Posts Tagged ‘Fuck the Law’

How to make Molotovs

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

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Posted in Direct Action

Let’s Fight Together : No G20 Summit – Hamburg (Germany)

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017 the G20 summit is supposed to take place in Hamburg. The heads of the governments of the 19 richest and most powerful states of the world, accompanied by 6.000 delegation members, surrounded and permanently photographed by 3.000 journalists and of course cordoned off and protected by an army of at least 10.000 police and secret service operatives.

All this is supposed to take place in the middle of Hamburg: in the exhibition halls, in the town hall, in the Elbphilharmonie. Large-scale and multilevel barriers, ID controls, evacuated appartments – the main victims will be the people in the Karoviertel and the surrounding neighborhoods. Especially those, that are already more exposed to frequent controls and harrassments because of the color of their skin, their legal status, their precarious social situation or other reasons.

The residents are supposed to give way for an orchestration of power, a living city is turned into a dead scenery. The main performance is the illusion that the political elites of global capitalism have everything well under control, that they are somehow capable of providing security, peace, livelihood and a real future perspective to the people of the world. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94
in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year
bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

KLF 01 01 2017 WTF FOUND VHS [not available on mobile devices – VIEW ON PC/MAC/LINUX]

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Anarchist Call for G20 – Come to Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017


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Posted in Autonomy

Largest prison riot in 26 years takes place in HMP Birmingham as the entire prison system looks like it’s going up in flames soon (UK)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

'Stormtroopers' prepare to enter as smoke billows from the fires in the prison.

‘Stormtroopers’ prepare to enter as smoke billows from the fires in the prison.

Last night a full scale riot escalated at HMP Birmingham, better known locally as Winson Green, continuing for 12 hours as several riot cop units were unable to contain the escalating rebellion. The outbreak of rage began when some inmates broke lights and grabbed fire hoses in the prison’s N Wing. The screws moved in to lock prisoners back in their cells while the fracas was contained, prisoners overpowered a screw, took his keys and started unlocking the cells. Screws were forced to flee after the rioters numbering 600 cut through chains and burned documents in the worst prison disorder for more than 20 years. Internal connecting security gates were left chained to prevent rioters taking control of the whole prison, but it was not enough to stop the rebellion spreading. Prisoners used stolen equipment to cut through the chains. Within a short time four wings – said to be L, M, N and P – fell under the control of the rioters, who also broke into the security store, pharmacy and gym.  Prison owners scumbag G4S had to admit defeat and handed over control of the jail to the Ministry of Justice. Specialist response ‘Tornado’ teams were sent in to try to restore order as fires broke out and inmates chanted ‘war cries’ which could be heard outside. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Black July – Text and actions against the social peace (Germany)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

While the situation in the rebellious Northern Part of Friedrichshain is calming down for the moment and we find time to build Rigaer 94 back up again, the social war around us is continuing with its normal intensity. We received news about the state attacks on people and squats in Thessaloniki. Here and there we are fighting against the social democracy and confront the social war with polymorphous struggle. Whether in the black july or in our daily local conflicts, we are involved in a common fight that gains power in its mutuality.

In this very moment, the greek state seems to be striking out with a general attack against autonomous structures. In Thessaloniki and in other cities, self-organized structures of migrants are especially becoming more and more endangered. While fullfilling its function as a manager of migration-streams, the state attacks those who try to move, self-determined, through a world of exploitation and oppression and who won‘t bow to it‘s authority.

Three occupied houses in Thessaloniki were affected and over a hundred people arrested. One person was killed during the eviction [Correction received: one day after the three evictions, a young migrant woman died due to medical negligence at one of the state’s detention facilities in Thessaloniki.]. In Athens, squats which are being used by migrants are also threatened with eviction. The goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, while oppressing those who are self-organising and attacking the authority of the state. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Bloomington, Indiana: Probation office attacked for June 11 Solidarity (USA)

Monday, June 13th, 2016

On the night of June 11th, as a small gesture, we smashed out the windows of the probation office.

The police, courts, and prisons constitute a web of control that seeks to crush human beings, forcing conformity to a social order of hierarchy and exploitation.

While this manifests itself as police murders and the brutalization of prisoners, more and more it takes the role of diffuse repression via systems of home detention, work release, parole, and probation. In each of these systems of self-policing, the ability of collective resistance shrinks to none, isolating those rebels who will not submit to these forms of soft imprisonment.

We can no longer accept the role of judicial power in our lives. We do not care if this takes the form of police cars on our streets, prison walls separating us from our friends, ankle monitors, or daily check ins. It all must go. We attack the system that floods into our lives as a reminder that its sprawl should not be normalized. As forms of repression grow beyond the prison walls it should be met with consistent attacks.

Each act of revolt opens up space for joy in our lives, space to breathe freely.
Against the asphyxiation of prison society, we choose rebellion.

Total complicity with all those in revolt against prison and the state in all their forms.

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Posted in Direct Action

Parcel bomb sent to the judge who jailed Evi Statiri (Greece)

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

According to information that appeared in the Greek press, on Thursday June 2nd a parcel bomb was sent to the judge Isadora Poga, who in 2015 rejected the release of Evi Statiri, the wife of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrade Gerasimos Tsakalos.

The device contained metal tubes filled with explosives of an unknown origin, screws and pieces of razor blades set to activate via an electrical mechanism, all inserted inside a hollowed-out book that was shipped inside a cardboard box.

According to the Greek press, which parrots the information provided by the police, the judge noticed something suspicious about the parcel and decided to notify the police who confirmed that it was an explosive parcel with the capacity to kill the judge. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Undercover police officers spy on activists’ children and then demand right to ‘privacy’ and ‘family life’ (UK)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

From The Canary:

The Undercover Policing Inquiry, chaired by Lord Justice Pitchford, resumed this week with legal arguments being made by the police which, if implemented, would essentially mean most of the inquiry being held in secret. Central to their position is a continuation of the policy of neither confirming nor denying (NCND) whether a person was an undercover officer.

However, whilst the lawyers for the police have been arguing that revealing the identities of officers would infringe their Article 8 right to privacy and family life, The Canary can reveal that police officers have been recording details of activists’ young children.

Mae Benedict put in a Subject Access Request to find out what information the domestic extremist units held on her. She believed she might have a file as she had been arrested in the past for environmental activism. She had also been close to the only known female undercover officer, Lynn Watson. However, she was shocked to discover her file left out details of “several arrests and a conviction” but contained details of her young child:

It made me furious that my kid is on a police file already, and mostly it was really intrusive. Instead of details of when I HAD been found guilty of a crime, the focus instead was on me as a parent, and, by default, my child as a child of mine. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Spycops inquiry: ‘If it’s in secret, it’s dead in the water’ – The legal farce continues (UK)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Stop the Cover-Up of Secret Police Abuses
Demo – Tuesday 22 March
9 – 10am Royal Courts of Justice
The Strand

Spycops inquiry: ‘If it’s in secret, it’s dead in the water’

Following the exposure of police spy Mark Kennedy in 2010, activists and journalists slowly began to lift the lid on political policing in Britain. Their investigations found that the state had used undercover officers to infiltrate hundreds of political groups to surveil their activity and attempt to undermine dissent.

We now know that officers commonly used intimate relationships with targets as a tactic, stole the identities of dead children, spied upon families fighting for justice following the death of loved ones in police custody, and lied in court to secure convictions against activists. Disturbingly, internal investigations by state agencies over the same period revealed little.

In 2012, Mark Ellison QC conducted an independent review into police corruption during the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation. The findings were damning. Following increased public pressure, the Home Secretary announced an independent public inquiry into undercover police operations. Lord Justice Pitchford was appointed to lead the Inquiry. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

1st May – Fuck Parade, Commercial Street, 6pm, London (UK)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Fuck you all, it’s the Fuck Parade

Meet Sunday 1st May 2016, 6pm @ One Commercial Street, Aldgate, London E1 7PT. Bring what you expect to find.


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Posted in Direct Action

Bombing of the Prison Training School of the Gendarmerie (Chile)

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

From Noticias de la Guerra Social:

During the morning, about 03.30am of November 19th 2015, one loud bang surprised a bastard jailer who was on guard at the Prison Training School of Gendarmerie. A homemade bomb made of compressed black powder starts a fire after being activated by a detonating fuse at a side gate of the guards school in the municipality of San Bernardo. The blast leaves no wounded, causing some damage to the infrastructure of the enclosure. Quickly Colonel Christian Alveal, Director of the School pointed to the press: “Always anarchist anti-systemic groups have threatened the School of Gendarmerie, its facilities and staff, and we permanently take safeguarding measures to effectively prevent events like these happening to people and damage to facilities.” For his part, Vice President Jorge Burgos said that “The investigation process is in full swing and I understand there has been policing results. This action will not go unpunished, which is important.”

After the explosion, comrade Kevin Garrido was arrested in a nearby area by the DIPOLCAR, who also stopped Joaquin Garcia, who is accused of this attack and the attempted bombing of the 12th Commission. Both were remanded in custody.

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Communique From The Blast! Blog (USA)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

New site from USA releasing the home addresses and personal info of prison officials, guards, corporate CEO’s etc. Hunt and stalk.

It’s been an exciting few months over here in the battlefield of the blogosphere. We’ve had infos dropped about the home addresses of various public officials, prison employees, and even profiteering CEO’s (Shout out to Ryan Shapiro!) Our presence has caused some squirming on all sides. We thinks that it is completely paramount to ask ourselves why. Why would people who claim to desire the destruction of the prison system and capitalism be uncomfortable with doxing the people who have been doxed on our site? Why would people who seem so secure in their power and moral righteousness feel threatened by the presence of their home addresses on our website? Posted by bona fide punk ass trolls no less? Why would anarchists and jailers share the same opinions? Most importantly: What side are you on? (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

29 de Marzo 2015: Expansión de los disturbios y un paco muerto ($hile)

Saturday, April 11th, 2015

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

El 29 de Marzo de 1985 la policía montaba un operativo para aniquilar a Eduardo y Rafael Vergara en el sector de Villa Francia, ambos orgullosos miembros del MIR son acribillados por la policía. Desde esa fecha que se conmemora el día del joven combatiente en recuerdo de todos los rebeldes asesinados a manos de la policía y muertos en combate durante dictadura y democracia.
Hace 30 años que el fuego de la memoria se enciende en los sectores combativos. Rapidamente a lo largo de los años el enfrentamiento se ha extendido a distintas poblaciones de la periferia que buscan atacar a la policía, devolviendo en parte la violencia cotidiana de esta institución de muerte.
En Valparaíso, el 25 de Marzo afuera de la UTFSM encapuchados cortan el transito en camino troncal urbano con barricadas incendiarias lanzando panfletos en conmemoración del joven combatiente. En simultaneo barricadas y enfrentamientos se desatan a las afueras de la Universidad Playa Ancha. (more…)

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