Posts Tagged ‘Michael Kimble’

Kuwasi Balagoon: Anarchist Warrior by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

[Note: December 2016 marks both what would have been Kuwasi’s 70th birthday and the 30th anniversary of his death (murder) from AIDS-related illnesses while serving a life sentence on charges related to the robbery of a Brinks armored car undertaken to fund guerrilla activities.]

I became acquainted with Kuwasi Balagoon in the 1990s through his writings and the writings of revolutionaries that knew and fought alongside him. What is clear is that Kuwasi had an intense love for New Afrikan people and all oppressed people, and an equally intense hatred for racist and oppressive authority, and dedicated the bulk of his life in defense and liberation of all oppressed people. First as a member of the Central Harlem Committee for Self-Defense and later as a Black Panther and soldier within the Black Liberation Army. Soldier is really a misnomer, because a soldier is one who follows orders and the dictates of authority without question. And that wasn’t Kuwasi. We see that Kuwasi was rebellious as a young kid and later in his stay in the military. Kuwasi can best be defined as a warrior who lived to fight.

Sundiata Acoli, a comrade of Kuwasi’s within the Black Liberation Army, wrote that if we had read Kuwasi’s poem “I’m a Wildman” we would know Kuwasi, because he was a wildman – and that we need more of today. Sundiata also wrote that Kuwasi hated authority. I don’t know when Kuwasi officially or theoretically became an anarchist, but it’s clear that he was always an anti-authoritarian. He exemplified that through the numerous actions he carried out, from bucking in the military to the numerous prison breaks after being captured, which one isn’t supposed to do simply because authority says you should. It’s against the law, right?

Well, Kuwasi didn’t give a flying fuck about the law. He understood to really be free, one must act outside the law and destroy the lawmakers and their authoritarian institutions. Kuwasi’s trial statement says it all – it’s brilliant, defiant, and clearly shows what we should be about. I’m sure Kuwasi caught a lot of grief and heartache for becoming an anarchist because it’s seen as a white thing, just as Ashanti Alston spoke about. But I’m sure Kuwasi said fuck you to those who criticized him for being an anarchist.

Micheal Kimble

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A statement in support of the US prison mobilization by CCF-FAI/FRI Urban Guerrilla Cell (Greece)

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Soledad Brothers (from left to right): John Clutchette, George L. Jackson (September 23, 1941 — August 21, 1971) and Fleeta Drumgo

“Gentlemen, the Dragon Will Fly Out”
In Support of September 9th Mobilization in US Prisons

“Gentlemen, the dragon will fly out” is a saying attributed to prisoner George Jackson. On August 21st 1971, holding a pistol, he opened all the cells in an adjustment unit, taking jailers hostage. George Jackson was killed in his attempt to escape…

Since September 9th, prisoners in the United States have called for action against slavery.

A multitude of “invisible” slaves (there are about 2.5 million prisoners in the United States) are condemned to forced labor, or as jailers of their own selves (internal work in prisons, cleaning, repairs, technical operations), or as cheap meat in the service of corporate behemoths (Honda, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, and many others). Besides, the 13th amendment to the US constitution clearly states: “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted…” To put it simply, detainees are considered slaves as part of their punishment.

Prisons in America—and not just there–aren’t only bars, walls, surveillance cameras or lockdowns. They’re also an enormous lucrative business. Prisons are a dirty dealing for continuously supplied shackled labor force without name and without voice. They represent a modern slave trade, making billion-dollar profit, that not only supplies the companies-caretakers but also the industry of lawyers, judges, cops, corrections officers, private prisons. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Continuous Rebellion’ by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

At the moment I’m writing from segregation (lockup) after being stripped, handcuffed, slapped, and placed here by the CERT (riot squad) on Monday, August 1, 2016 at approximately 11:45 pm. It’s now Wednesday and I haven’t been given my personal property (shoes/slides, soap, deodorant, clothes, toothbrush, etc.) nor have I received a 72 hour investigation notice as to why I’m being held in segregation.

I’m assuming that I’m being held for being involved in a rebellion (riot) that popped off on August 1, 2016 at around 3:06 pm. Initially there was a fight between prisoners, but escalated into a rebellion against the guards when they tried to intervene after being told numerous times that things were under control.

The guards didn’t listen and was chased out of C-dorm, which has become a space of self-governance and resistance against prison officials. Fires were set, control units taken.

I’m one of about ten prisoners who was also placed in segregation.

So, if you don’t hear from me personally, it means that all my property, including letters, addresses, phone numbers, have been destroyed or lost. I’ve had to borrow writing materials to get this out.

from anarchylive

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘June 11, 2016’ – Letter by Anarchist Prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

(A statement for the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners)

First, I’d like to give warm revolutionary greetings to all those who have shown solidarity and supported me. Without that solidarity and support, I don’t know how I would have survived for so long.

As one who has spent 30 years in U.S. prisons, I’ve become intimately acquainted with control units, whether we call them Security Management Units, Special Housing Units, or Administrative Segregation – all euphemisms of penological sophistication in an attempt to disguise the true purpose and intent of such sinister tools of control and torture. Let’s be clear: they are torture chambers.

Former director of the Bureau of Prisons and now shareholder in the private prison firm GEO, Norman A. Carlson, stated that Marion’s control unit’s purpose is to “control revolutionary attitudes in prison and society” as well. Marion Federal Penitentiary is considered to be the first control unit in the U.S. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘Shut This Shit Down’ by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble (US)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

On May 1st, 2016, prisoners in Alabama will be staging a workstrike at a number of Alabama prisons.

My reasons for shutting down is simple, I want to bring as much pain and disorder to the state (ADOC) as I can as an individual in any way that I can. I don’t give a fuck about “changing any laws” because they are the mechanism that is used to keep people from being free. Fuck the law! The only true freedom is when we act outside of the law.

But in the cause of solidarity I’m asking all outside rebels to express their solidarity with the striking prisoners through free direct action. Join us, protest at an Alabama prison, burn some shit down/up, drop some banners, just cause some fucking chaos. Shit is getting real in Alabama prisons, not that it wasn’t already.

It’s going down! Fire to the prisons and the society that creates them, upholds them, and maintains them. Fuck peace! Locking humans in cages is not peace.

In Love & Rage,

For more info see: freealabamamovement.com

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘It Ain’t Over Yet’ by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble (US)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Friday, Feb. 12, 2016 – Monday, Feb. 15, 2016

What began as a confrontation between prisoners from different regions of Alabama – namely, B’ham and Montgomery, with B’ham being the largest – escalated into two short riots against the pigs. After the prisoners squashed the beef among themselves without any violence, two pigs ran into C-dorm, which houses 114 prisoners and was informed that there was no problem and everything was under control.

One pig (Tate) tried to bogart his way through a crowd of prisoners and was immediately stabbed a number of times. After the two pigs ran out the dorm, one bloodied the warden, Carter Davenport, who has a reputation as an extremely sadistic, disrespectful, and nasty scumfuck fascist, who was recently removed from his post as warden at St. Clair maximum security prison for assaulting a prisoner, and reassigned as warden at Holman in 2015. He was stabbed after entering C-dorm like some kind of god. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Diciembre negro acciones en Quito (Ecuador)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

Diciembre negro
A nuestrxs hermanxs acratas:
Nos adherimos a la campaña del diciembre negro (15-20 dic) con una serie
nocturna de pintas políticas en varios sectores de la podrida ciudad de
kitu, haciendo llegar este pequeño gesto de guerra con altivez a
nuestrxs hermanxs anarquistas en todas las partes de la tierra donde la
lucha anarquista no cesa y se tensa.

Aparte adjuntamos a las pintas varios flyers que circularon en las webs
de contrainformacion para el diciembre negro, asi extendemos el lazo
solidario q nos une, el mismo q a su vez destruye los limites
territoriales, creimos necesario adjuntar dichos flyers explicativos ya
que en ecuador lxs autoproclamadxs anarquistas estan viviendo un proceso
transversal de divagaciones políticas, en el cual aun creen que puede
existir un cambio real por medio de reformas y sus plataformas. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

PDF: Wildfire #3 – Anti-Prison Zine for Black December (USA)

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

From Wildfire

Download Issue #3: PDF

It seems fitting that we are releasing this issue now, in December. Following the letter from imprisoned anarchists in Greece and the call for international activity, Black December rages on, writing the memory of our fallen comrades with words, banners, stones, and fire. In that spirit, we dedicate this third issue of Wildfire to the memory of New Afrikan anarchist and Black Liberation Army combatant Kuwasi Balagoon, and earth liberationist William Avalon Rogers.

Kuwasi Balagoon was killed by medical neglect while doing a life sentence for an expropriation in which two police and one guard were killed. Kuwasi died from an AIDS-related illness on December 13, 1986. William Avalon Rogers took his own life while in jail on charges related to arsons committed by the Earth Liberation Front. He died on the winter solstice, December 21, 2005. This month will mark the ten year anniversary of Avalon’s death.

We write this not as a reminder of the risks inherent in struggle, nor to emphasize the brutality of the state. We remember Kuwasi and Avalon because their lives have created small spaces in our own lives where domination ceases and freedom blooms. We remember Kuwasi and Avalon because they have inspired us to act, in our own ways, against order. We remember Kuwasi and Avalon because we want to continue the struggles to which they gave their lives.

Most of all, we remember Kuwasi and Avalon because so many others involved in the struggles for black liberation, earth liberation, animal liberation, and anarchy remain behind bars. We intend to see all of these comrades free, and until that day, to act in solidarity with their struggles and with prison revolts wherever they happen.

Unwavering solidarity to all rebellious prisoners!
Memory is a weapon.

– “A Balanced Approach” by Lacino Hamilton
– “The Freedom Movement” by Terrence Adderly
– A letter from Casey Brezik
– “Who Should Step Down?” by Jose Villareal
– News from Alabama by anonymous
– A response to Sean Swain by Christopher Reynolds
– A response to issue #1 by Anarcho-Faheem
– A reply to Michael Kimble by Sean Swain
– “Work Strikes: A Response” by Michael Kimble
– “Buckin in the BOP” by anonymous
– Call for a Black December
– A chronology of some actions August-November 2015

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Posted in Library

'Black December in memory of our fallen comrades' by Michael Kimble (USA)

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

From Anarchy Live:

Just as a worm struggles in resistance against the foot that crushes it so do we anarchists struggle and fight for the total destruction of a world system of coercive authority and domination in all of its manifestations and that wants to crush our spirits of resistance.

Kuwasi Balagoon, revolutionary extraordinaire and unrepentant anarchist within the Black Liberation Army, fell at the hands of the state of New York, USA in December 1986 through medical neglect.

In memory of this New Afrikan anarchist soldier I take the initiative to compose my contribution to the strategy of total annihilation of the state and its institutions by which the state exercises its power.

For me devising a strategy to destroy the state is simple. Attack the symbols of power using all tactics including improvised ammunitions, molotovs, demonstrations, etc. In other words, our strategy should be by any means necessary, including everything and excluding nothing. The debate about the fetishization of direct action needs to end. Direct action and counter-info projects both contribute to the destruction of power. Kuwasi understood this and so did Alexandros. The only strategy left to us is action/attack and that’s what Alexandros and Kuwasi both knew and practiced. We can do no less. The war continues to wage, find your place on the battlefield.

Michael Kimble

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchy Live! – The Writings of Anarchist Prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

Sunday, August 16th, 2015

From Anarchy Live!

For reading: http://anarchylive.noblogs.org/files/2015/08/anarchylive.pdf

For printing: http://anarchylive.noblogs.org/files/2015/08/anarchylive-imposed.pdf

A collection of some of Michael Kimble’s recent writings; plus a new interview with
Michael on his life, prison struggle in Alabama, being gay, prison solidarity,
recent anti-police struggles, civilization, and anarchy.

“To My Comrades”
“Where Do We Go From Here”
“Up the Ante”
“From Afar”
“To the Carrboro Bookfair”
“Revolution Versus Reform”
June 11th statement

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Wildfire: An Anarchist Prison Newsletter #1 (USA)

Saturday, April 4th, 2015

From Wildfire:

[Download Issue #1: http://wildfire.noblogs.org/files/2015/04/wildfire-1.pdf]
(Prints 8.5×11)

We’re excited to announce the first issue of Wildfire, a new quarterly newsletter of anarchist prison struggle.

We have two goals with this project: to spread the words and actions of anarchist prisoners in the United States and to offer news and updates on anti-authoritarian struggle for comrades in prison who might not otherwise have access to this information.

Wildfire flows with our continued frustration with the state of anarchist prison solidarity in the United States: the lack of prisoners’ voices in our publications, the half-hearted solidarity shown toward captured fighters, the dead-end of “political prisoner” designation. It also flows from our long-term relationships with imprisoned comrades, the mutual affinity found in struggling together. Rather than complain and critique, we prefer to strike out in another direction, embodying our own vision of solidarity. We hope this publication can be a contribution to a more diverse, more combative, and stronger anarchist struggle against prison. (more…)

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