Friday the 13th, November 2015

under attack by terrorists - multiple attacks, explosions, at least 129 killed
twin suicide bombings last night, at least 43 killed, almost 200 injured
a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake has struck off the South West coast of Japan
killed 21 people and wounded at least 46 at a funeral in a suicide bomb attack, roadside bomb killed 5 and injured 15
4.3 magnitude earthquake
Paris, Lebanon, Japan, Baghdad, Mexico
The World
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…”

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…”

First thing you gotta do when you get to a new city is buy a map.
This is the smallest one I could find and it’s still bigger than me!

First thing you gotta do when you get to a new city is buy a map.

This is the smallest one I could find and it’s still bigger than me!

Arnold from Surry Hills has written in asking
“Dear Genius Duck,
Do you know the way to San Jose?”
Dear Arnold,
Love Genius Duck

Arnold from Surry Hills has written in asking

“Dear Genius Duck,

Do you know the way to San Jose?”

Dear Arnold,

Love Genius Duck

My layover in San Francisco was really boring. To keep myself occupied I rode back and forth on this enormous travelator for 2 and a half hours.

My layover in San Francisco was really boring.  To keep myself occupied I rode back and forth on this enormous travelator for 2 and a half hours.

Start spreadin’ the news…I’m leavin’ today….New York City here I come! I’m on my way to the Big Apple, the home of the bagel, the hot dog & Carrie Bradshaw. I was so excited I had to change my batteries!
I still can’t get over the fact United charged...

Start spreadin’ the news…I’m leavin’ today….New York City here I come!  I’m on my way to the Big Apple, the home of the bagel, the hot dog & Carrie Bradshaw.  I was so excited I had to change my batteries! 

I still can’t get over the fact United charged me for a whole seat though…

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All of life's tricky questions answered. He's like a magic 8 ball without the shaking...

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