The world’s most elegant publishing platform is also its most loved

More sites are powered by WordPress than any other Content Management System (CMS) combined.

Our team provides unrivaled expertise and products to support the world’s biggest publishers.


Of the top 10 million sites on the web use WordPress

Our Cloud Hosting service powers the world’s biggest publishers

We’re building a community of the biggest and best WordPress sites and partnerships with the smartest, most forward-thinking developers, users, and business leaders in the WordPress ecosystem.

Whether desktop or mobile, publisher or consumer, our rock solid platform ensures content can be published and consumed anywhere, anytime.




Page views

We are a global company dedicated to making WordPress work better for our clients and users

We ensure our partners are confidently running the fastest, most secure WordPress sites. Our team works closely with each of our clients to ensure just that with thorough reviews of each line of code on our platform.

We’re a partner who ensures sites are updated safely and quickly. Multiple times a day.


Lines of code reviewed


Deploys all time

131 min

Average review/deploy time

Our support keeps sites fast and secure

Our commitment to quality WordPress applications for the world’s most demanding publishers results in reliability that is unrivaled. We understand the importance of availability and it’s reflected in our independently monitored uptime stats.

We believe that every relationship at VIP is a partnership and that the best relationships are the ones built upon trust. We do our part to build and maintain this through communication, transparency, accountability, and empathy.


Uptime last 30 days


Average response time

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