Monthly Archives: December 2014

A Prayer for New Year

Crackers pop and Catherine wheels spin where once bells would have rung to declare New Year has begun. Here in this bright,  shiny time we have, again, the chance to check our place in the universe, to realign and chart … Continue reading

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Preparing for Christmas at Sophia’s Springs

We follow the journey of a young couple from Nazareth to Bethlehem, two thousand years ago; and reflect on what has changed and what is very much the same in the geopolitics of the middle east, the nature of families … Continue reading

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Hope – First Sunday in Advent

“We are a wheel, a circle of life. We are a wheel, a circle of power. We are a wheel, a circle of light, circling the world this sacred hour.” – Betty Wendelborn from Hildegard of Bingen

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