Annabel CrabbVerified account


Writes about politics for ABC's The Drum. Host of Kitchen Cabinet. Apostrophe law-abider. Kohlrabi fancier.

Joined February 2009

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  1. Felt pretty good about this gingerbread until I noticed the ginger still sitting on the bench.

  2. Apr 6
  3. Apr 6
  4. Apr 6
  5. Apr 6
  6. Apr 6
  7. Apr 6
  8. Apr 6

    Question: Why do extremists always get keyboards where the caps key is stuck?

  9. Apr 6

    I love that movie. "It's a beautiful bridge. It's gonna be there"

  10. Apr 6

    Come to a live at the - if turns up with a piano I'm leaving.

  11. Apr 6
  12. Apr 6

    "It takes a politician to run a government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead 10 or 15 years." Harry S Truman

  13. Retweeted
    Apr 5

    In this case the Wrestling Information Line owes my mum about $1000 from 1991 - 1993

  14. Apr 5

    Amazon to refund US$70 million in in-app purchases made by kids without parents' permission 😳😳😳

  15. Apr 5

    Thank you for sending me this link just now and improving my entire life. SO GOOD

  16. Apr 5
  17. Apr 5

    Congratulations Daniel Humm and Will Guidara, two decent and grounded people who won tonight. Brilliant.

  18. Apr 5

    Amazingly close-fought night at the - Crown scoop won the pool in the end. Well deserved

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 5
  20. Retweeted
    Apr 5

    The many faces of Angela Merkel: 26 years of photographing the German chancellor

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