Toula may refer to:
Toula (Arabic: تولا) is a small village in North Lebanon in Zgharta District (or Quadaa). It is 1,150 meters (3,770 feet) above sea level and is primarily a recreational village. Descendants of the original full-time residents of Toula do not reside in Toula during the winter months. Heavy snow fall typically makes Toula's mountainous roads inaccessible. However, Toula's original families occupied the village on a year-round basis. Settling families and early residents developed a climatic tolerance and adapted to Toula's harsh winter months.
Toula has an estimated approximate population of 1,000. The last national census was conducted in 1932.
At the beginning of the 20th century, similar to other Lebanese towns and cities, these village residents emigrated to different locations around the world. Significant numbers have emigrated to the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and other countries. A distinctive percentage of current village residents have achieved secondary education and professional school levels. [cite pending] Census reports indicated that a high proportion of these residents hold professional degrees in medicine, law, engineering and education. Additionally, numerous business entrepreneurs are village residents.