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A trillion dollars in debt, but no 'banana republic'

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On May 14 1986, treasurer Paul Keating delivered his famous warning that Australia risked becoming a "banana republic".

The comment was a reaction to figures showing the biggest current account deficit ever recorded, at 6 per cent of GDP.

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Low commodity prices, high government debts and high interest rates were, indeed, crippling the economy.

But Keating was impatient to get moving on his program of reforms to liberalise the economy, including privatisations and wage decentralisation. The dollar had already been floated.

Appearing on the John Laws program that day, Keating extemporised that: "I get the very clear feeling that we must let Australians know truthfully, honestly, earnestly, just what sort of international hole Australia is in.

"If this government cannot get the adjustment, get manufacturing going again, and keep moderate wage outcomes and a sensible economic policy, then Australia is basically done for. We will just end up being a third-rate economy, a banana republic," he warned.


In truth, the size of current account deficit was not a major concern, but a convenient launching point to drive home the need for productivity-enhancing reforms.

Economists have long since stopped worrying about the size of Australia's current account deficit – that is, the balance between what we receive for our exports of goods and services, minus what we pay out for imports, and minus again what we tend to pay out, in net terms, to foreigners as dividends and interest payments on borrowings.

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As long as government debt is under control, most economists are happy to see our persistent deficits with the world as the decision of "consenting adults" from the private sector, who simply see more opportunities for investment in Australia than can be funded by domestic savings.

Indeed, since the First Fleet arrived on Sydney shores, Australia has tended to run current account deficits, requiring a steady inflow of capital to fund them.

In the three decades since Keating delivered his warning, our current account deficit has cycled between 2 and 6 per cent of GDP – even going as high as 7 per cent as the investment phase of the mining boom ramped up in the mid 2000s.

But something odd has happened in the past year that hasn't happened since before Keating floated the dollar.

It's time we finally stopped worrying, and learned to love the foreign debt.

Call it the mysterious case of the incredible shrinking current account deficit, which today sits at less than 1 per cent of GDP.

Indeed, if we were to keep going at this pace, Australia may yet become a nation of current account surpluses – whereby we save  more than we invest.

The Reserve Bank is on the case, with a recent speech by deputy governor, Guy Debelle, and an article released this month by three Reserve Bank economists, Susan Black, Blair Chapman and Callan Windsor, seeking to explain the recent trends.

Exports kick

Of course, the obvious reason for the shrinking deficit with the rest of the world is the fact that Australia's commodity export volumes are finally kicking in.

Indeed, we have racked up several recent surpluses on the trade balance part of the current account – what we earn for our exports minus what we spend on imports.

More curious has been the movements in the other component of our current account balance – the "net income balance".

That's the balance of all outgoing payments to foreigners as dividends and interest payments and all incoming receipts from Australian-owned foreign assets which bring dividends and interest payments back into the country.

This second component of the current account balance has always traditionally been in deficit, but has narrowed markedly this decade.

According to Debelle and co, the period between 2010 and 2013 saw a sharp decline in interest payments made by Australians to foreigners. This was due to lower interest rates plus a shift towards government borrowings making up a higher share of total debts. Governments are perceived as more creditworthy than private sector borrowers, meaning they pay lower interest rates on their borrowing. 

At the same time, lower commodity prices were slicing mining company profits, and thus dividend payments to the foreign owners of those companies. 

From 2013 to 2016, there was another distinct period in which the net income deficit shrank – attributable largely to another Keating invention – compulsory superannuation.

Thanks to the reforms to super introduced by Keating 25 years ago today, July 1, Australians have for several decades had 9 per cent of their salary tipped into superannuation accounts.

Heading offshore

An increasing share of that money has been invested offshore into foreign shares and assets, bringing dividend and other receipts coming home to balance all those going offshore.

Remarkably, Australians now own as much foreign equity as foreigners own of Australian equity – that's new and explained almost entirely by super.

Also between 2013 and 2016, the Australian dollar fell, increasing the dollar value of all those incoming dividend receipts. 

The net effect was another large shrinking in the net income deficit – a major reason behind the falling current account deficit during that time.

Since 2016 and into 2017, a sharp rise in the profitability of mining companies – off the back of resurgent commodity prices – has meant higher dividend payments going back to the foreign owners of those companies, widening the net income deficit again.

In truth, those current account surpluses may prove more elusive than at first blush.

And that may be no bad thing.

To the extent that our stock of foreign debt – now at more than $1 trillion – is used to fund national investment, which increases the economy's productive capacity, and our ability to repay that debt in the future, it is a good thing.

Indeed, after a period of below-par growth, what the Australian economy needs most right now is a period of higher private sector investment, and that means running a higher current account deficit than otherwise.

It's time we finally stopped worrying, and learned to love the foreign debt.

Ross Gittins is on leave.