliers that govern the supply of their Products, as approved by the relevant gambling regulator (if necessary).

Tattersall's Sweeps
means Tattersall's Sweeps Pty Ltd ACN 081 925 662.

Tatts SA
means Tatts Lotteries SA Pty Ltd ACN 146 245 007 acting as master agent for the Lotteries Commission of South Australia.

Tatts Group
means Tatts Group Limited and its Related Bodies Corporate.

Tatts Group Limited
means Tatts Group Limited ACN 108 686 040.

Tatts NT
means Tatts NT Lotteries Pty Ltd ACN 146 244 984.

Tatts Online
means Tatts Online Pty Ltd ACN 149 493 694.

Terms and Conditions
means the terms and conditions applicable to you as specified in section 1.2 of Part B, including the terms and conditions for your Corporate Account and Product Accounts.

Third Parties
means any person who is not you or Tatts Group.

Third Party Facilitators
means a banking or financial institution or other financial service provider that facilitates the transfer of funds to your Accounts.

Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider
means a provider of identification verification services or a ‘credit reporting agency’ as defined in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

means the wagering businesses conducted by UBET QLD, UBET SA, UBET NT and UBET TAS.

means UBET NT Pty Ltd ACN 092 655 831.

means UBET QLD Limited ACN 085 691 738.

means UBET SA Pty Ltd ACN 097 719 107.

means UBET TAS Pty Ltd ACN 095 972 106.

Unrestricted Member
means a person whose full name, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures.

us, our and we

  1. For Parts A and B, Tatts Online and each relevant Product Supplier;
  2. For Part C, Tatts Online;
  3. For Part D, your Product Supplier for wagering products (i.e. either UBET QLD, UBET SA, UBET NT or UBET TAS, as applicable);
  4. For Part E, UBET NT;
  5. For Part F, Golden Casket;
  6. For Part G, NSW Lotteries;
  7. For Part H, Pty Ltd;
  8. For Part I, Tatts SA; and
  9. For Part J, Pty Ltd. Golden Casket, NSW Lotteries.


  1. For Parts A and B, the following websites:;;;;;
  2. For Part C,;
  3. For Parts D and E,;
  4. For Part F,;
  5. For Part G,;
  6. For Part H,;
  7. For Part I,


In these terms:

  1. headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
  2. a reference to a “person” includes an individual, the estate of an individual, a corporation, an authority, an association or a joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a partnership and a trust;
  3. a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
  4. if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
  5. references to any legislation or to any section or provision of any legislation includes reference to that legislation as amended, re-enacted or replaced;
  6. a reference to “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation; and
  7. a reference to “$” or “dollar” is to Australian currency.

Part B: Common Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

    1. You will only be able to offer to purchase Products from the Product Suppliers using the Websites if you have made and we have accepted your application for registration with us.
    2. By establishing Accounts with us, you agree to be bound by Part A (Definitions and Interpretations), Part B (Common Terms and Conditions), Part C (Tatts Online Terms and Conditions) and the specific terms and conditions applicable to your Product Accounts (Parts D – I).
      A Definitions and Interpretation Applicable to all Accounts.
      B Common Terms and Conditions Applicable to all Accounts.
      C Tatts Online Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Corporate Account.
      D UBET Terms and Conditions Applicable to Product Accounts with UBET QLD, UBET SA, UBET NT and UBET TAS and all Products and services available through that Product Account (excluding Products and services supplied by UBET NT pursuant to Part E).
      E UBET NT Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Product Account with UBET NT and all Products and services available through that Product Account (excluding Products and services supplied by UBET NT pursuant to Part D).
      F Golden Casket Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Product Account with Golden Casket and all Products and services available through that Product Account.
      G NSW Lotteries Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Product Account with NSW Lotteries and all Products and services available through that Product Account.
      H Pty Ltd Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Product Account with Pty Ltd (as an agent of Tattersall's Sweeps and Tatts NT) and all Products and services available through that Product Account.
      I Tatts SA Terms and Conditions Applicable to a Product Account with Tatts SA (as master agent for the Lotteries Commission of South Australia) and all Products and services available through that Product Account.
      J Autoplay Functionality The automatic purchasing of a specific entry in a lottery based on the functionality requested by you at the time you set it up.
    3. If particular types or styles of Products are unavailable for purchase or if particular Websites are not operational, then the relevant Terms and Conditions will only be operative if and when such types or styles of Products are available or such Websites are operational.
    4. You must carefully read through the Terms and Conditions which apply to you.
    5. If there is an inconsistency between Part B (Common Terms and Conditions) and any of the terms and conditions contained in the Product Supplier or Tatts Online terms and conditions (Parts C – I), the terms and conditions in Parts C – I will prevail to the extent of any such inconsistency.
    6. The Terms and Conditions are subject to the Legislation. In the event of any conflict between the Terms and Conditions and the Legislation, the Legislation will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.
  2. Our agreement with you – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

    1. The Terms and Conditions govern all aspects of your transactions with us.
    2. By establishing Accounts you represent to us that you have read, understood and accept that you will be bound by the applicable Terms and Conditions.
    3. We strongly advise that you seek legal advice should you require assistance with, or an explanation of, any of the Terms and Conditions.
  3. Warning and Warranty

    1. The accessibility and operation of the Websites rely on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of the Websites.
    2. We may from time-to-time close or limit access to the Websites for various reasons including, for example, scheduled downtime.
    3. While considerable care has been taken in compiling and updating the content and information on the Websites we do not guarantee the accuracy of such content and information and as such it is used at your own risk.
    4. From time to time, the Websites may contain links to other internet sites not operated by us. We do not control those sites and as such:
      1. are not responsible for their content; and
      2. these links do not indicate endorsement by us or support of any goods, services or content on those sites.
    5. We cannot and do not guarantee that files available for downloading from the Websites will be free of viruses, or other codes that may corrupt or infect your computer. You are solely responsible for implementing virus checking and other procedures to prevent any such corruption or infection.
    6. We may at any time and without notice amend the help pages and other procedures and explanatory information displayed on or accessible from the Websites.
  4. Indemnity and Limitation of Liability

    1. Nothing in this section 4 affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our Products come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, we will not be liable to you for any Loss, Claim or Liability arising from or deemed or alleged to have arisen from or caused by the Websites or their content, including without limitation your or any other person's use or misuse of any content on the Websites, your use or your inability to use the Websites, delays in operation or transmission, communication line failures, or any errors or omissions in content save to the extent that such Loss, Claim or Liability arises directly from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents.
    3. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, our officers, employees and agents from and against any Claims, Loss and Liabilities:
      1. arising directly or indirectly out of your use of the Websites and any content on the Websites; or
      2. from any violation by you of the Terms and Conditions (including negligent or wrongful conduct by you or any other person accessing the Websites),
      except for any Loss, Claim or Liability which results directly from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of our officers, employees or agents.
  5. Registration

    1. You will only be able to offer to purchase Products from Product Suppliers if you have made and we have accepted your application for registration.
    2. Upon our acceptance of your application for registration:
      1. Tatts Online will open a Corporate Account in your name;
      2. the relevant Product Suppliers will open Product Accounts in your name;
      3. you will be able to make deposits into your Accounts;
      4. you will be able to offer to purchase Products from Product Suppliers who have opened a Product Account in your name; and
      5. you will be registered as a Restricted Member for all your Accounts until such time as your full name, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures.
    3. You can only make an application for registration as a Member:
      1. if you are an individual person (unless otherwise specified in the Terms and Conditions or agreed by us);
      2. if you are at least 18 years of age (or older if so required by any laws applicable in your place of residence or in any jurisdiction in which you are located when transacting with us);
      3. if you are not currently excluded from acquiring any Products for any reason; and
      4. where such registration and the opening of Accounts with us does not contravene any law applicable to your place of residence or in any jurisdiction in which you are located when transacting with us.
    4. When you make an application for registration you provide us with certain information including whether you are a Politically Exposed Person and to certify the information provided is true and correct. It is your ongoing responsibility to inform us of any changes in the information you have given us. We rely on this information being true, correct and not misleading. If the information is untrue, incorrect or misleading in any material way:
      1. we may cancel or suspend your Accounts;
      2. each relevant Product Supplier may cancel and dishonour any Product purchases or offers to purchase Products made by you; and
      3. where you have committed a serious breach of this section 5.4, including where there has been a breach of law, each relevant Product Supplier may retain (or recover from you) the value of those Product purchases and any winnings paid to you.
    5. To become an Unrestricted Member, we must verify your full name, age and place of residence in accordance with our identification procedures and you authorise us to make such enquiries as we consider necessary in our discretion to verify the personal information provided by you. Full information on our identification procedures can be found on the Websites.
    6. In order to verify your identity, we may disclose your name, residential address and date of birth to a Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider and ask the Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider to provide an assessment of whether the personal information so provided matches (in whole or in part) personal information contained in reports from the service provider in the possession or control of the Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider to assist in verifying your identity for the purposes of the Commonwealth Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. The Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider may prepare and provide us with such an assessment and may use your personal information including the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in reports from the service provider of you and other individuals for the purposes of preparing such an assessment. Any assessment provided by a Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider will only be used by us for the purpose of verifying your identity in accordance with the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. If you disagree with having your identity verified by a Third Party Identity Verification Service Provider and you wish to undertake an alternative ID verification process, please contact us on 13 19 39 or +61 7 3632 6000 in the manner set out in section 17.5.4 of this Part B prior to accepting these terms and conditions so that we can discuss other options with you.
    7. For as long as you are a Restricted Member you cannot:
      1. close any of your Accounts; or
      2. withdraw funds from any of your Accounts, irrespective of whether such funds were deposited by you or are winnings or other moneys in any of your Accounts.
      If you are a Restricted Member, further restrictions may apply to your Product Accounts. Refer to the specific terms and conditions applicable to your Product Accounts (Parts D – I).
    8. When you make an application for registration and each time you make an offer to purchase Products from Product Suppliers, you warrant to us that you are legally entitled to:
      1. apply for registration;
      2. deposit funds with us; and
      3. purchase Products and receive winnings from Product Suppliers.
      You warrant that all of the above will not in any way violate any law applicable to your place of residence or in any jurisdiction in which you are located when transacting with us.
    9. We do not agree to:
      1. accept your application for registration;
      2. accept your deposit or request for withdrawal of funds;
      3. accept your offer to make Product purchases from Product Suppliers; or
      4. pay you any winnings,
      while you are prohibited by any law from such activity. We therefore rely upon your warranties in section 5.7 of this Part B and you indemnify us from any Loss, Claim or Liability arising from those warranties being incorrect.
    10. The Product Suppliers do not guarantee to accept any offers you make to purchase Products and may refuse to do so in their absolute discretion without notice to you and without giving reasons.
    11. You may be asked to update or clarify or provide further information from time to time under our ‘know your customer’ obligations imposed by the Commonwealth Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. Any failure by you to respond satisfactorily to a request for further information will entitle us to immediately suspend or close your Accounts under section 12.4.
  6. Use of your Accounts

    1. Unless otherwise agreed by us, at our absolute discretion, you may only have one Corporate Account and one Product Account with each Product Supplier with whom you are lawfully entitled to apply for registration.
    2. If we reasonably believe that you have more than one Product Account with the same Product Supplier, we may at any time, without notice to you, combine the balance of those Product Accounts and close any duplicate Product Accounts with us, unless we know that the Product Accounts:
      1. are not held by the same person; or
      2. are held in different capacities.
      We will give you notice promptly after we combine your Product Accounts and close any duplicate Product Accounts.
    3. Your Account has been established solely for the purpose of supply by the Product Supplier of Products to you. You may only use funds credited to your Corporate Account and Product Accounts for the purchase of Products, and not for any other purpose. Without limiting the foregoing, your Accounts may not be used by you to transfer money to Third Parties, to purchase products or services offered by Third Parties, to make payments to Third Parties or as a bank account.
    4. Your funds will be held in one or more of Tatts Group's general accounts and you consent to those funds being invested on short term money markets or in interest bearing accounts. No interest will be payable by us on funds standing to the credit of your Accounts.
    5. Tatts Online and each relevant Product Supplier hold your funds on trust for you.
    6. Only you may transact on your Accounts. We do not recognise or acknowledge anyone other than you, as Account holder, in relation to the Accounts or any transactions on them or funds contained in them.
  7. Account Security and Responsibility for Your Accounts

    1. You are responsible for all of the obligations arising out of or in relation to your application for registration and your Accounts.
    2. When you apply for registration, you will be allocated a username and required to nominate a password and to provide other verification information. If we accept your application for registration, your username will be confirmed by email to the email address specified by you in your application for registration.
    3. In order to access your Accounts and offer to purchase Products, you must authenticate your identity by entering your username and password or using such alternative authentication mechanism as we may make available from time to time.
    4. It is your responsibility to ensure that:
      1. no other person accesses the Websites or purchases Products via the Websites using your username, password or your Accounts;
      2. you do not disclose your username or password or other verification information to anyone,
      because you will be responsible for any use of your Accounts and Products purchased by any other person using your Accounts and we have no Liability for any Loss to you or others in this regard and your Accounts will be charged accordingly for such purchases and any associated fees and charges.
    5. You may change your password or other verification information or suspend access to your Accounts at any time by contacting us in the manner set out in section 17.5.4 of this Part B. If you inadvertently disclose your password to anyone you should immediately contact us and/or change your password.
  8. Purchasing of Products and Payment of Winnings

    1. The manner in which you may offer to purchase Products using your Accounts is provided on each Product Supplier's Website.
    2. Product Suppliers will only accept offers to purchase Products from Members in whose names an Account has been opened and where sufficient funds are available in the Member's Accounts to purchase the Products.
    3. Your offer to purchase a Product is not a valid purchase until it:
      1. is accepted by the Product Supplier; and
      2. is recorded in the computer system of the Product Supplier as a valid purchase.
    4. We may, at our discretion, refuse a proposed purchase.
    5. You must check the details of the Product that you purchase at the time of purchase, to ensure that it is exactly the same type of Product you intended to purchase and that no error has occurred during the purchasing process.
    6. The Product Suppliers:
      1. do not guarantee to accept offers made by you to purchase Products; and
      2. subject to any relevant provisions in the Legislation, may cancel a purchase made by you where you have committed a material breach of these Terms and Conditions (e.g. if you were under age at the time of purchase) or where such cancellation is made in accordance with the Legislation.
    7. The records of the relevant Product Supplier from whom you purchased a Product are conclusive evidence of and are deemed to be the true and correct record of the Product purchased. Product Suppliers will not recognise computer printouts and other records provided by you as evidence of your purchase of Products.
    8. Offers from you to purchase Products must be received by the relevant Product Supplier prior to the deadline for the submission of offers otherwise your offer to purchase will not be processed and will be declined. The respective deadlines are shown in the help pages on the Websites.
    9. In circumstances where you have commenced making an offer to purchase which cannot be completed for any reason (e.g. as a result of a failure or break in your connection to the internet or in the connection between you and the Websites or between the Websites and the internet) if the offer to purchase Products is subsequently accepted prior to the relevant deadlines, that offer will stand and once accepted your relevant Account will be debited for the cost of the Product.
    10. If the Websites or the computer systems of the Product Suppliers experience any form of malfunction during the:
      1. receipt of an offer by you to purchase Products;
      2. process by means of which the relevant computer system attempts to give effect to your offer; or
      3. relevant Product Supplier's confirmation of its acceptance of your offer to purchase,
      and the relevant Product Supplier is unable to recover or verify the status of that offer to purchase Products during data recovery, then such unfinished or interrupted offer to purchase Products will be deemed void and not to have been placed. Any necessary adjustments will be made to your Accounts.
    11. Offers to purchase Products may be refused if we reasonably suspect or know that the relevant Product Supplier's computer system failed to function in the manner in which it was designed and programmed to function.
    12. Cancellation of a Product purchased by you is subject to the Terms and Conditions of each Product Supplier.
    13. If your offer to purchase Products is accepted by the relevant Product Supplier, you authorise Tatts Online to transfer from your Corporate Account to your relevant Product Account such amount as the Product Supplier notifies it is necessary to purchase your selected Products and your Corporate Account will be debited in this amount.
    14. From the time you become an Unrestricted Member, if you are entitled to receive winnings from a Product Supplier, you authorise each relevant Product Supplier to transfer all winnings from your relevant Product Account to your Corporate Account upon payment by the Product Supplier into your Product Account. For as long as you remain as a Restricted Member, all winnings received by you (if any) will remain in your relevant Product Account.
  9. Depositing funds into your Accounts

    1. Information regarding how to make deposits is provided on the Websites and on the Deposit Funds page in the Your Account section of the Website.
    2. You may deposit funds into your Accounts by:
      1. charging to certain credit cards accepted by us, subject to section 9.7 of this Part B;
      2. any other service we may make available from time to time in the manner shown on the Websites which includes deposit by BPAY®[2] and transfer from your bank account.
    3. We may change the manner in which deposits can be made (including cancelling or suspending any deposit method) at any time and we will notify you of these changes as soon as practicable.
    4. When you make a deposit with us you are using a facility offered by one or more Third Party Facilitators and your use of those facilities is subject to the terms and conditions of use stipulated by those Third Party Facilitators.
    5. Deposits of funds into your Accounts will only be recognised when we have received confirmation from the Third Parties referred to in section 9.4 of this Part B that the funds have been cleared for our use.
    6. We try to ensure that the balances of your Accounts are correct at all times. Nevertheless, you should check the balances of your Accounts and transaction history frequently and bring any apparent disparity to our attention immediately by contacting us.
    7. Deposits made by credit card are subject to the following terms:
      1. Deposits may only be made by a credit card issued in your name. If you use a credit card issued in the name of a Third Party to deposit funds to your account we may, at our discretion, remove the credit card from your account or close your account. Subject to any rights available to you under the law, we may not refund deposits made to your account by the use of a credit card issued in the name of a third party.
      2. You may not withdraw funds deposited to your Accounts received via a credit card.
      3. Unused credit card deposits will only be transferred back (on request) to the card from which they were deposited. No other funds will be transferred back to your credit card.
      4. You may cancel the authority to deposit funds via a credit card at any time by notifying us in accordance with section 17.5.4 of this Part B.
      5. Deposits by credit card may be considered a cash advance by the issuer of your credit card and may attract interest from your issuer accordingly. You should contact your issuer for further information.
      6. We reserve the right to deny this service to any Member and may withdraw this service from you at any time.
    8. We may from time to time impose limitations on your Accounts. The limitations (if any) are shown on the Websites. We will notify you of any or all of the following changes to limitations on deposits to your Accounts:
      1. minimum deposits;
      2. maximum deposits (including maximum total deposits over a particular period of time);
      3. minimum balances; and
      4. maximum balances (if we impose a maximum balance for your Accounts you must not make deposits which would take the balance of your Accounts beyond that maximum balance).
    9. No interest will be payable by us on funds standing to the credit of your Accounts.
    10. In the event that funds are credited to any of your Accounts in error, it is your responsibility to notify us of the error at the earliest opportunity. Unless we notify you to the contrary, any transactions resulting from the error will be void.
  10. Withdrawing Funds from Your Accounts

    1. Information regarding how to make withdrawals from your Accounts is provided on the Websites and on the Withdraw funds page of the Your Accounts section of the Website.
    2. If you are an Unrestricted Member, you may withdraw funds from your Accounts by any of the services we make available from time to time in the manner shown on the Websites, which includes direct credit to your Designated Account.
    3. If you are a Restricted Member you cannot withdraw funds from any of your Accounts.
    4. If you request us to make payments directly to you, we will only make payments to your registered address or Designated Account, unless otherwise agreed by us. We will not be liable for any delayed or lost mail nor will we be liable if you do not receive your withdrawn funds as a result of any incorrect information provided by you to us.
    5. We may:
      1. place a stop payment on any cheque that is issued to you;
      2. temporarily block your Accounts if we consider that payment of such cheque or the continued operation of such Accounts is illegal or constitutes an offence; and
      3. withhold payments of any nature and void all your winnings if you have committed a serious breach of section 5.4 of this Part B, including where there has been a breach of law.
    6. We may from time to time impose limitations on withdrawals from your Accounts. The limitations (if any) are shown on the Websites. We will notify you of any or all of the following changes to limitations on your Accounts:
      1. minimum withdrawals;
      2. maximum withdrawals;
      3. minimum balances; and
      4. maximum balances.
  11. Inactive and Dormant Accounts

    1. If there have been no transactions on your Corporate Account (either by depositing funds into or withdrawing funds (including winnings) from your Accounts or purchasing Products) for a continuous period of 13 months, we may give you notice that if your Corporate Account continues to be Inactive for a further 1 month period immediately following our notice to you, we will charge your Corporate Account an account maintenance fee of $5.50 per month (including GST) from the time that your Corporate Account becomes an Inactive Account and for as long as your Corporate Account remains Inactive. This fee represents the reasonable costs incurred by us in maintaining your Corporate Account throughout extended periods of inactivity. If we do not give you notice, no account maintenance fee will be charged.
    2. We will cease charging an account maintenance fee if you transact on one or more of your Accounts (either by purchasing Products, or depositing funds into or withdrawing funds (including winnings) from your Accounts), if you instruct us to close all of your Accounts, or if your Corporate Account has a zero balance.
    3. If you have a Product Account with UBET TAS and there have been no transactions on your Product Account (either by depositing funds into or withdrawing funds (including winnings) from your Product Account, purchasing Products using your Product Account or logging into your Product Account) for a continuous period of 24 months, your account will be deemed to be dormant.
    4. All dormant accounts will be closed and UBET TAS will, as soon as reasonably practicable, remit to you the balance of your Product Account, less applicable costs, fees and charges (refer to section 13 of this Part B) by cheque made out to you and posted to your last known residential address. If you cannot be located, then the outstanding balance of your Product Account with UBET TAS will be paid to the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance in accordance with the Legislation. UBET TAS dormant account balances may be claimed by submitting a claim to:

      The Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance
      GPO Box 147
      HOBART TAS 7001

      Ph: (03) 6233 2948 (03) 6166 4188
      Fax: (03) 6233 3697

  12. Suspension or Closure of your Accounts

    1. We may suspend or close any of your Accounts at any time by giving you at least 30 days' notice. You may continue to use your Accounts in accordance with the Terms and Conditions during the notice period.
    2. You may suspend any of your Accounts or, if you are an Unrestricted Member, you may close any of your Accounts, at any time by notifying us in accordance with section 17.5.4 of this Part B and requesting that any of your Accounts be suspended or closed. You must become an Unrestricted Member before you can close any of your Accounts.
    3. While any one or more of your Accounts is suspended, you will not be able to:
      1. deposit funds to the relevant suspended Accounts;
      2. purchase Products using funds standing to the credit of the relevant suspended Accounts; or
      3. withdraw funds from the relevant suspended Accounts,
      until the suspension on your relevant Accounts is lifted. We are not liable to you in any form for your inability to use your Accounts while they are suspended.
    4. If you have committed a material breach of the Terms and Conditions including, for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that any of your Accounts:
      1. may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions; or
      2. has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use,
      then we may immediately suspend or close your Accounts.
    5. If we suspend or close your Accounts pursuant to section 12.4 of this Part B, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you and provide our reasons for suspending or closing your Accounts.
    6. Subject to section 12.8 of this Part B, if at the time when your Accounts are closed:
      1. you are an Unrestricted Member; and
      2. the balance of your Accounts is $10.00 or more,
      we will, as soon as reasonably practicable, remit to you the balance of your Accounts, less applicable costs, fees and charges (refer to section 13 of this Part B) by electronic transfer to your Designated Account or by cheque made out to you and posted to your residential address, unless otherwise agreed by us.
    7. Subject to section 12.8 of this Part B, if at the time when your Accounts are closed:
      1. you are an Unrestricted Member; and
      2. the total balance of your Accounts is less than $10.00,
      the total balance of your Accounts, less applicable costs, fees and charges (refer to section 13 of this Part B), will be available for collection from the following locations for a period of 90 days following the closure of your Accounts:
      • Level 1, 411 Collins Street, Victoria 3000
      • 87 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba, Queensland 4102
      • 240 Sandgate Road, Albion, Queensland 4010
      • 1 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park, New South Wales 2127
      • 188 Richmond Road, Marleston, South Australia 5033
      • 69 Progress Drive, Nightcliff, Northern Territory 0810.
      • 6 Goodwood Road, Glenorchy, Tasmania 7010.
      • 188 Richmond Road, Marleston, SA 5033
      You will be required to provide photo identification prior to payment being made to you. If funds are not collected within 90 days following the closure of your Accounts, your Corporate Account will be deemed to be an Inactive Account and we will commence to charge your Corporate Account an account maintenance fee of $5.50 per month (including GST) commencing on the expiry of the 90 day period. We will cease charging an account maintenance fee when your Corporate Account has a zero balance.
    8. If at the time when your Accounts are closed you:
      1. are an Unrestricted Member; and
      2. have Product purchases which have not been resulted,
      we will send you the proceeds from those purchases, if any, after the results of all such purchases have been determined and in accordance with any applicable time periods stipulated in the Rules, less applicable costs, fees and charges (refer to section 13 of this Part B) by electronic transfer to your Designated Account or by cheque made out to you and posted to your residential address, unless otherwise agreed by us.
    9. The provisions of sections 12.6, 12.7 and 12.8 of this Part B do not apply where you have closed your Accounts within 30 days of our notifying you of a change to the Terms and Conditions. Where your Accounts are closed in these circumstances, provided that you are an Unrestricted Member, we will, as soon as reasonably practicable, remit to you the balance of your Accounts, if any, without any additional fees or charges, by electronic transfer to your Designated Account or by cheque made out to you and posted to your residential address, unless otherwise agreed by us. The proceeds, if any, from any Product purchases which have not been resulted at that time will be sent to you after the results of all such purchases have been determined and in accordance with any applicable time periods stipulated in the Rules, by electronic transfer to your Designated Account or by cheque made out to you at your residential address, unless otherwise agreed by us.
  13. Fees and recovery of funds

    1. We will not impose entry fees, exit fees or fees for the management of your Accounts (excluding account maintenance fees for which we may debit your Accounts). We will give you notice of the introduction or increase of any fee at least 30 days before the change.
    2. Except where otherwise specified, we reserve the right to recover from you any fees, costs, losses, charges, taxes, imposts, levies or duties imposed on us by a Third Party and which we incur:
      1. in providing services to you;
      2. in respect of Products purchased by you;
      3. in relation to a deposit of funds credited to your Accounts, including:
        1. charges arising from a dishonoured cheque;
        2. credit card transaction fees; and
        3. charges in obtaining authorisation or confirmation from the relevant financial institution that the funds will be credited to our bank account;
      4. if a deposit of funds credited to your Account is made fraudulently, incorrectly or in an unauthorised manner;
      5. in transferring funds to you from any of your Accounts; or
      6. otherwise in respect of the Terms and Conditions,
      and you hereby authorise us to effect such recovery by:
      1. demand in which case the relevant amount will be payable on demand; or
      2. debiting any of your Accounts by the relevant amount, subject to any limitation imposed by law.
    3. We reserve the right to recover from you any amount (whether as a prize, dividend or otherwise) that is credited to any of your Accounts in error.
    4. We may at our discretion waive any fee or charge to your Accounts to which we are entitled. Our failure to collect any fee or charge which applies to your Accounts does not give rise to a waiver of that fee or charge in the future.
  14. Responsible Gambling and Self-Exclusion

    1. We are committed to responsible gambling. You should visit our responsible gambling pages on the Websites for information about responsible gambling and self-exclusion.
    2. As part of our ongoing commitment to responsible gambling, we engage in Predictive Monitoring to assist us in providing support to customers who may be experiencing problems with their gambling. By creating an account with us, you consent to us using your Account Data as part of these activities.
    3. We may in our absolute discretion temporarily or permanently close any or all of your Accounts and exclude you from purchasing any or all Products or using our services. If we do this, we will remit the total balance of your Accounts to you in accordance with section 12 of this Part B.
    4. You may self-exclude from purchasing any Products from the Websites. The process for self-exclusion and terms and conditions which apply to self-exclusion are shown on the Self Manage pages on the Your Accounts section of the Websites.
    5. During any period of self-exclusion you:
      1. must abide by the obligations as stated in the self-exclusion notice;
      2. must not enter any of the Websites or attempt to use any of your Accounts from which you have been excluded under false pretences or using false information;
      3. agree there is no obligation, duty or responsibility on us to undertake any or all of the actions or things so authorised; and
      4. authorise us during the period of self-exclusion to take such action as we deem necessary to prevent your entry into the Websites or use of your relevant Accounts.
  15. Rules

    1. The Rules govern the supply of each Product.
    2. The Products purchased by you will be supplied in accordance with:
      1. the Rules relevant to the Product purchased;
      2. the Terms and Conditions; and
      3. the relevant Legislation and all other applicable laws.
    3. Links to the Rules are accessible via the Websites.
  16. Privacy

    1. We collect information about you from your application for registration and from your transactions and use of the Websites. This information may include your name, contact details, date of birth, identification details and details relating to your transactions and use of the Websites. We collect this information for the purpose of assessing and processing applications for registration and for the administration of your Accounts, and for carrying out marketing, planning, product development, administration of the Websites and research. If you do not provide all the information requested in the application for registration, except for those fields marked “optional”, we cannot process your application.
    2. We may use your Account Data for Predictive Monitoring to assist us in identifying Members who may be at risk of problem gambling. Our conduct of Predictive Monitoring is a requirement under the South Australian Responsible Gambling Codes of Practice Notice 2013. If you do not consent to us collecting your Account Data for Predictive Monitoring, we will be unable to process your application.
    3. By opening Accounts with us, you consent to us contacting you by any communication means (for example, email, SMS, letter, social media) for an indefinite period of time to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences on the “My Preferences” page or by contacting us.
    4. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is displayed at You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information.
    5. All information collected by us will become and remain the property of Tatts Online and the relevant Product Supplier.
    6. This section survives termination of your registration with us.
  17. General

    1. Assignment: We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Third Party and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.
    2. Variation of Terms and Conditions:
      1. We may vary any term of the Terms and Conditions by:
        1. getting your consent; or
        2. complying with this section.
        The steps we must take depend on the type of variation.
      2. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Terms and Conditions is likely to:
        1. benefit you; or
        2. be of no or immaterial detriment to you,
        we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you.
      3. We will notify you of any other change to the Terms and Conditions by our choice of at least one of the following:
        1. the next time you access your Accounts using the Websites, starting at least 30 days prior to the change occurring (you may not see the notice until later, or even after the change has occurred, depending on how frequently you access your Accounts using the Websites);
        2. by mail to an address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring; or
        3. by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring.
      4. The notification in section 17.2.3 of this Part B will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Terms and Conditions.
      5. If you are an Unrestricted Member and consider that any change to the Terms and Conditions is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts during the 30 day notice period without any fees or charges, notwithstanding section12 of this Part B.
    3. Waiver: Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.
    4. Cross References: There are sections in the Terms and Conditions which cross reference or link to information on the Websites. Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Terms and Conditions.
    5. Notices:
      1. Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Terms and Conditions, we may do so:
        1. if the notice is about a variation of the Terms and Conditions, by complying with section 17.2 of this Part B;
        2. otherwise, in any way, including by:
          1. giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents); or
          2. giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us; or
          3. making the information available on the Websites.
      2. Where we give you notice:
        1. in person or by telephone, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
        2. by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
        3. by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email;
        4. by making information available on the Websites, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on the Websites.
      3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
      4. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Terms and Conditions, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
        1. mail addressed to Notices, Tatts Online Pty Ltd, PO Box 248, Albion, Queensland, 4010;
        2. through the Website (where available).

Part C: Tatts Online

  1. Introduction

    1. Your Corporate Account is managed by Tatts Online.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part C contain terms and conditions that are specific to your Corporate Account and the services provided by Tatts Online. The terms and conditions in this Part C should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your Corporate Account.
    3. In this Part C, “us”, “we” and “our” means Tatts Online.
  2. Privacy

    1. You authorise us to disclose the information provided by you to us, to our Related Bodies Corporate, relevant financial institutions, credit reporting agencies in the manner set out in section 5.6 of Part B, and our agents and sub-contractors for the purpose of verifying your identity and validating and obtaining authorisation for any deposits and withdrawals made by you, for the administration of your Accounts, and for carrying out marketing, planning, product development, administration of the Websites and research.
  3. Purchasing Products

    1. If your offer to purchase Products is accepted by a Product Supplier, you authorise us to transfer from your Corporate Account to your relevant Product Account such amount as the Product Supplier notifies us is necessary to purchase your selected Products and your Corporate Account will be debited by this amount.
    2. We will provide the Product Suppliers with up-to-date details of your Corporate Account balance so that the Product Suppliers can:
      1. determine whether you have sufficient available funds to purchase Products; and
      2. make such details available to you each time you make an offer to purchase a Product, and otherwise on request by you.
  4. Right of Set Off

    1. We may at any time, without notice to you, set off any Liability owed by you to us or any Product Supplier including, without limitation, from any Product Account in your name against any funds held in another Product Account or Corporate Account, in your name.
  5. Foreign Currency Amounts

    1. Your Product Accounts are Australian dollar accounts.
    2. If we receive an amount in a foreign currency for deposit to one of your Accounts (including a telegraphic transfer or cheque drawn in foreign currency) we will convert the relevant foreign currency amount into Australian dollars using the applicable retail exchange rate made available by the financial institution we choose.
    3. If you request any withdrawal from your Accounts to be paid in a foreign currency (including a telegraphic transfer or cheque drawn in foreign currency) we will convert the Australian dollar amount of your withdrawal into the requested foreign currency using the applicable retail exchange rate made available by the financial institution we choose.
    4. You agree to accept any and all foreign exchange fees, costs, charges, taxes, imposts, levies or duties imposed on us by Third Parties and which are incurred by us in receiving funds deposited by you or transferring funds withdrawn by you from your Accounts.  Details regarding additional fees and charges which may apply can be found in section 13 of Part B.
  6. Interest

    1. No interest will be payable by us on funds standing to the credit of your Accounts.
  7. Unclaimed Money

    1. Immediately prior to funds standing to the credit of your Corporate Account becoming unclaimed money, as defined in the Unclaimed Money Act 2008 (Vic), you agree that:
      1. if you are a resident of Queensland, those funds will be transferred to your Product Account with either UBET QLD or Golden Casket (at our discretion); or
      2. if you are a resident of New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory, those funds will be transferred to your Product Account with NSW Lotteries; or
      3. if you are a resident of South Australia, those funds will be transferred to your Product Account with either UBET SA or Tatts SA; or
      4. if you are a resident of Tasmania, those funds will be transferred to your Product Account with UBET TAS; or
      5. if you are a resident of the Northern Territory, those funds will be transferred to your Product Account with Pty Ltd; or
      6. if you are a resident of any other Australian or international jurisdiction, those funds will remain in your Corporate Account, and will be dealt with in accordance with the Terms and Conditions until claimed by you or until required to be dealt with in accordance with any law or the Rules relating to unclaimed money.
  8. Jurisdiction

    1. The laws of Queensland govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in Victoria on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  9. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  10. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.

Part D: UBET

  1. Introduction

    1. The Terms and Conditions in this Part D contain terms and conditions that are specific to your UBET Product Account and the UBET Products and services. The terms and conditions in this Part D should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your UBET Product Account.
    2. The laws governing our conduct of wagering are contained in the Legislation.
    3. When you make an offer to us to place bets, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us:
      1. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET QLD, in Queensland;
      2. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET SA, in South Australia;
      3. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET NT, in the Northern Territory; and
      4. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET TAS, in Tasmania,
      and you are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in that jurisdiction and an agreement between you and us is formed in that jurisdiction.
    4. In this Part D, “us”, “we” and “our” means UBET.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account with us to place bets with us including:
      1. using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting; and
      2. by telephone:
        1. on 138 238 for totalisator and fixed price bets with a live operator; and
        2. on 13 19 32 for totalisator bets with an automated voice recognition system.
  3. Withdrawals from UBET retail outlets

    1. You must present your signed withdrawal card and a signed withdrawal form to withdraw funds from your Accounts at a UBET retail outlet. For details about how you can request a withdrawal card please contact us.
    2. For a list of UBET retail outlets, see our TAB Locator page on the Website.
  4. Rules

    1. In all instances the use of your Product Account and all bets made by you are governed by:
      1. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET QLD, the Wagering Rule 2010 (Qld), the Wagering Regulation 1999 (Qld) and the Wagering Act 1998 (Qld);
      2. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET SA, the South Australian Betting Operations Rules and the Authorised Betting Operations Act 2000 (SA);
      3. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET NT, the Totalisator Licensing and Regulation (Wagering) Rules (NT), the Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act (NT), the Racing and Betting Act (NT) and the Racing and Betting Regulations (NT); or
      4. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET TAS, the Betting Rules and the Gaming Control Act 1993 (Tas).
    2. Links to the Rules are accessible on the Website.
  5. Call-back of telephone bets

    1. We will repeat back to you all offers to purchase bets made by you by telephone. It is your responsibility to correct any errors or omissions from this “call-back” of the bet.
    2. If you do not correct the call-back at the conclusion of the call-back or if you ask for the information not to be “called-back”, the purchase of that bet will be taken to have been confirmed as correct.
    3. It is your responsibility to allow sufficient time for the purchase of your bets – this includes time for any correction of errors or omissions at the conclusion of the “call-back”.
  6. Cancellation of telephone bets

    1. You may cancel:
      1. a totalisator bet purchased by telephone:
        1. up until 40 minutes before the advertised starting time for the race;
        2. less than 40 minutes before the advertised starting time only if:
          1. during the phone call in which it was placed you tell us that the bet “called-back” is not the bet you had intended; and
          2. the cancellation can be effected before the closing time for accepting bets on the totalisator on which the bet is made.
      2. a fixed price bet purchased by telephone only if:
        1. during the phone call in which it was placed you tell us that the bet “called-back” is not the bet you had intended; and
        2. the cancellation can be effected before the closing time for accepting bets on the relevant proposition.
  7. Cancellation of internet bets

    1. Subject to any relevant restrictions in the Legislation, totalisator and fixed price bets placed over the internet cannot be cancelled once they have been confirmed by you, recorded on our computer system and accepted by us.
  8. Limits on bets

    1. We or you may place limits from time to time on bets that can be purchased by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the bets that can be made per day, per week or per month). The limits are shown on the Self Manage page on the Website.
    2. Where we impose limits on bets that can be purchased by you, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
  9. Pre-commitment

    1. You may set a Nominated Pre-commitment Limit (e.g. a limitation on the bets that can be purchased per day, per week or per month).
    2. If you request to set a Nominated Pre-commitment Limit, the nominated limit will be imposed on your Product Account with immediate effect.
    3. You agree that you will not attempt to exceed any Nominated Pre-commitment Limit on your Product Account.
    4. Your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will be reset:
      1. daily (for a daily Nominated Pre-commitment Limit);
      2. every Saturday (for a weekly Nominated Pre-commitment Limit); or
      3. on the first day of each month (for a monthly Nominated Pre-commitment Limit).
    5. We are not liable to you in any form for your inability to make any bets using your Product Account that would exceed your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit.
    6. A Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will remain in place until you give us notice that you wish to revoke or change your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit. If you give us such a notice and we accept your notice (acting reasonably):
      1. a request to revoke or increase your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will only take effect 7 days after we receive the notice; and
      2. a request to decrease your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will take effect as soon as practicable after receipt by us of the notice.
  10. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and UBET Product Account. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
  11. Restricted Member Account closure

    1. If you do not become an Unrestricted Member within the following timeframes, we will suspend your Product Account:
      1. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET QLD, UBET SA or UBET TAS, ninety (90) days of being registered as a Restricted Member
      2. in the case of a Product Account held with UBET NT, forty-five (45) days of being registered as a Restricted Member.
    2. If your Product Account is terminated or suspended in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and you are a Restricted Member your Product Account:
      1. will remain suspended for 12 months after the day you were registered as a Restricted Member; then
      2. will be closed and the balance of funds standing to the credit of your Product Account will be dealt with in accordance with the Legislation.
  12. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  13. Jurisdiction

    1. In the case of a Product Account held with:
      1. UBET QLD, the laws of Queensland govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland;
      2. UBET SA, the laws of South Australia govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of South Australia;
      3. UBET NT, the laws of the Northern Territory govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Northern Territory; and
      4. UBET TAS, the laws of Tasmania govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Tasmania.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in the relevant jurisdiction set out in section 13.1 of this Part D on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  14. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.
  15. Cash Out

    1. UBET’s Cash Out feature is available to members via the UBET website and UBET mobile app on selected fixed price bets (Eligible Bet).
    2. You may elect to take advantage of UBET’s Cash Out feature on any Eligible Bet by following the instructions provided on our Website.
    3. A request to Cash Out may be made at any time prior to the final result of the Eligible Bet being decided.
    4. By selecting the Cash Out option, you agree that:
      1. we will determine your original bet immediately for the Cash Out amount;
      2. you cease to be eligible for any promotion for which you may have become eligible by placing your original bet; and
      3. we will have no further obligations to you in respect of your original bet, including in relation to any promotions.
    5. Any request to Cash Out is final and may not be withdrawn.
    6. If your request to Cash Out is successful, you will be notified and your original bet will be determined immediately.
    7. The acceptance by UBET of a request to Cash Out does not constitute an entry into a new bet.
    8. We may, in our absolute discretion, amend, suspend or remove the Cash Out feature at any time on any product type without providing a reason or advance notification, even where the Cash Out feature has previously been advertised as being available. Any bets placed on such products will stand as originally placed.
    9. UBET is not liable for any loss you may incur should you elect to Cash Out, including any loss incurred due to a delay in us accepting or denying your request.
    10. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, UBET will not be liable for any system errors in respect of products.
    11. UBET will not be responsible if the Cash Out feature is not available for technical reasons and bets will stand as originally placed during any such period.
    12. Any decision made by us in respect of the Cash Out feature is final and binding.
  16. Streamed Video

    1. We may from time to time make streamed video of races and/or sporting events available to members via the UBET website and UBET mobile app.
    2. You must not use, communicate, resupply, copy or otherwise exploit the streamed video including:
      1. by exploiting streamed video in any public place; or
      2. for any purpose, other than your own private viewing.
    3. If you breach clause 16.2, we may we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.


  1. Introduction

    1. UBET NT is licensed by the Northern Territory Government in the Commonwealth of Australia as a sports bookmaker to accept bets by internet.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part E contain terms and conditions that are specific to your UBET NT Product Account and the UBET NT Products and services (excluding Products and services supplied by UBET NT pursuant to Part D, the supply of which is governed by Part D of the Terms and Conditions). The terms and conditions in this Part E should be read in conjunction with Parts A, B and D which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your UBET NT Product Account.
    3. The laws governing our conduct of bookmaking are contained in the Legislation.
    4. When you make an offer to us to place bets, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in the Northern Territory. You are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in the Northern Territory and an agreement between you and us is formed in the Northern Territory.
    5. In this Part E, “us”, “we” and “our” means UBET NT.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account to place bets with us using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting
  3. Rules

    1. In all instances the use of your Product Account and all bets made by you are governed by:
      1. the Rules;
      2. the Racing and Betting Act (NT); and
      3. the Racing and Betting Regulations (NT).
    2. Links to the Rules are accessible on the Website.
  4. Credit

    1. Credit is generally not available and all bets must be covered by cleared funds when made.
    2. Despite section 4.1, we will entertain applications for credit from licensed bookmakers and high net worth individuals who should apply in the first instance by contacting us in accordance with section 17.5.4 of Part B. We are not obliged to accept any application from you.
  5. Limits on bets

    1. We and you may place limits from time to time on bets that can be purchased by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the bets that can be made per day, per week or per month). The limits are shown on the Self Manage page on the Website.
    2. Where we impose limits on bets that can be purchased by you, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
  6. Pre-commitment

    1. You may set a Nominated Pre-commitment Limit (e.g. a limitation on the bets that can be purchased per day, per week or per month).
    2. If you request to set a Nominated Pre-commitment Limit, the nominated limit will be imposed on your Product Account with immediate effect.
    3. You agree that you will not attempt to exceed any Nominated Pre-commitment Limit on your Product Account.
    4. Your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will be reset:
      1. daily (for a daily Nominated Pre-commitment Limit);
      2. every Saturday (for a weekly Nominated Pre-commitment Limit); or
      3. on the first day of each month (for a monthly Nominated Pre-commitment Limit).
    5. We are not liable to you in any form for your inability to make any bets using your Product Account that would exceed your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit.
    6. A Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will remain in place until you give us notice that you wish to revoke or change your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit. If you give us such a notice and we accept your notice (acting reasonably):
      1. a request to revoke or increase your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will only take effect 7 days after we receive the notice; and
      2. a request to decrease your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit will take effect as soon as practicable after receipt by us of the notice.
  7. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and UBET NT Product Account. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page on the Website.
  8. Restricted Member Account closure

    1. If you do not become an Unrestricted Member within forty-five (45) days of being registered as a Restricted Member we will suspend your Product Account.
    2. If your Product Account is terminated or suspended in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and you are a Restricted Member your Product Account:
      1. will remain suspended for 12 months after the day you were registered as a Restricted Member; then
      2. will be closed and the balance of funds standing to the credit of your Product Account will be dealt with in accordance with the Legislation.
  9. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  10. Jurisdiction

    1. The laws of the Northern Territory govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Northern Territory.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in the Northern Territory on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  11. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.
  12. Cash Out

    1. UBET’s Cash Out feature is available to members via the UBET website and UBET mobile app on selected fixed price bets (Eligible Bet).
    2. You may elect to take advantage of UBET’s Cash Out feature on any Eligible Bet by following the instructions provided on our Website.
    3. A request to Cash Out may be made at any time prior to the final result of the Eligible Bet being decided.
    4. 11.4 By selecting the Cash Out option, you agree that:
      1. we will determine your original bet immediately for the Cash Out amount;
      2. you cease to be eligible for any promotion for which you may have become eligible by placing your original bet; and
      3. we will have no further obligations to you in respect of your original bet, including in relation to any promotions.
    5. Any request to Cash Out is final and may not be withdrawn.
    6. If your request to Cash Out is successful, you will be notified and your original bet will be determined immediately.
    7. The acceptance by UBET of a request to Cash Out does not constitute an entry into a new bet.
    8. We may, in our absolute discretion, amend, suspend or remove the Cash Out feature at any time on any product type without providing a reason or advance notification, even where the Cash Out feature has previously been advertised as being available. Any bets placed on such products will stand as originally placed.
    9. UBET is not liable for any loss you may incur should you elect to Cash Out, including any loss incurred due to a delay in us accepting or denying your request.
    10. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, UBET will not be liable for any system errors in respect of products.
    11. UBET will not be responsible if the Cash Out feature is not available for technical reasons and bets will stand as originally placed during any such period.
    12. Any decision made by us in respect of the Cash Out feature is final and binding.
  13. Streamed Video

    1. We may from time to time make streamed video of races and/or sporting events available to members via the UBET website and UBET mobile app.
    2. You must not use, communicate, resupply, copy or otherwise exploit the streamed video including:
      1. by exploiting streamed video in any public place; or
      2. for any purpose, other than your own private viewing.
    3. If you breach clause 13.2, we may we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.

Part F: Golden Casket

  1. Introduction

    1. We are a company incorporated in the State of Queensland, Australia. We operate the website as the holder of a lottery operator licence under the Legislation.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part F contain terms and conditions that are specific to your Golden Casket Product Account and the Golden Casket Products and services. The terms and conditions in this Part F should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your Golden Casket Product Account.
    3. The laws governing the operations of lotteries conducted by Golden Casket are contained in the Legislation.
    4. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in Queensland. You are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in Queensland and an agreement between you and us is formed in Queensland.
    5. In this Part F, “us”, “we” and “our” means Golden Casket.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account with us to purchase the Golden Casket Products using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting
  3. Rules

    1. The rules governing each lottery in which you may be able to purchase entries through this Website are contained in the following Rules:
      1. Monday and Wednesday Gold Lotto Rules (Schedule 1 of the Rules);
      2. Saturday Gold Lotto Rules (Schedule 2 of the Rules);
      3. Powerball Rules (Schedule 3 of the Rules);
      4. Pools Rules (Schedule 4 of the Rules);
      5. Super 66 Rules (Schedule 5 of the Rules);
      6. Oz Lotto Rules (Schedule 6 of the Rules);
      7. Lucky Lotteries Rules (Schedule 8 of the Rules); and
      8. Set for Life Rules (Schedule 10 of the Rules)
    2. Links to the Rules are accessible via the Games section of this Website.
  4. Winners Circle Card

    1. By establishing a Product Account with us, you will automatically be registered in our Winners Circle program.
    2. The Winners Circle membership terms are provided at the end of these Terms and Conditions.
  5. Purchasing entries in lotteries

    1. The manner in which you may offer to purchase entries is explained in the Games section and the How to Play pages on this Website.
    2. When you click on the Purchase button on the Website you are:
      1. offering to purchase the entry selected by you; and
      2. authorising the debiting of your Accounts with the cost of the entry.
    3. On receipt by us of your offer to purchase, our lottery system will attempt to give effect to your offer and if accepted we will issue a ticket number which will appear on your screen and we will provide that ticket number and other details relating to your entry to you by email.
    4. If you do not receive a ticket number in respect of your offer to purchase an entry you must contact us immediately.
    5. Copies of the details of the entry can only be used as evidence of an entry if the details match the full details recorded in our lottery system.
    6. Offers from you to purchase must be received by our lottery system prior to the deadline for the submission of offers for each draw of each lottery.
    7. The deadlines for submission of offers are shown in the Games section and the How to Play pages on the Website.
    8. Subject to section 5.9 of this Part F, if you wish to cancel an entry you have purchased you must do so prior to the close of entries for the draw to which your entry relates, other than Set for Life which can only be cancelled prior to the first draw applicable to that entry, however your request to cancel will only be effective if we have been able to cancel the entry through our lottery system.
    9. Any request by you to cancel an entry is subject to any relevant restrictions in the Legislation and is also subject to our agreeing at our discretion to cancellation of the purchase.
    10. All prizes:
      1. are subject to verification procedures prior to payment being made; and
      2. will be credited to your Account within the relevant timeframes stipulated in the Rules.
  6. Limits on the amount of lottery purchases

    1. We or you may place limits from time to time on:
      1. purchases of Golden Casket Products that can be made by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the amount that can be spent per week); and
      2. the maximum permissible balance for your Product Account.
      The limits are shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. Where we impose a limit on your purchases of Golden Casket Products or on the balance of your Product Account, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
    3. If you are or become an Unrestricted Member and the balance of your Product Account exceeds the maximum permissible balance for your Product Account we will transfer the excess amount to your Corporate Account.
  7. Inactive Product Account

    1. If you have not accessed your Product Account for a period of twelve (12) months we may suspend your Product Account.
    2. If your Product Account remains Inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) months, we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.
  8. Restricted Member Account closure

    1. If you do not become an Unrestricted Member within ninety (90) days of being registered as a Restricted Member we will suspend your account.
    2. If your Product Account is terminated or suspended in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and you are a Restricted Member your Product Account:
      1. will be suspended for 12 months after the day you were registered as a Restricted Member; then
      2. will be closed and the balance of funds standing to the credit of your Product Account will be dealt with in accordance with the Legislation.
  9. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and Golden Casket Product Account for a period of 180 days. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. You will only be permitted to access your Product Account again after the 180 day period has elapsed.
  10. Jurisdiction

    1. The laws of Queensland govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in Queensland on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  11. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  12. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.

Winners Circle Membership Terms

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are effective from 1 September 2014.

  1. Application of Membership Terms

    These are the Membership Terms applicable to Winners Circle membership. They are important and should be read carefully by you. By having a Golden Casket Product Account, you are automatically registered as a member of the Winners Circle program. If you have been automatically registered as a member of the Winners Circle program you will only be issued an actual or electronic Winners Circle card if you elect to receive a Winners Circle card.

  2. Fees

    To have (and continue to have) a Winners Circle card and be (and continue to be) a Winners Circle member, you must, when requested by us or a Golden Casket Outlet, pay the activation fee and annual administration fee as set by us. These fees are non-refundable.

    1. Details regarding the activation and annual administration fees set by us can be found at Golden Casket Outlets and at We will notify you of any changes to the fees.
    2. If you are already a member of the Winners Circle program before you open a Golden Casket Product Account, you can link your Winners Circle card to your Golden Casket Product Account. By linking your Winners Circle card to your Golden Casket Product Account, you will be able to view online your transaction history for all purchases made by you at any Golden Casket Outlet where those purchases are registered to your Winners Circle card. Only Winners Circle members with a single registered cardholder name can be linked to a Golden Casket Product Account.
  3. Acceptance of Membership Terms

    You agree to the Winners Circle Membership Terms either expressly (e.g. when you expressly accept them as part of the registration process) or implicitly (e.g. when you make use of your Winners Circle card to enter a lottery or otherwise make use of the benefits or services available to Winners Circle members). If you are asked to accept these Membership Terms in respect of your existing Winners Circle membership then your acceptance acknowledges that the Membership Terms replace those which applied to your existing membership, to the extent that they are different.

  4. Eligibility

    Winners Circle membership is only available to persons 18 years of age or older. Your right to make use of your Winners Circle membership to participate in a lottery (e.g. the use of your Winners Circle to purchase an entry) is conditional upon your compliance with these Membership Terms.

    1. For your convenience, you can provide a “syndicate name” in addition to the name of the registered player/s for the Winners Circle card. However, our agreement is with the registered player/s only. We are not bound by any rule or agreement made between syndicate group entrants, whether or not a “syndicate name” is provided on a Winners Circle card.
  5. Prizes

    Prizes registered to a Winners Circle card can only be claimed if you present the relevant Winners Circle card (i.e. the same Winners Circle card as was used to register the entry). We may additionally request either a statutory declaration of ownership or the original entry ticket be produced prior to the payment of any prize registered on a Winners Circle card.

    1. A prize registered to your Winners Circle card (other than a Division 1 or 1st Prize or a Jackpot prize won in Lucky Lotteries) and not claimed within 4 weeks of the relevant draw date will be paid, at our election, or at your election if you have a linked Golden Casket Product Account may be paid in any one of the following ways:
      1. by crediting the then recorded Golden Casket Product Account which you have linked to your Winners Circle card (but only if you are an unrestricted member, that is, only if your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures);
      2. by remittance in Australian dollars through a bank nominated by you with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on a business in Australia
      3. by cheque in the name of the registered Winners Circle member (or, if there are two registered players, in both their names jointly). The cheque will be forwarded by ordinary post to the address registered to the Winners Circle card
    2. If there are two registered Winners Circle members for a prize winning ticket those members hereby direct us to pay their prize to either one of them or to both of them whichever we may choose to do.
    3. We will check to see whether a Division 1 or a 1st prize or a Jackpot prize won in Lucky Lotteries has been won by a registered Winners Circle member. If it has been, we will call the phone number registered to the Winners Circle card by the end of the next business day and may make other attempts to contact the registered player/s to let the registered player/s know they have won. It is therefore important for you to ensure your contact details remain complete and accurate (See Clause 8.)
    4. Division 1 prizes, 1st prizes and a Jackpot prize won in Lucky Lotteries and 1st prizes (other than a 1st Prize for Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant rules) will be paid, at our election, either by electronic funds transfer into an account with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia, or by cheque in person at our offices, or, if we agree to a request by the registered Winners Circle member/s, by cheque forwarded by registered or express post to the address registered to the Winners Circle card (we may or may not agree to such a request at our discretion).
  6. Prize claims

    Prize winning lottery tickets are bearer documents and any prize payment by us to a person surrendering a winning lottery ticket shall discharge any liability we have in respect of that winning lottery ticket, irrespective of whether the lottery ticket is registered to a particular Winners Circle card or not.

  7. Mistake

    Notwithstanding anything else in the Membership Terms, if a prize is registered to your Winners Circle card by mistake (e.g. if you are not the true owner of the ticket but the ticket has been mistakenly registered to your Winners Circle card) and we pay you the prize, you are to reimburse us the amount of that prize upon demand. Where it comes to our attention that we have paid you a prize in error, we will notify you as soon as possible.

  8. Personal details

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal details (including the details of any Golden Casket Product Account linked to your Winners Circle card), your bank account details and address provided to us by you for recording on our lottery system file are correct, complete and accurate at all times, and not misleading or likely to mislead. You must promptly notify us of all changes. In order to effect some changes, you may be required to complete a change of details form made available by us. You acknowledge that we rely on this information provided by you to, amongst other things, process your prize payments.

  9. Availability of internet services

    The accessibility and operation of the Winners Circle membership program relies on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of this service.

  10. Ownership of a Winners Circle card

    The Winners Circle card remains our property. We reserve the right to withdraw the card and terminate the Winners Circle membership program at any time and to pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules, by giving you at least 30 days' notice. You may continue to use your Winners Circle card in accordance with the Membership Terms during the notice period. Where we withdraw your Winners Circle card in accordance with this section, no fees or charges will be payable by you and you will be entitled to claim a pro rata refund of the administration fee for any remaining period of membership after the date of termination.

  11. Breaches

    If you have committed a material breach of any of the Membership Terms, including for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that you are under 18 years of age, your Winners Circle card may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use we may, without limitation to such other rights and remedies we may have, terminate your membership membership and cancel any entries made by you. We will attempt to notify you as soon as possible of the termination or cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, prizes are not payable on cancelled entries.

  12. Liability

    We assume no responsibility or liability for lost or stolen tickets and under no circumstances shall registration as a Winners Circle member entitle a person to whom a winning ticket is registered to claim a prize previously paid by us to a person surrendering a winning ticket to us or a Golden Casket Outlet. If your ticket is lost or stolen you should tell us immediately. If you tell us in adequate time and before the prize is claimed, we may be able to stop payment of the prize.

    1. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in respect of numbers stored on our lottery system or any inability to record or retrieve numbers stored on your Winners Circle card or to otherwise access our lottery system for any purpose, save to the extent that such errors, omissions or inabilities arise from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents. It remains your responsibility to check that numbers and/or entry details recorded on lottery tickets are correct at the time of issue.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, Winners Circle membership is at your own risk and you relieve us of any liability to you whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your membership or as a result of your use or attempted use or reliance on any information, service or facility provided to you as a Winners Circle member, save to the extent that such loss or damage arises from our negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of any of our officers, employees or agents).
  13. Privacy

    Golden Casket is authorised to collect certain personal information for the purpose of processing your application for registration of your membership of the Golden Casket Winners Circle program under the Lotteries Rule 2010 (QLD).

    1. By becoming a member you consent and authorise us to access, collect and use the personal information collected about you and disclose personal information about you, to Golden Casket and its contractors and agents (which may include disclosure to financial institutions, lawyers, auditors, IT service providers, mail service providers, marketing service providers, market research companies, selling agents) and gaming and other regulators, for the purposes of (i) registration of your membership; and (ii) providing you with information about products and services.
    2. We may also disclose this information to any person who is the bearer of a lottery ticket that is registered to your Winners Circle card, for the purposes of the administration and conduct of the Winners Circle program. We may also disclose your Winners Circle card number on the customer display screen when you choose to use your Winners Circle card during a lottery transaction. It is a condition of membership that you consent to these uses and disclosures of your information by us. When submitting your membership registration, you can elect to not have your name disclosed when announcing major prize winners. You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information.
    3. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we cannot process your application for registration. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is available for inspection at The Tatts Group Privacy Policy, available at, contains further information about how you may access and seek a correction of your personal information, how you may complain about privacy related matters and information about how your complaint will be dealt with. For privacy related queries, please contact 131 868 or
  14. Communication with you

    By becoming a Winners Circle member you consent to us contacting you by email and/or SMS or other means of electronic communication to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities including payment of free prize tickets. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences by contacting us on 131 868 or

  15. Variation of Membership Terms

    We may vary any of the Membership Terms by getting your consent or complying with this section. The steps we must take depend on the type of variation. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Membership Terms is likely to benefit you or be of immaterial detriment to you, we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you. We will notify you of any other change to the Membership Terms either by (at our election) mail to an address provided to us by you, or by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring. The notification will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Membership Terms. If you consider that any change to the Membership Terms is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  16. Notices

    Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Membership Terms, we may do so, if the notice is about a variation of the Membership Terms, by complying with section 15, or otherwise, in any way, including by giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents), or giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us, or making the information available at

    1. Where we give you notice:
      • in person, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
      • by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
      • by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email; and
      • by other means of communication when the messages are sent
      • by making information available on, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on
    2. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Membership Terms, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
    3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
  17. Agreement between group entrants

    We shall not be bound by any rule or agreement made between group entrants.

  18. Assignment

    We may assign our rights and obligations under the Membership Terms to other companies in the Tatts Group and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. Otherwise, we may assign our rights and obligations by giving you notice in accordance with section 16. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  19. Application of game rules

    The Membership Terms which are available for inspection at are to be read in conjunction with the Lotteries Rule (QLD) 2010. In the event of any conflict between the Membership Terms and the Lotteries Rule 2010 (QLD), the Lotteries Rule (QLD) 2010 will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

  20. Jurisdiction

    The laws of Queensland govern the Membership Terms. Each of us submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Queensland.

  21. Waiver

    Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

  22. Website

    There are sections in the Membership Terms which cross reference or link to information on Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Membership Terms.

  23. Interpretation

    Nothing in the Membership Terms affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

    In the Membership Terms:

    • headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
    • “person” includes an individual, a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
    • if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
    • “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation;
    • a reference to “$” or “dollar” is to Australian currency; and
      “Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
      “Membership Terms” mean the Winners Circle membership terms contained in this document as amended from time to time.
      “Golden Casket” means Golden Casket Lottery Corporation Limited (ABN 27 078 785 449).
      “Golden Casket Outlets” means a retailer appointed by Golden Casket.
      “Golden Casket Product Account” means an internet account with Golden Casket.
      “Tatts Group” means Tatts Group Limited (ACN 108 686 040) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act).
      “You” and “your” means you, the Winners Circle member.
      “We”, “us” and “our” means Golden Casket.

Part G: NSW Lotteries

  1. Introduction

    1. We are a company incorporated in the State of New South Wales, Australia. We operate the website as the holder of an operator licence under the Legislation.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part G contain terms and conditions that are specific to your NSW Lotteries' Product Account and the NSW Lotteries Products and services. The terms and conditions in this Part G should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your NSW Lotteries' Product Account.
    3. The laws governing the operations of public lotteries conducted by NSW Lotteries are contained in the Legislation.
    4. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in New South Wales. You are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in New South Wales and an agreement between you and us is formed in New South Wales.
    5. In this Part G, “us”, “we” and “our” means NSW Lotteries.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account with us to purchase NSW Lotteries Products using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting
  3. Rules

    1. The rules governing each lottery in which you may be able to purchase entries through this Website are contained in the following Rules:
      1. Lotto Rules (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Lotto);
      2. Powerball Rules;
      3. Oz Lotto Rules;
      4. Pools Rules;
      5. Lotto Strike Rules;
      6. Lucky Lotteries Rules; and
      7. Set for Life Rules
    2. Links to the Rules are accessible via the Games section of this Website.
  4. Players Club Card

    1. By establishing a Product Account with us, you will automatically be registered in our Players Club Card program.
    2. The Players Club membership terms are provided at the end of these Terms and Conditions.
  5. Purchasing entries in lotteries

    1. The manner in which you may offer to purchase entries is explained in the Games section and the How to Play pages on this Website and you are approved by us to complete the entry other than by hand.
    2. When you click on the Purchase button on the Website you are:
      1. offering to purchase the entry selected by you; and
      2. authorising the debiting of your Accounts with the cost of the entry.
    3. On receipt by us of your offer to purchase, our lottery system will attempt to give effect to your offer and if accepted we will issue a ticket number which will appear on your screen and we will provide that ticket number and other details relating to your entry (as set out in the Rules) to you by email.
    4. If you do not receive a ticket number in respect of your offer to purchase an entry you must contact us immediately.
    5. Copies of the details of the entry can only be used as evidence of an entry if the details match the full details recorded in our lottery system.
    6. Offers from you to purchase must be received by our lottery system prior to the deadline for the submission of offers for each draw of each lottery.
    7. The deadlines for submission of offers are shown in the Games section and the How to Play pages on the Website.
    8. If you wish to cancel an entry you have purchased you must do so prior to the close of entries for the draw to which your entry relates, other than Set for Life which can only be cancelled prior to the first draw applicable to that entry, however your request to cancel will only be effective if we have been able to cancel the entry through our lottery system.
    9. All prizes:
      1. are subject to verification procedures prior to payment being made; and
      2. will be credited to your Account within the relevant timeframes stipulated in the Rules.
  6. Limits on the amount of lottery purchases

    1. We or you may place limits from time to time on purchases of NSW Lotteries Products that can be made by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the amount that can be spent per week). The limits are shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. Where we impose limits on purchases that can be made by you, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
  7. Inactive Product Account

    1. If you have not accessed your Product Account for a period of twelve (12) months we may suspend your Product Account.
    2. If your Product Account remains Inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) months, we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.
  8. Restricted Member Account closure

    1. If you do not become an Unrestricted Member within ninety (90) days of being registered as a Restricted Member:
      1. we will close your Product Account; and
      2. any funds standing to the credit of your Product Account will continue be held on trust for you in one or more of Tatts Group’s general accounts (refer to sections 6.4 and 6.5 of Part B).
    2. Funds will be dealt with in accordance with the Terms and Conditions until:
      1. you become an Unrestricted Member ( i.e. until your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures) at which time funds may be claimed by you; or
      2. the funds are required to be dealt with in accordance with any law relating to unclaimed money.
  9. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and NSW Lotteries' Product Account for a period of 180 days. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. You will only be permitted to access your Product Account again after the 180 day period has elapsed.
  10. Jurisdiction

    1. The laws of New South Wales govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in New South Wales on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  11. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  12. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.

Players Club Membership Terms

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are effective from 1 September 2014.

  1. Application of Membership Terms

    These are the Membership Terms applicable to Players Club membership. They are important and should be read carefully by you. By having a NSW Lotteries Product Account, you are automatically registered as a member of the Players Club program. If you have been automatically registered as a member of the Players Club program you will only be issued an actual or electronic Players Club card if you elect to receive a Players Club card.

  2. Fees

    To have (and continue to have) a Players Club card and be (and continue to be) a Players Club member, you must, when requested by us or a NSW Lotteries Outlet, pay the activation fee and annual administration fee as set by us. These fees are non-refundable.

    1. Details regarding the activation and annual administration fees set by us can be found at NSW Lotteries Outlets and at We will notify you of any changes to the fees.
    2. If you are already a member of the Players Club program before you open a NSW Lotteries Product Account, you can link your Players Club card to your NSW Lotteries Product Account. By linking your Players Club card to your NSW Lotteries Product Account, you will be able to view online your transaction history for all purchases made by you at any NSW Lotteries Outlet where those purchases are registered to your Players Club card.
  3. Acceptance of Membership Terms

    You agree to the Players Club Membership Terms either expressly (e.g. when you expressly accept them as part of the registration process) or implicitly (e.g. when you make use of your Players Club card to enter a lottery or otherwise make use of the benefits or services available to Players Club members). If you are asked to accept these Membership Terms in respect of your existing Players Club membership then your acceptance acknowledges that the Membership Terms replace those which applied to your existing membership, to the extent that they are different.

  4. Eligibility

    Players Club membership is only available to persons 18 years of age or older. Your right to make use of your Players Club membership to participate in a lottery (e.g. the use of your Players Club card to purchase an entry) is conditional upon your compliance with these Membership Terms.

  5. Prizes

    Prizes registered to a Players Club card can only be claimed if you present the relevant Players Club card (i.e. the same Players Club card as was used to register the entry). We may additionally request either a statutory declaration of ownership or the original entry ticket be produced prior to the payment of any prize registered on a Players Club card.

    1. A prize registered to your Players Club card (other than a Division 1 prize, a 1st prize, or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize):
      1. Below $1,000 or above $10,000 and not claimed within 8 weeks of the relevant draw date, or:
      2. Between $1,000 and $10,000 and not claimed within 2 weeks of the relevant draw date;
      will be paid at our election, or at your election if you have a linked NSW Lotteries Product Account in any one of the following ways:
      1. by crediting the then recorded NSW Lotteries Product Account which you have linked to your Players Card (but only if you are an unrestricted member, that is, only if your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures);
      2. by remittance in Australian dollars through a bank account nominated by your with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia;
      3. by cheque or by free prize certificates to you and forwarded by ordinary post to the address recorded for you on our lottery system file.
      Prizes in respect of multi-week entries will be paid approximately eight weeks after the draw date of the last entry recorded on that lottery ticket.
    2. We will check to see whether a Division 1, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize has been won by a registered Players Club member. If it has been, we will call the phone number registered to the Players Club card by the end of the next business day after the draw date and may make other attempts to contact you to let you know you have won a prize. It is therefore important for you to ensure your contact details remain complete and accurate (See Clause 8.)
    3. Division 1 and 1st prizes and Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prizes (other than a 1st Prize for Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant rules) are available for payment from the first business day two weeks following the draw. These prizes will be paid, at our election, either by electronic funds transfer into an account with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia, or by cheque in person at our offices, or, if we agree to a request by the registered Players Club member, by cheque forwarded by registered or express post to the address registered to the Players Club card (we may or may not agree to such a request at our discretion).
    4. A nominal handling fee inclusive of GST may be deducted from those prize payment cheques of $1,000 or less. We will give you notice of the introduction or increase of any fee at least 30 days before the change. Prize cheques for which a 'stop payment' is placed at your request, or which have been cancelled, returned or re-issued as a result of your failure to keep your details current, may incur additional handling/service fees to cover any costs imposed on us by third parties, including those fees charged by the bank of issue, and may be deducted from the value of the prize.
  6. Prize claims

    Prize winning lottery tickets are bearer documents and any prize payment by us to a person surrendering a winning lottery ticket shall discharge any liability we have in respect of that winning lottery ticket, irrespective of whether the lottery ticket is registered to a particular Players Club card or not.

  7. Mistake

    Notwithstanding anything else in the Membership Terms, if a prize is registered to your Players Club card by mistake (e.g. if you are not the true owner of the ticket but the ticket has been mistakenly registered to your Players Club card) and we pay you the prize, you are to reimburse us the amount of that prize upon demand. Where it comes to our attention that we have paid you a prize in error, we will notify you as soon as possible.

  8. Personal details

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal details (including the details of any NSW Lotteries Product Account linked to your Players Club card), your bank account details and address provided to us by you for recording on our lottery system file are correct, complete and accurate at all times, and not misleading or likely to mislead. You must promptly notify us of all changes. In order to effect some changes, you may be required to complete a change of details form made available by us. You acknowledge that we rely on this information provided by you to, amongst other things, process your prize payments.

  9. Availability of internet services

    The accessibility and operation of the Players Club membership program relies on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of this service.

  10. Ownership of a Players Club card

    The Players Club card remains our property. We reserve the right to withdraw the card and terminate the Players Club membership program at any time and to pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules, by giving you at least 30 days' notice. You may continue to use your Players Club card in accordance with the Membership Terms during the notice period. Where we withdraw your Players Club card in accordance with this section, no fees or charges will be payable by you and you will be entitled to claim a pro rata refund of the administration fee for any remaining period of membership after the date of termination.

  11. Breaches

    If you have committed a material breach of any of the Membership Terms, including for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that you are under 18 years of age, your Winners Circle card may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use we may, without limitation to such other rights and remedies we may have, terminate your membership membership and cancel any entries made by you. We will attempt to notify you as soon as possible of the termination or cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, prizes are not payable on cancelled entries.

  12. Liability

    We assume no responsibility or liability for lost or stolen tickets and under no circumstances shall registration as a Players Club member entitle a person to whom a winning ticket is registered to claim a prize previously paid by us to a person surrendering a winning ticket to us or a NSW Lotteries Outlet. If your ticket is lost or stolen you should tell us immediately. If you tell us in adequate time and before the prize is claimed, we may be able to stop payment of the prize.

    1. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in respect of numbers stored on our lottery system or any inability to record or retrieve numbers stored on your Players Club card or to otherwise access our lottery system for any purpose, save to the extent that such errors, omissions or inabilities arise from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents. It remains your responsibility to check that numbers and/or entry details recorded on lottery tickets are correct at the time of issue.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, Players Club membership is at your own risk and you relieve us of any liability to you whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your membership or as a result of your use or attempted use or reliance on any information, service or facility provided to you as a Players Club member, save to the extent that such loss or damage arises from our negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of any of our officers, employees or agents).
  13. Privacy

    NSW Lotteries is authorised to collect certain personal information for the purpose of processing your application for registration of your membership of the NSW Lotteries Players Club program under the Public Lotteries Act 1996 and the Rules (NSW).

    1. By becoming a member you consent and authorise us to access, collect and use the personal information collected about you and disclose personal information about you, to NSW Lotteries and its contractors and agents (which may include disclosure to financial institutions, lawyers, auditors, IT service providers, mail service providers, marketing service providers, market research companies, selling agents) and gaming and other regulators, for the purposes of (i) registration of your membership; and (ii) providing you with information about products and services.
    2. We may also disclose this information to any person who is the bearer of a lottery ticket that is registered to your Players Club card, for the purposes of the administration and conduct of the Players Club program. We may also disclose your Players Club card number on the customer display screen when you choose to use your Players Club card during a lottery transaction. It is a condition of membership that you consent to these uses and disclosures of your information by us. When submitting your membership registration, you can elect to not have your name disclosed when announcing major prize winners. You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information.
    3. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we cannot process your application for registration. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is available for inspection at The Tatts Group Privacy Policy, available at, contains further information about how you may access and seek a correction of your personal information, how you may complain about privacy related matters and information about how your complaint will be dealt with. For privacy related queries, please contact 131 868 or
  14. Communication with you

    By becoming a Players Club member you consent to us contacting you by email and/or SMS or other means of electronic communication to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities including payment of free prize tickets. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences by contacting us on 131 868 or

  15. Variation of Membership Terms

    We may vary any of the Membership Terms by getting your consent or complying with this section. The steps we must take depend on the type of variation. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Membership Terms is likely to benefit you or be of immaterial detriment to you, we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you. We will notify you of any other change to the Membership Terms either by (at our election) mail to an address provided to us by you, or by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring. The notification will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Membership Terms. If you consider that any change to the Membership Terms is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  16. Notices

    Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Membership Terms, we may do so, if the notice is about a variation of the Membership Terms, by complying with section 15, or otherwise, in any way, including by giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents), or giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us, or making the information available at

    1. Where we give you notice:
      • in person, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
      • by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
      • by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email; and
      • by other means of communication when the messages are sent
      • by making information available on, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on
    2. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Membership Terms, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
    3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
  17. Agreement between group entrants

    We shall not be bound by any rule or agreement made between group entrants.

  18. Assignment

    We may assign our rights and obligations under the Membership Terms to other companies in the Tatts Group and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. Otherwise, we may assign our rights and obligations by giving you notice in accordance with section 16. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  19. Application of game rules

    The Membership Terms which are available for inspection at are to be read in conjunction with the Rules. In the event of any conflict between the Membership Terms and the Rules, the Rules will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

  20. Jurisdiction

    The laws of New South Wales govern the Membership Terms. Each of us submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New South Wales.

  21. Waiver

    Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

  22. Website

    There are sections in the Membership Terms which cross reference or link to information on Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Membership Terms.

  23. Interpretation

    Nothing in the Membership Terms affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

    In the Membership Terms:

    • headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
    • “person” includes an individual, a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
    • if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
    • “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation;
    • a reference to “$” or “dollar” is to Australian currency; and
      “Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
      “Membership Terms” mean the Players Club membership terms contained in this document as amended from time to time.
      “NSW Lotteries” means New South Wales Lotteries Corporation Pty Ltd (ACN 142 890 195).
      “NSW Lotteries Outlets” means a retailer appointed by NSW Lotteries.
      “NSW Lotteries Product Account” means an internet account with NSW Lotteries.
      “Rules” means the game rules approved by the Minister from time to time for the conduct of lotteries.
      “Tatts Group” means Tatts Group Limited (ACN 108 686 040) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act).
      “You” and “your” means you, the Players Club member. 
      “We”, “us” and “our” means NSW Lotteries.

Part H: Pty Ltd

  1. Introduction

    1. We are a company incorporated in the State of Victoria, Australia. We operate the website as an agent of:
      1. Tattersall's Sweeps who is the holder of a public lottery licence under the Legislation; and
      2. Tatts NT who is authorised under the Legislation to conduct public lotteries and Australian Soccer Football Pools in the Northern Territory.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part H contain terms and conditions that are specific to your Pty Ltd Product Account and the Tattersall's Sweeps Products and services provided through Pty Ltd. The terms and conditions in this Part H should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your Pty Ltd Product Account.
    3. The laws governing the operations of public lotteries conducted by Tattersall's Sweeps in Victoria and Tasmania and public lotteries and Australian Soccer Football Pools in the Northern Territory conducted by Tatts NT are contained in the Legislation.
    4. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries in respect of:
      1. Tattersall's Sweeps Products , if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in Victoria and you are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in Victoria and an agreement between you and us is formed in Victoria; or
      2. Tatts NT Products, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in the Northern Territory and you are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in the Northern Territory and an agreement between you and us is formed in the Northern Territory.
    5. In this Part H, “us”, “we” and “our” means Pty Ltd.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account with us to purchase Tattersall's Sweeps Products or Tatts NT Products using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting
  3. Rules

    1. The rules governing each lottery in which you may be able to purchase entries through this Website are contained in the following Rules of Tattersall's Sweeps and Tatts NT respectively:
      1. TattsLotto Rules (Schedule A of the Rules);
      2. Super 66 Rules (Schedule B of the Rules);
      3. Oz Lotto Rules (Schedule C of the Rules);
      4. Monday and Wednesday Lotto Rules (Schedule D of the Rules);
      5. Powerball Rules (Schedule E of the Rules);
      6. The Pools Rules (Schedule F of the Rules);
      7. Draw Lotteries (Lucky Lotteries) (Schedule G of the Rules); and
      8. Set for Life (Schedule I of the Rules)
    2. Links to the Rules of both Tattersall's Sweeps and Tatts NT are accessible via the Games section of this Website.
  4. Purchasing entries in lotteries

    1. The manner in which you may offer to purchase entries is explained in the Games section and the How to Play pages on this Website.
    2. When you click on the Purchase button on the Website you are:
      1. offering to purchase the entry selected by you; and
      2. authorising the debiting of your Accounts with the cost of the entry.
    3. On receipt by us of your offer to purchase, Tattersall's Sweeps' lottery system will attempt to give effect to your offer for Tattersall's Sweeps Products and Tatts NT's lottery system will attempt to give effect to your offer for Tatts NT Products. When Tattersall's Sweeps or Tatts NT (as is relevant) confirms to us its acceptance of your offer, Tattersall's Sweeps or Tatts NT (as is relevant) will issue a ticket number which will appear on your screen and we will provide that ticket number and other details relating to your entry (as set out in the Rules) to you by email.
    4. Receipt by us of a ticket number from Tattersall's Sweeps or Tatts NT(as is relevant) confirms your offer to purchase.
    5. If you do not receive a ticket number in respect of your offer to purchase an entry you must contact us immediately.
    6. Copies of the details of the entry can only be used as evidence of an entry if the details match the full details recorded on the lottery system of Tattersall's Sweeps or Tatts NT (as is relevant).
    7. Offers from you to purchase must be received by Tattersall's Sweeps' lottery system or Tatts NT's lottery system (as is relevant) prior to the deadline for the submission of offers for each draw of each lottery.
    8. The deadlines for submission of offers are shown in the Games section and How to Play pages on the Website.
    9. If you wish to cancel an entry you have purchased you must do so prior to the close of entries for the drawing to which your entry relates, other than Set for Life which can only be cancelled prior to the first draw applicable to that entry, however your request to cancel will only be effective if we have been able to cancel the entry through the relevant lottery system.
    10. All prizes:
      1. are subject to verification procedures prior to payment being made; and
      2. will be credited to your Account within the relevant timeframes stipulated in the relevant Rules.
  5. Limits on the amount of lottery purchases

    1. We or you may place limits from time to time on purchases of Products that can be made by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the amount that can be spent per week). The limits are shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. Where we impose limits on purchases that can be made by you, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
  6. Inactive Product Account

    1. If you have not accessed your Product Account for a period of twelve (12) months, we may suspend your Product Account.
    2. If your Product Account remains Inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) months, we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.
  7. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and Pty Ltd Product Account for a period of 180 days. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. You will only be permitted to access your Product Account again after the 180 day period has elapsed.
  8. Jurisdiction

    1. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries in respect of Tattersall's Sweeps Products, the laws of Victoria govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria and you agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in Victoria on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
    2. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries in respect of Tatts NT Products, the laws of the Northern Territory govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Northern Territory and you agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in the Northern Territory on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  9. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. We own or are licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  10. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.
  11. Tatts Card

    1. By establishing a Product Account with us, you will automatically be registered in our Tatts Card program.
    2. The Tatts Card Membership terms are provided at the end of these Terms and Conditions.

Tatts Card Membership Terms

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are effective from 1 September 2014

  1. Application of Membership Terms

    These are the Membership Terms applicable to Tatts Card membership. They are important and should be read carefully by you. By having a Product Account, you are automatically registered as a member of the Tatts Card program. If you have been automatically registered as a member of the Tatts Card program you will only be issued an actual or electronic Tatts Card if you elect to receive a Tatts Card.

  2. Fees

    To have (and continue to have) a Tatts Card and be (and continue to be) a Tatts Card member, you must, when requested by us or a Tatts Outlet, pay the activation fee and annual administration fee as set by us. These fees are non-refundable.

    1. Details regarding the activation and annual administration fees set by us can be found at Tatts Outlets and at We will notify you of any changes to the fees.
    2. If you are already a member of the Tatts Card program before you open a Account, you can link your Tatts Card to your Account. By linking your Tatts Card to your Account, you will be able to view online your transaction history for all purchases made by you at any Tatts Outlet where those purchases are registered to your Tatts Card.
  3. Acceptance of Membership Terms

    You agree to the Tatts Card Membership Terms either expressly (e.g. when you expressly accept them as part of the registration process) or implicitly (e.g. when you make use of your Tatts Card to enter a lottery or otherwise make use of the benefits or services available to Tatts Card members). If you are asked to accept these Membership Terms in respect of your existing Tatts Card membership then your acceptance acknowledges that the Membership Terms replace those which applied to your existing membership, to the extent that they are different.

  4. Eligibility

    Tatts Card membership is only available to persons 18 years of age or older. Your right to make use of your Tatts Card membership to participate in a lottery (e.g. the use of your Tatts Card to purchase an entry) is conditional upon your compliance with these Membership Terms.

  5. Prizes

    Prizes registered to a Tatts Card can only be claimed if you present the relevant Tatts Card (i.e. the same Tatts Card as was used to register the entry). We may additionally request either a statutory declaration of ownership or the original entry ticket be produced prior to the payment of any prize registered on a Tatts Card.

    1. A prize registered on your Tatts Card (other than a Division 1 prize, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize) and not claimed within 4 weeks of the relevant draw date will be paid, at our election, or at your election if you have a linked Account in any one of the following ways:
      1. by crediting the then recorded Account which you have linked to your Tatts Card (but only if you are an unrestricted member, that is, only if your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures);
      2. by remittance in Australian dollars through a bank account nominated by you with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia;
      3. by cheque to you and forwarded by ordinary post to the address recorded for you on our lottery system file.
      Prizes in respect of multi-week entries will be paid approximately four weeks after the draw date of the last entry recorded on that lottery ticket.
    2. If a Division 1 prize, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize is registered to your Tatts Card, we will attempt to contact you by email or telephone by the end of the next business day after the draw date, on the email address or telephone number registered to the Tatts Card.
    3. Division 1 prizes, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize (other than a 1st prize in Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant Rules) will be paid, at our election, either by electronic funds transfer into an account with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia, [or by cheque in person at our offices], or, if we agree (at our absolute discretion) to a request by you, by cheque forwarded by registered or express post to the address then registered to the Tatts Card.
    4. A nominal handling fee inclusive of GST may be deducted from those prizes over $5.00. We will give you notice of the introduction or increase of any fee at least 30 days before the change. Prize cheques for which a 'stop payment' is placed at your request, or which have been cancelled, returned or re-issued as a result of your failure to keep your details current, may incur additional handling/service fees to cover any costs imposed on us by third parties, including those fees charged by the bank of issue, and may be deducted from the value of the prize.
  6. Prize claims

    Prize winning lottery tickets are bearer documents and any prize payment by us to a person surrendering a winning lottery ticket shall discharge any liability we have in respect of that winning lottery ticket, irrespective of whether the lottery ticket is registered to a particular Tatts Card or not.

  7. Mistake

    Notwithstanding anything else in the Membership Terms, if a prize is registered to your Tatts Card by mistake (e.g. if you are not the true owner of the ticket but the ticket has been mistakenly registered to your Tatts Card) and we pay you the prize, you are to reimburse us the amount of that prize upon demand. Where it comes to our attention that we have paid you a prize in error, we will notify you as soon as possible.

  8. Personal details

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal details (including the details of any Account linked to your Tatts Card), your bank account details and address provided to us by you for recording on our lottery system file are correct, complete and accurate at all times, and not misleading or likely to mislead. You must promptly notify us of all changes. In order to effect some changes, you may be required to complete a change of details form made available by us. You acknowledge that we rely on this information provided by you to, amongst other things, process your prize payments.

  9. Availability of internet services

    The accessibility and operation of the Tatts Card membership program relies on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of this service.

  10. Ownership of a Tatts Card

    The Tatts Card remains our property. We reserve the right to withdraw the card and terminate the Tatts Card membership program at any time and to pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules, by giving you at least 30 days' notice. You may continue to use your Tatts Card in accordance with the Membership Terms during the notice period. Where we withdraw your Tatts Card in accordance with this section, no fees or charges will be payable by you and you will be entitled to claim a pro rata refund of the administration fee for any remaining period of membership after the date of termination.

  11. Breaches

    If you have committed a material breach of any of the Membership Terms, including for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that you are under 18 years of age, your Winners Circle card may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use we may, without limitation to such other rights and remedies we may have, terminate your membership membership and cancel any entries made by you. We will attempt to notify you as soon as possible of the termination or cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, prizes are not payable on cancelled entries.

  12. Liability

    We assume no responsibility or liability for lost or stolen tickets and under no circumstances shall registration as a Tatts Card member entitle a person to whom a winning ticket is registered to claim a prize previously paid by us to a person surrendering a winning ticket to us or a Tatts Outlet. If your ticket is lost or stolen you should tell us immediately. If you tell us in adequate time and before the prize is claimed, we may be able to stop payment of the prize.

    1. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in respect of numbers stored on our lottery system or any inability to record or retrieve numbers stored on your Tatts Card or to otherwise access our lottery system for any purpose, save to the extent that such errors, omissions or inabilities arise from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents. It remains your responsibility to check that numbers and/or entry details recorded on lottery tickets are correct at the time of issue.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, Tatts Card membership is at your own risk and you relieve us of any liability to you whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your membership or as a result of your use or attempted use or reliance on any information, service or facility provided to you as a Tatts Card member, save to the extent that such loss or damage arises from our negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of any of our officers, employees or agents).
  13. Privacy

    Tatts is authorised to collect certain personal information for the purpose of processing your application for registration of your membership of the Tatts Card program under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 and the Rules of Authorised Lotteries (VIC).

    1. By becoming a member you consent and authorise us to access, collect and use the personal information collected about you and disclose personal information about you, to Tatts and its contractors and agents (which may include disclosure to financial institutions, lawyers, auditors, IT service providers, mail service providers, marketing service providers, market research companies, selling agents) and gaming and other regulators, for the purposes of (i) registration of your membership; and (ii) providing you with information about products and services.
    2. We may also disclose this information to any person who is the bearer of a lottery ticket that is registered to your Tatts Card, for the purposes of the administration and conduct of the Tatts Card program. We may also disclose your Tatts Card number on the customer display screen when you choose to use Tatts Card during a lottery transaction. It is a condition of membership that you consent to these uses and disclosures of your information by us. When submitting your membership registration, you can elect to not have your name disclosed when announcing major prize winners. You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information
    3. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we cannot process your application for registration. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is available for inspection at The Tatts Group Privacy Policy, available at, contains further information about how you may access and seek a correction of your personal information, how you may complain about privacy related matters and information about how your complaint will be dealt with. For privacy related queries, please contact 131 868 or
  14. Communication with you

    By becoming a Tatts Card member you consent to us contacting you by email and/or SMS or other means of electronic communication to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities including payment of free prize tickets. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences by contacting us on 131 868 or

  15. Variation of Membership Terms

    We may vary any of the Membership Terms by getting your consent or complying with this section. The steps we must take depend on the type of variation. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Membership Terms is likely to benefit you or be of immaterial detriment to you, we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you. We will notify you of any other change to the Membership Terms either by (at our election) mail to an address provided to us by you, or by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring. The notification will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Membership Terms. If you consider that any change to the Membership Terms is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  16. Notices

    Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Membership Terms, we may do so, if the notice is about a variation of the Membership Terms, by complying with section 15, or otherwise, in any way, including by giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents), or giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us, or making the information available at

    1. Where we give you notice:
      • in person, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
      • by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
      • by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email; and
      • by other means of communication when the messages are sent
      • by making information available on , it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on
    2. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Membership Terms, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
    3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
  17. Agreement between group entrants

    We shall not be bound by any rule or agreement made between group entrants.

  18. Assignment

    We may assign our rights and obligations under the Membership Terms to other companies in the Tatts Group and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. Otherwise, we may assign our rights and obligations by giving you notice in accordance with section 16. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  19. Application of game rules

    The Membership Terms which are available for inspection at are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Authorised Lotteries (VIC). In the event of any conflict between the Membership Terms and the Rules of Authorised Lotteries (VIC), the Rules of Authorised Lotteries (VIC) will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

  20. Jurisdiction

    The laws of Victoria govern the Membership Terms. Each of us submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria.

  21. Waiver

    Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

  22. Website

    There are sections in the Membership Terms which cross reference or link to information on Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Membership Terms.

  23. Interpretation

    Nothing in the Membership Terms affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

    In the Membership Terms:

    • headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
    • “person” includes an individual, a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
    • if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
    • “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation;
    • a reference to “$” or “dollar” is to Australian currency; and
      “Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
      “Membership Terms” mean the Tatts Card membership terms contained in this document as amended from time to time.
      “Tatts” means Tattersall's Sweeps Pty Ltd (ACN 081 825 662).
      “Tatts Outlets” means a retailer appointed by Tatts.
      “ Product Account” means an internet account with Pty Ltd, as an agent of Tattersall's Sweeps.
      “Tatts Group” means Tatts Group Limited (ACN 108 686 040) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act).
      “You” and “your” means you, the Tatts Card member.
      “We”, “us” and “our” means Tatts.

Tatts NT Card Membership Terms (Tatts NT)

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are effective from 1 September 2014

  1. Application of Membership Terms

    These are the Membership Terms applicable to Tatts Card membership. They are important and should be read carefully by you. By having a Product Account, you are automatically registered as a member of the Tatts Card program. If you have been automatically registered as a member of the Tatts Card program you will only be issued an actual or electronic Tatts Card if you elect to receive a Tatts Card.

  2. Fees

    To have (and continue to have) a Tatts Card and be (and continue to be) a Tatts Card member, you must, when requested by us or a Tatts NT Outlet, pay the activation fee and annual administration fee as set by us.

    1. Details regarding the activation and annual administration fees set by us can be found at Tatts NT Outlets and at We will notify you of any changes to the fees.
    2. If you are already a member of the Tatts Card program before you open a Account, you can link your Tatts Card to your Account. By linking your Tatts Card to your Account, you will be able to view online your transaction history for all purchases made by you at any Tatts NT Outlet where those purchases are registered to your Tatts Card.
  3. Acceptance of Membership Terms

    You agree to the Tatts Card Membership Terms either expressly (e.g. when you expressly accept them as part of the registration process) or implicitly (e.g. when you make use of your Tatts Card to enter a lottery or otherwise make use of the benefits or services available to Tatts Card members). If you are asked to accept these Membership Terms in respect of your existing Tatts Card membership then your acceptance acknowledges that the Membership Terms replace those which applied to your existing membership, to the extent that they are different.

  4. Eligibility

    Tatts Card membership is only available to persons 18 years of age or older. Your right to make use of your Tatts Card membership to participate in a lottery (e.g. the use of your Tatts Card to purchase an entry) is conditional upon your compliance with these Membership Terms.

  5. Prizes

    Prizes registered to a Tatts Card can only be claimed if you present the relevant Tatts Card (i.e. the same Tatts Card as was used to register the entry). We may additionally request either a statutory declaration of ownership or the original entry ticket be produced prior to the payment of any prize registered on a Tatts Card.

    1. A prize registered on your Tatts Card (other than a Division 1 prize, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize) and not claimed within 4 weeks of the relevant draw date will be paid, at our election, or at your election if you have a linked Account in any one of the following ways:
      1. by crediting the then recorded Account which you have linked to your Tatts Card (but only if you are an unrestricted member, that is, only if your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures);
      2. by remittance in Australian dollars through a bank account nominated by you with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia;
      3. by cheque to you and forwarded by ordinary post to the address recorded for you on our lottery system file.
      Prizes in respect of multi-week entries will be paid approximately four weeks after the draw date of the last entry recorded on that lottery ticket.
    2. If a Division 1 prize, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize is registered to your Tatts Card, we will attempt to contact you by email or telephone by the end of the next business day after the draw date, on the email address or telephone number registered to the Tatts Card.
    3. Division 1 prizes, a 1st prize or a Lucky Lotteries Jackpot prize (other than a 1st prize in Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant Rules) will be paid, at our election, either by electronic funds transfer into an account with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia, [or by cheque in person at our offices], or, if we agree (at our absolute discretion) to a request by you, by cheque forwarded by registered or express post to the address then registered to the Tatts Card.
    4. A nominal handling fee inclusive of GST may be deducted from those prizes over $5.00. We will give you notice of the introduction or increase of any fee at least 30 days before the change. Prize cheques for which a 'stop payment' is placed at your request, or which have been cancelled, returned or re-issued as a result of your failure to keep your details current, may incur additional handling/service fees to cover any costs imposed on us by third parties, including those fees charged by the bank of issue, and may be deducted from the value of the prize.
  6. Prize claims

    Prize winning lottery tickets are bearer documents and any prize payment by us to a person surrendering a winning lottery ticket shall discharge any liability we have in respect of that winning lottery ticket, irrespective of whether the lottery ticket is registered to a particular Tatts Card or not.

  7. Mistake

    Notwithstanding anything else in the Membership Terms, if a prize is registered to your Tatts Card by mistake (e.g. if you are not the true owner of the ticket but the ticket has been mistakenly registered to your Tatts Card) and we pay you the prize, you are to reimburse us the amount of that prize upon demand. Where it comes to our attention that we have paid you a prize in error, we will notify you as soon as possible.

  8. Personal details

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal details (including the details of any Account linked to your Tatts Card), your bank account details and address provided to us by you for recording on our lottery system file are correct, complete and accurate at all times, and not misleading or likely to mislead. You must promptly notify us of all changes. In order to effect some changes, you may be required to complete a change of details form made available by us. You acknowledge that we rely on this information provided by you to, amongst other things, process your prize payments.

  9. Availability of internet services

    The accessibility and operation of the Tatts Card membership program relies on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of this service.

  10. Ownership of a Tatts Card

    The Tatts Card remains our property. We reserve the right to withdraw the card and terminate the Tatts Card membership program at any time and to pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules, by giving you at least 30 days' notice. You may continue to use your Tatts Card in accordance with the Membership Terms during the notice period. Where we withdraw your Tatts Card in accordance with this section, no fees or charges will be payable by you and you will be entitled to claim a pro rata refund of the administration fee for any remaining period of membership after the date of termination.

  11. Breaches

    If you have committed a material breach of any of the Membership Terms, including for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that you are under 18 years of age, your Winners Circle card may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use we may, without limitation to such other rights and remedies we may have, terminate your membership membership and cancel any entries made by you. We will attempt to notify you as soon as possible of the termination or cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, prizes are not payable on cancelled entries.

  12. Liability

    We assume no responsibility or liability for lost or stolen tickets and under no circumstances shall registration as a Tatts Card member entitle a person to whom a winning ticket is registered to claim a prize previously paid by us to a person surrendering a winning ticket to us or a Tatts NT Outlet. If your ticket is lost or stolen you should tell us immediately. If you tell us in adequate time and before the prize is claimed, we may be able to stop payment of the prize.

    1. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in respect of numbers stored on our lottery system or any inability to record or retrieve numbers stored on your Tatts Card or to otherwise access our lottery system for any purpose, save to the extent that such errors, omissions or inabilities arise from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents. It remains your responsibility to check that numbers and/or entry details recorded on lottery tickets are correct at the time of issue.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, Tatts Card membership is at your own risk and you relieve us of any liability to you whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your membership or as a result of your use or attempted use or reliance on any information, service or facility provided to you as a Tatts Card member, save to the extent that such loss or damage arises from our negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of any of our officers, employees or agents).
  13. Privacy

    Tatts is authorised to collect certain personal information for the purpose of processing your application for registration of your membership of the Tatts Card program under the Gaming Control Act and Gaming Control (Community Gaming) Regulations (NT).

    1. By becoming a member you consent and authorise us to access, collect and use the personal information collected about you and disclose personal information about you, to Tatts NT and its contractors and agents (which may include disclosure to financial institutions, lawyers, auditors, IT service providers, mail service providers, marketing service providers, market research companies, selling agents) and gaming and other regulators, for the purposes of (i) registration of your membership; and (ii) providing you with information about products and services.
    2. We may also disclose this information to any person who is the bearer of a lottery ticket that is registered to your Tatts Card, for the purposes of the administration and conduct of the Tatts Card program. We may also disclose your Tatts Card number on the customer display screen when you choose to use Tatts Card during a lottery transaction. It is a condition of membership that you consent to these uses and disclosures of your information by us. When submitting your membership registration, you can elect to not have your name disclosed when announcing major prize winners. You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information
    3. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we cannot process your application for registration. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is available for inspection at The Tatts Group Privacy Policy, available at, contains further information about how you may access and seek a correction of your personal information, how you may complain about privacy related matters and information about how your complaint will be dealt with. For privacy related queries, please contact 131 868 or
  14. Communication with you

    By becoming a Tatts Card member you consent to us contacting you by email and/or SMS or other means of electronic communication to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities including payment of free prize tickets. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences by contacting us on 131 868 or

  15. Variation of Membership Terms

    We may vary any of the Membership Terms by getting your consent or complying with this section. The steps we must take depend on the type of variation. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Membership Terms is likely to benefit you or be of immaterial detriment to you, we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you. We will notify you of any other change to the Membership Terms either by (at our election) mail to an address provided to us by you, or by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring. The notification will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Membership Terms. If you consider that any change to the Membership Terms is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  16. Notices

    Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Membership Terms, we may do so, if the notice is about a variation of the Membership Terms, by complying with section 15, or otherwise, in any way, including by giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents), or giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us, or making the information available at

    1. Where we give you notice:
      • in person, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
      • by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
      • by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email; and
      • by other means of communication when the messages are sent
      • by making information available on, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on
    2. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Membership Terms, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
    3. Where any law requires or permits us to give information to you, you consent to that information being given by an electronic communication.
  17. Agreement between group entrants

    We shall not be bound by any rule or agreement made between group entrants.

  18. Assignment

    We may assign our rights and obligations under the Membership Terms to other companies in the Tatts Group and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. Otherwise, we may assign our rights and obligations by giving you notice in accordance with section 16. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  19. Application of game rules

    The Membership Terms which are available at are to be read in conjunction with the Gaming Control Act and Gaming Control (Community Gaming) Regulations (NT). In the event of any conflict between the Membership Terms and the Gaming Control Act and Gaming Control (Community Gaming) Regulations (NT), the Gaming Control Act and Gaming Control (Community Gaming) Regulations (NT) will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

  20. Jurisdiction

    The laws of the Northern Territory govern the Membership Terms. Each of us submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Northern Territory.

  21. Waiver

    Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

  22. Website

    There are sections in the Membership Terms which cross reference or link to information on Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Membership Terms.

  23. Interpretation

    Nothing in the Membership Terms afects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

    In the Membership Terms:

    • headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
    • “person” includes an individual, a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
    • if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
    • “includes” in any form is not a word of limitation;
    • a reference to “$” or “dollar” is to Australian currency; and
      “Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
      “Membership Terms” mean the Tatts Card membership terms contained in this document as amended from time to time.
      “Tatts NT” means Tatts NT Lotteries Pty Ltd (ACN 146 244 987).
      “Tatts NT Outlets” means a retailer appointed by Tatts NT.
      “ Product Account” means an internet account with Pty Ltd, as an agent of Tatts NT.
      “Tatts Group” means Tatts Group Limited (ACN 108 686 040) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act).
      “You” and “your” means you, the Tatts Card member.
      “We”, “us” and “our” means Tatts.

Part I: Tatts SA

  1. Introduction

    1. We are a company incorporated in the State of Victoria, Australia. We operate the website as the master agent for the Lotteries Commission of South Australia that is authorised under the State Lotteries Act 1966 to promote and conduct lotteries in accordance with the Legislation.
    2. The Terms and Conditions in this Part I contain terms and conditions that are specific to your Tatts SA Product Account and the Tatts SA Products and services. The terms and conditions in this Part I should be read in conjunction with Parts A and B which form part of the terms and conditions that are specific to your Tatts SA Product Account.
    3. The laws governing the operations of public lotteries conducted by Tatts SA are contained in the Legislation.
    4. When you make an offer to us to purchase entries, if we accept that offer we are accepting the offer you have made to us in South Australia. You are deemed to receive notification of that acceptance in South Australia and an agreement between you and us is formed in South Australia.
    5. In this Part I, “us”, “we” and “our” means Tatts SA.
  2. Account Use

    1. You may use your Product Account with us to purchase Tatts SA Products using the internet by various methods made available by us from time to time, including by visiting
  3. Rules

    1. The rules governing each lottery in which you may be able to purchase entries through this Website are contained in the following Rules:
      1. XLotto Rules (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Lotto);
      2. Powerball Rules;
      3. Oz Lotto Rules;
      4. Pools Rules;
      5. Super 66 Rules; and
      6. Lotteries (General) Rules
    2. Links to the Rules are accessible via the Games section of this Website.
  4. Purchasing entries in lotteries

    1. The manner in which you may offer to purchase entries is explained in the How to Play pages on this Website and you are approved by us to complete the entry other than by hand.
    2. When you click on the Purchase button on the Website you are:
      1. offering to purchase the entry selected by you; and
      2. authorising the debiting of your Accounts with the cost of the entry.
    3. On receipt by us of your offer to purchase, our lottery system will attempt to give effect to your offer and if accepted we will issue a ticket number which will appear on your screen and we will provide that ticket number and other details relating to your entry (as set out in the Rules) to you by email.
    4. If you do not receive a ticket number in respect of your offer to purchase an entry you must contact us immediately.
    5. Copies of the details of the entry can only be used as evidence of an entry if the details match the full details recorded in our lottery system.
    6. Offers from you to purchase must be received by our lottery system prior to the deadline for the submission of offers for each draw of each lottery.
    7. The deadlines for submission of offers are shown in the Games section and the How to Play pages on the Website.
    8. If you wish to cancel an entry you have purchased you must do so prior to the close of entries for the draw to which your entry relates, other than Set for Life where the entry can only be cancelled prior to the first draw applicable to that entry, however your request to cancel will only be effective if we have been able to cancel the entry through our lottery system.
    9. All prizes:
      1. are subject to verification procedures prior to payment being made; and
      2. will be credited to your Account within the relevant timeframes stipulated in the Rules.
  5. Limits on the amount of lottery purchases

    1. We or you may place limits from time to time on purchases of Tatts SA Products that can be made by you over a particular period of time (e.g. a limitation on the amount that can be spent per week). The limits are shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. Where we impose limits on purchases that can be made by you, we will notify you of this limitation as soon as possible. If you believe that the change is detrimental to you, you may close your Product Account without any fees or charges.
  6. Inactive Product Account

    1. If you have not accessed your Product Account for a period of twelve (12) months we may suspend your Product Account.
    2. If your Product Account remains Inactive for a period of twenty-four (24) months, we may close your Product Account and terminate your access to the Website.
  7. Restricted Member Account closure

    1. If you do not become an Unrestricted Member within ninety (90) days of being registered as a Restricted Member:
      1. we will close your Product Account; and
      2. any funds standing to the credit of your Product Account will continue be held on trust for you in one or more of Tatts Group's general accounts (refer to sections 6.4 and 6.5 of Part B).
    2. Funds will be dealt with in accordance with the Terms and Conditions until:
      1. you become an Unrestricted Member ( i.e. until your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures) at which time funds may be claimed by you; or
      2. the funds are required to be dealt with in accordance with any law relating to unclaimed money.
  8. Self-Exclusion

    1. You may self-exclude from purchasing Products via this Website which will result in you being prevented from being able to use your username, password and Tatts SA Account for a period of 180 days. The process for self-exclusion is shown on the Self Manage page in the Your Accounts section on the Website.
    2. You will only be permitted to access your Product Account again after the 180 day period has elapsed.
  9. Jurisdiction

    1. The laws of South Australia govern these Terms and Conditions and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of South Australia.
    2. You agree not to seek to stay or terminate any proceedings brought in South Australia on the grounds that the forum is not convenient or is less appropriate than some other forum.
  10. Intellectual Property

    1. Intellectual property does or may subsist in or relate to the content in this Website, including, but not limited to, copyright, patents and trade marks, whether protectable by statute, at common law or in equity, and whether registered, registrable, or not. Tatts SA owns or is licensed to use that intellectual property in all of the content in this Website and by accessing and using this Website, you acknowledge such ownership and/or licence.
    2. No data, file, graphics, images, results or other content in this Website, including content downloaded from this Website and material you may receive in connection with this Website, may be reproduced or distributed without our prior written consent and you agree that you will not in any manner reproduce, modify, adapt, develop, distribute, interfere with, create derivative works from or decompile any such content.
  11. Assignment

    1. We may assign our rights and obligations under the Terms and Conditions to a Related Body Corporate and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may close your Accounts without being liable to pay any fees or charges to us.

Easiplay Club Card Membership Terms

Terms & Conditions

  1. Application of Membership Terms

    These are the Membership Terms applicable to Easiplay Club membership. They are important and should be read carefully by you. By having a Tatts SA Product Account, you are automatically registered as a member of the Easiplay Club card program. If you have been automatically registered as a member of the Easiplay Club card program you will only be issued an actual or electronic Easiplay Club card if you elect to receive an Easiplay Club card.

  2. Fees

    To have (and continue to have) an Easiplay Club card and be (and continue to be) an Easiplay Club member, including eligibility for the Monthly Bonus Draws, you must, when requested by us or an Tatts SA Outlet, pay the activation fee and annual administration fee as set by us.

    1. Details regarding the activation and annual administration fees set by us can be found at Tatts SA Outlets and at We will notify you of any changes to the fees.
    2. If you are already a member of the Easiplay Club card program before you open a Tatts SA Product Account, you can link your Easiplay Club card to your Tatts SA Product Account. By linking your Easiplay Club card to your Tatts SA Lotteries Product Account, you will be able to view online your transaction history for all purchases made by you at any Tatts SA Outlet where those purchases are registered to your Easiplay Club card.
  3. Acceptance of Membership Terms

    You agree to the Easiplay Club Membership Terms either expressly (e.g. when you expressly accept them as part of the registration process) or implicitly (e.g. when you make use of your Easiplay Club card to enter a lottery or otherwise make use of the benefits or services available to Easiplay Club members). If you are asked to accept these Membership Terms in respect of your existing Easiplay Club membership then your acceptance acknowledges that the Membership Terms replace those which applied to your existing membership, to the extent that they are different.

  4. Eligibility

    Easiplay Club membership is only available to persons 18 years of age or older. Your right to make use of your Easiplay Club membership to participate in a lottery (e.g. the use of your Easiplay Club card to purchase an entry) is conditional upon your compliance with these Membership Terms.

  5. Existing Members

    If you are already an Easiplay Club member and your card is in the name of two players then from 7 April 2014 the first named person on the card will be taken to be the registered player for the purposes of advising Tatts SA of any updates to your membership details and for payment of prizes. All prize payments in relation to the Easiplay Club membership card shall be paid to that player.

  6. Prizes

    Prizes registered to an Easiplay Club card can only be claimed if you present the relevant Easiplay Club card (i.e. the same Easiplay Club card as was used to register the entry). We may additionally request either a statutory declaration of ownership or the original entry ticket be produced prior to the payment of any prize registered on an Easiplay Club card.

    1. A prize registered on your Easiplay Club card (other than a Division 1 prize or a 1st Prize for Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant Rules) and not claimed within the Autopay period, at our election, or at your election if you have a linked Tatts SA Product Account may be paid in any one of the following ways:
      1. by crediting the then recorded Tatts SA Product Account which you have linked to your Easiplay Club card (but only if you are an unrestricted member, that is, only if your identity, age and place of residence have been verified in accordance with our identification procedures);
      2. by remittance in Australian dollars through a bank account nominated by you with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia;
      3. by cheque or by Gift Vouchers to you and forwarded by ordinary post to the address recorded for you on our lottery system file.
      4. Prizes in respect of multi-week entries will be paid in the period ending 28 days from midnight on the day of determination of the results of the final draw as shown on the ticket.
      5. In all other cases, the period ending 28 days from midnight on the day of determination of the results of the draw.
    2. Division 1 prizes (not including 1st Prize for Set for Life which will be paid in accordance with the relevant Rules) will be paid 14 days from the day following a draw, at our election, either by electronic funds transfer into an account with an Australian branch of a bank carrying on business in Australia, [or by cheque in person at our offices], or, if we agree (at our absolute discretion) to a request by you, by cheque forwarded by registered or express post to your current address.
    3. A nominal handling fee (which may include postage costs and a processing fee) inclusive of GST may be deducted from prize payments made by electronic funds transfer, cheques or such other manner as SA Lotteries determines We will give you notice of the introduction or increase of any fee at least 30 days before the change. Prize cheques for which a 'stop payment' is placed at your request, or which have been cancelled, returned or re-issued as a result of your failure to keep your details current, may incur additional handling/service fees to cover any costs imposed on us by third parties, including those fees charged by the bank of issue, and may be deducted from the value of the prize.
  7. Prize claims

    Prize winning lottery tickets are bearer documents and any prize payment by us to a person surrendering a winning lottery ticket shall discharge any liability we have in respect of that winning lottery ticket, irrespective of whether the lottery ticket is registered to a particular Easiplay Club member or not.

  8. Mistake

    Notwithstanding anything else in the Membership Terms, if a prize is registered to your Easiplay Club card by mistake (e.g. if you are not the true owner of the ticket but the ticket has been mistakenly registered to your Easiplay Club card) and we pay you the prize, you are to reimburse us the amount of that prize upon demand. Where it comes to our attention that we have paid you a prize in error, we will notify you as soon as possible.

  9. Personal details

    It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal details (including the details of any Tatts SA Product Account linked to your Easiplay Club card), your bank account details and address provided to us by you for recording on our lottery system file are correct, complete and accurate at all times, and not misleading or likely to mislead. You must promptly notify us of all changes. In order to effect some changes, you may be required to complete a change of details form made available by us. You acknowledge that we rely on this information provided by you to, amongst other things, process your prize payments.

  10. Availability of internet services

    The accessibility and operation of the Easiplay Club membership program relies on internet technologies outside of our control. We do not guarantee continuous accessibility, uninterrupted operation or any particular standard of performance of this service.

  11. Ownership of Easiplay Club card

    The Easiplay Club card remains our property. We reserve the right to withdraw the card and terminate the Easiplay Club membership program at any time and to pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules, by giving you at least 30 days’ notice. You may continue to use your Easiplay Club card in accordance with the Membership Terms during the notice period. Where we withdraw your Easiplay Club card in accordance with this section, no fees or charges will be payable by you and you will be entitled to claim a pro rata refund of the administration fee for any remaining period of membership after the date of termination.

  12. Breaches

    If you have committed a material breach of any of the Membership Terms, including for example, if we become aware or reasonably believe that you are under 18 years of age, your Winners Circle card may have been used to facilitate or is connected with unlawful, suspicious or fraudulent transactions or has been misused, or been subject to unauthorised use we may, without limitation to such other rights and remedies we may have, terminate your membership membership and cancel any entries made by you. We will attempt to notify you as soon as possible of the termination or cancellation. For the avoidance of doubt, prizes are not payable on cancelled entries.

  13. Liability

    We assume no responsibility or liability for lost or stolen tickets and under no circumstances shall registration as an Easiplay Club member entitle a person to whom a winning ticket is registered to claim a prize previously paid by us to a person surrendering a winning ticket to us or a Tatts SA Outlet. If your ticket is lost or stolen you should tell us immediately. If you tell us in adequate time and before the prize is claimed, we may be able to stop payment of the prize.

    1. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded we will not be liable for any errors or omissions in respect of numbers stored on our lottery system or any inability to record or retrieve numbers stored on your Easiplay Club card or to otherwise access our lottery system for any purpose, save to the extent that such errors, omissions or inabilities arise from our negligence or wilful misconduct or that of any of our officers, employees or agents. It remains your responsibility to check that numbers and/or entry details recorded on lottery tickets are correct at the time of issue.
    2. Except to the extent that guarantees under the Australian Consumer Law cannot be excluded, Easiplay Club membership is at your own risk and you relieve us of any liability to you whatsoever (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your membership or as a result of your use or attempted use or reliance on any information, service or facility provided to you as a Easiplay Club member, save to the extent that such loss or damage arises from our negligence or wilful misconduct (or that of any of our officers, employees or agents).
  14. Privacy

    Tatts SA is authorised to collect personal information for the purpose of processing your application for registration of your membership of the Tatts SA Easiplay Club program under the Lotteries (General) Rules.

    1. By becoming a member you consent and authorise us to access, collect and use the personal information collected about you and disclose personal information about you, to the Promoter Group and its contractors and agents (which may include disclosure to financial institutions, lawyers, auditors, IT service providers, mail service providers, marketing service providers, market research companies, selling agents) and gaming and other regulators, for the purposes of (i) registration of your membership; and (ii) providing you with information about products and services.
    2. We may also disclose this information to any person who is the bearer of a lottery ticket that is registered to your Easiplay Club card, for the purposes of the administration and conduct of the Easiplay Club program. We may also disclose your Easiplay Club card number on the customer display screen when you choose to use your Easiplay Club card during a lottery transaction. It is a condition of membership that you consent to these uses and disclosures of your information by us. When submitting your membership registration, you can elect to not have your name disclosed when announcing major prize winners. You will usually be entitled to gain access to information which we hold about you, except in certain circumstances specified by legislation. We may charge a fee for our reasonable costs in providing you with access to your personal information.
    3. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we cannot process your application for registration. Your personal information will be dealt with in accordance with Tatts Group's Privacy Policy which is available for inspection at The Tatts Group Privacy Policy, available at, contains further information about how you may access and seek a correction of your personal information, how you may complain about privacy related matters and information about how your complaint will be dealt with. For privacy related queries, please contact 131 868 or
  15. Communication with you

    By becoming an Easiplay Club member you consent to us contacting you by email and/or SMS or other means of electronic communication to provide you with information about upcoming events, promotions, new products and services or other similar opportunities including payment of free prize tickets. Each time we contact you with direct marketing, we will provide you with the opportunity to opt-out from receipt of direct marketing activities and we will promptly act on your request to opt-out. If you do not wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out of any or all of them at any time by updating your communication preferences by contacting us on 131 868 or

  16. Variation of Membership Terms

    We may vary any of the Membership Terms by getting your consent or complying with this section. The steps we must take depend on the type of variation. If we reasonably consider that any change to the Membership Terms is likely to benefit you or be of immaterial detriment to you, we can make the change immediately and do not need to notify you. We will notify you of any other change to the Membership Terms either by (at our election) mail to an address provided to us by you, or by email to the email address provided to us by you, sent by us at least 30 days prior to the change occurring. The notification will specify the date of commencement of the change to the Membership Terms. If you consider that any change to the Membership Terms is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  17. Notices

    Where we are required or permitted to give you a notice under the Membership Terms, we may do so, if the notice is about a variation of the Membership Terms, by complying with section 16, or otherwise, in any way, including by giving you the information in person (whether it be provided by us or our agents), or giving you the information by telephone, mail, email or any other form of communication using the contact details you give to us, or making the information available at

    1. Where we give you notice:
      • in person, it is taken to be received by you at the time we give it;
      • by mail, it is taken to be received by you on the day after posting;
      • by email, it is taken to be received by you when the email is sent, regardless of any response to the email; and
      • by other means of communication when the messages are sent
      • by making information available on, it is taken to be received by you at the time the information is made available on
    2. Where you are required or permitted to give us a notice under the Membership Terms, you may do so by giving us the notice by:
  18. Agreement between group entrants

    We shall not be bound by any rule or agreement made between group entrants.

  19. Assignment

    We may assign our rights and obligations under the Membership Terms to other companies in the Tatts Group and we will give you notice no later than 30 days after any such assignment occurs. Otherwise, we may assign our rights and obligations by giving you notice in accordance with section 17. If you consider that the assignment is detrimental to you, you may terminate your membership without any fees or charges, and we will pay out any prize moneys which may be outstanding, in accordance with the Rules.

  20. Application of game rules

    The Membership Terms are to be read in conjunction with the Lotteries (General) Rules and other game rules governing our lottery games which are available for inspection at In the event of any conflict between the Membership Terms and the Rules, the Rules will prevail to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.

  21. Jurisdiction

    The laws of South Australia govern the Membership Terms. Each of us submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of South Australia.

  22. Waiver

    Any non-enforcement by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver of those rights. Any waiver by us of any of our rights under the Membership Terms will not constitute a waiver on any subsequent occasion.

  23. Website

    There are sections in the Membership Terms which cross reference or link to information on Unless the context otherwise requires, that cross reference or link is not intended to make the cross referenced or linked information a part of the Membership Terms.

  24. Interpretation

    Nothing in the Membership Terms affects your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

    In the Membership Terms:

    • headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
    • "person" includes an individual, a word importing the singular includes the plural (and vice versa), and a word indicating a gender includes every other gender;
    • if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
    • "includes" in any form is not a word of limitation;
    • a reference to "$" or "dollar" is to Australian currency; and
    • a reference to “application” or “application for registration” means your application described in section 5 of Part B of the Terms and Conditions.
      “Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
      “Membership Terms” mean the Easiplay Club card membership terms contained in this document as amended from time to time.
      "Tatts SA" means Tatts Lotteries SA Pty Ltd (ACN 146 245 007).
      “Tatts SA Outlets” means a retailer appointed by Tatts SA.
      “Tatts SA Product Account” means an internet account with Tatts SA.
      “Rules” means the game rules approved by the Minister from time to time for the conduct of lotteries.
      “Tatts Group” means Tatts Group Limited (ACN 108 686 040) and its related bodies corporate (as that term is defined in the Corporations Act).
      "You" and "your" means you, the Easiplay Club member.
      “We”, “us” and “our” means Tatts SA.

Part J: Autoplay

  1. Introduction

    The terms and conditions in this Part J contain terms and conditions that are specific to the establishment of an Autoplay functionality and use of your Account and should be read in conjunction with Parts A, B, C, F, G, H and I of these terms and conditions (if applicable).

  2. Definitions

    “Autoplay functionality” means the automatic purchasing of a specific entry in a lottery based on the settings requested by you at the time you set it up.

  3. Establishment of Autoplay functionality

    1. If approved for use in the jurisdiction in which you reside, you may set up Autoplay at the time that you offer to purchase an entry in a lottery from a Product Supplier provided that –
      1. you are an Unrestricted Member;
      2. the purchase will not exceed your Nominated Pre-commitment Limit; and
      3. you keep your credit card details up to date.
    2. If approved for use in the jurisdiction in which you reside, you may set up the Autoplay functionality for the following lottery products –
      1. for residents of Victoria and Tasmania – TattsLotto, Monday & Wednesday Lotto, Powerball, the Pools, Oz Lotto and Draw Lotteries (Lucky Lotteries);
      2. for residents of the Northern Territory and selected international jurisdictions – TattsLotto, Monday & Wednesday Lotto, Powerball, the Pools, Oz Lotto and Draw Lotteries (Lucky Lotteries);
      3. for residents of Queensland – Saturday Gold Lotto, Monday & Wednesday Gold Lotto, Powerball, the Pools, Oz Lotto and Draw Lotteries (Lucky Lotteries); and
      4. for residents of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory – Saturday Lotto, Monday & Wednesday Lotto, Powerball, the Pools, Oz Lotto and Lucky Lotteries.
  4. Purchasing entries using Autoplay functionality (where available)

    1. How to set up Autoplay is explained on the Websites.
    2. You can select your Product purchases for –
      1. every draw for a particular Product;
      2. every draw for a nominated number of draws only;
      3. only certain draws where the jackpot level for a particular Product or Products is equal to or higher than a specified amount; and
      4. Superdraws or Megadraws.
    3. Your selection of entries that you have nominated to purchase using Autoplay will continue for the time nominated by you, or until you amend your nominated Autoplay selection by pausing or cancelling the Autoplay from time to time in the manner specified on the Website.
    4. If you are a resident of New South Wales and wish to set up Autoplay functionality to purchase Lucky Lottery entries please note that there may be more than one draw per day for Lucky Lotteries games.
  5. Autoplay payments

    1. Your Accounts will be debited to pay for the cost of the entries you have nominated via the Autoplay as soon as practicable in the week leading up to draw to which the relevant entry relates and at the time the relevant entry is purchased using the Autoplay.
    2. The cost of entries purchased using the Autoplay will be the cost for those entries at the time those entries are automatically purchased which cost may be different from the cost at the time you set up or last varied your Autoplay.
    3. By establishing the Autoplay functionality you authorise us to deposit funds into your Accounts from the credit card nominated by you in the event of there being insufficient funds in your Accounts to pay for the cost of the entries you have nominated via the Autoplay functionality.
    4. If the credit card details linked to your Accounts are not up to date then your offer to purchase lottery products will not be accepted.
    5. In the event that there are multiple purchases rejected because of your failure to keep your credit card details up to date then your Autoplay may be suspended or cancelled.
  6. Notifications

    1. Each time your offer to purchase an entry via Autoplay is processed and accepted by the Product Supplier for a particular Product we will issue a ticket number and we will provide that ticket number and other details relating to your entry to you by email.
    2. We will give you notice by email if your offer to purchase an entry via Autoplay is not processed and accepted by the Product Supplier.
    3. We will notify you by email of any anomalies that may arise because of a computer system failure which may lead to the non-purchase of an entry via the Autoplay functionality.
  7. Your Responsibilities

    1. You must ensure that your entries nominated via Autoplay have been successfully processed and accepted by us as requested by checking your Account.
    2. You must immediately notify us of any changes to your nominated email address so that it is up to date at all times.
    3. You are able to pause, modify or cancel Autoplay at any time by accessing your Accounts and following the instructions on the Website
    4. You must keep your Autoplay functionality current and it is your responsibility to renew your Autoplay functionality if it has expired
    5. You are able to cancel a ticket purchased via Autoplay in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the relevant Product Supplier
    6. It is your responsibility to manage your Accounts at all times and to make separate prior arrangements to cancel your Accounts and/or Auto play in the event of death or incapacity
  8. Indemnity and Limitation of Liability

    1. For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 4.2 of the Common Terms and Conditions (Part B) applies to all entries purchased or sought to be purchased using Autoplay.
  9. Responsible Gambling and Self Exclusion

    1. We reserve the rights to deny you the opportunity to use Autoplay and we may withdraw Autoplay from you at any time.
    2. Each of the Product Suppliers may in its absolute discretion temporarily or permanently exclude you from using Autoplay if any responsible gambling concerns are raised as a result of your purchasing any or all lottery products or using Autoplay.
    3. Autoplay is not available to any Member who has been excluded from purchasing lottery products by any of the Product Suppliers or has self excluded from purchasing any lottery products.

[1] UBET NT will be the supplier of wagering products which are available from UBET NT and which have not been approved by the Queensland, and South Australian or Tasmanian regulators (as applicable).

[2] BPAY® Registered to BPAY Pty. Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

[3] Prizes purchased using your NSW Lotteries Product Account are not registered to your Players Club Card and will be paid to you in accordance with the terms and conditions in Part G.