Posts Tagged ‘Gomel’

Gomel: Anarchists attack the Ministry of Taxation with Molotov Cocktails (Belarus)

Monday, March 27th, 2017

via Insurrection News

Received on 27.03.17:

We, the partisan-anarchists, take responsibility for the symbolic attack on March 24, 2017 on the building of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Belarus for the Gomel region.

We threw two Molotov cocktails into the window one of cabinet. At the time of the attack hundreds of thousands of people were spiritually with us throughout the country and beyond. This energy gave us great strength
and right.

Let’s note that it was not principally for us to attack specifically this building. Any other inspection would also suit: regional, city, district – it does not matter. Each of them deserved the people’s revenge. The tax authorities regularly called and sent out “letters of happiness” about levying a tax on the unemployed. At the very moment when the people in Belarus were crushed by economic extortion from the state and firmly said: “Basta! to tax and regime”; when protesters claim to state policy and are outraged by the work of tax inspections, the officials, sitting in the offices, continue to indulge the authorities in stealing money of workers and temporarily unemployed people. They do not think that they are in complicity with state racket, i.e. Crime, which includes a whole list of punitive measures against common people: blackmail, extortion, threats, repression, enforcement to social and economic slavery. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action