
ASIC raids aren't a surprise, they should be

ASIC's push for stronger search warrant powers has been supported by a government review.

The corporate cop would no longer need to tip off targets of its investigations before obtaining a search warrant, something it must sometimes do today, under draft recommendations from a key government taskforce.

Low wages drive IAG surge to new record

Moving up: IAG said margins would benefit from its move to release reserves.

Insurance Australia Group shares struck a record high on Wednesday after the insurer unveiled a hefty profit upgrade, thanks to much lower claim costs than it had expected.

The home loan borrowers left out to dry

Australia's highly-indebted housing market could slow in the second half of the year if banks raise their rates to pass ...

There is a hidden and worrying risk lurking for a particular set of mortgage borrowers, whose level of financial stress is about to get a whole lot worse.

QBE shares dive as it downgrades profits

John Neal's bonus was cut by $550,000 after not informing the company's board of his relationship with his executive ...

QBE Group has dealt a blow to investor confidence in its turnaround, flagging a hit in its emerging-markets business that is forecast to wipe up to $US100 million off its bottom line.

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