Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Update to the 2017 City of Cincinnati Council Candidates

This month Charter Party announced it's 5 endorsements for City Council.  Still no official word from the Hamilton County Republican Party.  At this point, they only have three announced candidates that likely will get an endorsement.  It seems like most Republicans think they will have a chance in Hell of winning, so I wonder if the Hamilton County GOP will just not bother.  They are actively working to hurt cities all over the country, so not endorsing candidates wouldn't be a shock.

Next month I will work new groupings of the candidates, based on their chances of getting elected.  Also several of the reported candidates below have nearly nothing to publicize their campaign, so unless they get on the ballot, they may find their own category until they actually get on the ballot, which we won't know until the end of August.

P.G. Sittenfeld (D endorsed)
David Mann (D,C endorsed)
Chris Seelbach (D endorsed)
Christopher Smitherman (R but pretending to be I)
Wendell Young (D endorsed))
Amy Murray (C endorsed) (R)

Returning Candidates:
Laure Quinlivan (D)
Greg Landsman (D endorsed)
Michelle Dillingham (D endorsed)
Brian Garry (D)
Theo Barnes
Orlando Welborn (D)

New Candidates
Ozie Davis III (D endorsed)
Kelli Prather (D)
Tamaya Dennard (D,C endorsed)
Cristina Burcica (D)
Jeff Pastor (R)
Derek Bauman (C endorsed) (D)
Tonya Dumas (D)
Henry Frondorf (C endorsed) (D)
Manuel Foggie
Leslie Jones (D endorsed)
Beverly Odoms (D)
Dawud Mustafa
Mary Hall
Damon Lynch IV
Edith Thrower
Matt Teaford (I)
Michael Rachford
Tamie Sullivan (R)

Candidate Twitter List: I have created a list of candidates on Twitter. Here is the actual list Twitter handles for the candidates.

If anyone has any other names please send them my way ( or if anyone named above wants to confirm they are not running, I'll remove them future postings of this list. Also, since I have added a party affiliation, if there are changes, let me know.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

April Update to the 2017 City of Cincinnati Council Candidates

This month we didn't have anyone new announce and I've not heard of anyone dropping out, but we did get the Democratic endorsements announced with mostly the expected candidates getting the nod.  Leslie Jones was a surprise, as a first time candidate, but still got the backing of the local party.  The GOP still only has two announced candidates and I've not see a formal endorsement announcement, but have heard support from local party officials.  With the Mayoral Primary coming up next week, more attention will fall on the council race and if there will be any GOP or Charter candidates endorsement announcements.  At this rate, there is not even enough conservative candidates running to block a veto proof majority for the Democratic Party, so will anyone else step up?

P.G. Sittenfeld (D endorsed)
David Mann (D endorsed)
Chris Seelbach (D endorsed)
Christopher Smitherman (R but pretending to be I)
Wendell Young (D endorsed))
Amy Murray (R)

Returning Candidates:
Laure Quinlivan (D)
Greg Landsman (D endorsed)
Michelle Dillingham (D endorsed)
Brian Garry (D)
Theo Barnes
Orlando Welborn (D)

New Candidates
Ozie Davis III (D endorsed)
Kelli Prather (D)
Tamaya Dennard (D endorsed)
Cristina Burcica (D)
Jeff Pastor (R)
Derek Bauman (D)
Tonya Dumas (D)
Henry Frondorf (D)
Manuel Foggie
Leslie Jones (D endorsed)
Beverly Odoms (D)
Dawud Mustafa
Mary Hall
Damon Lynch IV
Edith Thrower
Matt Teaford (I)
Michael Rachford
Tamie Sullivan (R)

Candidate Twitter List: I have created a list of candidates on Twitter. Here is the actual list Twitter handles for the candidates.

If anyone has any other names please send them my way ( or if anyone named above wants to confirm they are not running, I'll remove them future postings of this list. Also, since I have added a party affiliation, if there are changes, let me know.

Friday, April 07, 2017

Anyone Want to Bet on Who the Enquirer Endorses in the Mayoral Primary?

You will find out today live on Facebook because I guess print is dead.

Who wants to bet with me? I'll bet a case of beer on who I think they will pick.

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

More Attacks on Dwight Tillery - From Cranley?

It is not clear why this massive attack article was dug up to hurt Dwight Tillery. My only theory is that the John Cranley campaign is trying to discredit Tillery and thus try and hurt anything he may say, like who he would support for Mayor against Cranley.  That might have a small affect on the primary or general election, but only if Tillery is seen as an influencer, primarily within the African-American community.

If anything, this gives Tillery yet another reason to want to punch back at Cranley. This article is too complicated to affect the average voter (and is behind a pay-wall), so it's impact is more within political circles (within the city political beltway). It feels more like punishment on Tillery for opposing Cranley.  No one gains from this, but a scorched earth fight by Cranley is going to make any political efforts in his future difficult, unless he is trying to court GOP voters, beyond his need for them to win this year.

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Die Innenstadt hat einen langen Schnurrbart

I joined an organization this year. It's not a secret group.  It's a very open group. There are few limits to joining the organization, other than $20.  You get a scarf.  You don't have to actually do anything once you join.  The group's purpose is to support FC Cincinnati.  If you like soccer and like Cincinnati, especially OTR/Downtown, then consider joining and watching some local sports.

Monday, March 27, 2017

March Update to 2017 City of Cincinnati Council Candidates

For this month's update I have included links to campaign websites.  I have not included Facebook pages, only stand alone websites.  A Facebook page alone is not a sign of a serious candidate.  Taking the time to create a stand alone website is not expensive or overly time consuming and it is critical to creating a fundraising mechanism.  Facebook pages do work well to engage voters and volunteers and donations, but pointing them back to a real website is as sign of professionalism.

P.G. Sittenfeld (D)
David Mann (D)
Chris Seelbach (D)
Christopher Smitherman (R but pretending to be I)
Wendell Young (D)
Amy Murray (R)

Returning Candidates:
Laure Quinlivan (D)
Greg Landsman (D)
Michelle Dillingham (D)
Brian Garry (D)
Theo Barnes
Orlando Welborn (D)

New Candidates
Ozie Davis III (D)
Kelli Prather (D)
Tamaya Dennard (D)
Cristina Burcica (D)
Jeff Pastor (R)
Derek Bauman (D)
Tonya Dumas (D)
Henry Frondorf (D)
Manuel Foggie
Leslie Jones (D)
Beverly Odoms (D)
Dawud Mustafa
Mary Hall
Damon Lynch IV
Edith Thrower
Matt Teaford (I)
Michael Rachford
Tamie Sullivan (R)

Candidate Twitter List: I have created a list of candidates on Twitter. Here is the actual list Twitter handles for the candidates.

If anyone has any other names please send them my way ( or if anyone named above wants to confirm they are not running, I'll remove them future postings of this list. Also, since I have added a party affiliation, if there are changes, let me know.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mass Shooting at Cameo NightClub in Cincinnati - Local Media Coverage

Hats off to the local media for the coverage of the mass shooting at the Cameo Nightclub in Cincinnati.

Enquirer: 16 shot, 1 killed at Cameo nightclub in Cincinnati; police identify deceased
WCPO: Cincinnati nightclub shooting leaves at least 15 injured, 1 dead at Cameo Night Club
WLWT: 16 shot, 1 fatally, at Cincinnati nightclub
Local12: 16 shot, 1 dead in East End night club shooting; victim identified
FOX19: 16 shot, 1 dead in East End night club shooting; victim identified
WVXU: Nightclub Shooting Leaves One Dead And Others Injured

I applaud the sanity. This is still a developing story, but panic and fear could have taken over. I am glad the local media has not gone off kilter. I've not being paying attention to the national or international media, honestly, so I don't know how they played it, but hopefully they are taking clues from the local media.

Passing the Ball to Yourself Isn't a Completion, It's More of a Recovered Fumble

The Enquirer sometimes reporter and sometimes columnist Jason Williams wrote a story this week about what would become the subject of his column PX: Yvette Simpson dropped ball on 'pale male' comment.  He created the issue by personally taking offense to the word "pale" being using against John Cranley.  Or it is possible he was fed the article by the Cranley campaign who wanted to play the reverse racism card.  Either way this was self manufactured outrage by Williams.  Then he writes the column and get's up on his soapbox and champions the fight against racism, against white people.  He even pulled in the opinion of former scandal ridden Hamilton County prosecutor Mike Allen who appears to be willing to play a newly minted white race card.

I didn't know those existed, but if any one locally would have one made for himself Mike Allen would be that guy.

Jason's sanctimonious column rings hollower with every Republican or Conservative Democrat he thinks to ask for comment on this topic.  He, and Cranley's camp, have contrived a slight that is so minor, that is so meaningless that NO ONE WOULD CARE ABOUT IT if he didn't bring it up.  Cranley wouldn't have cared about it if someone didn't bring it up to him.  If anyone other than a black woman used that phrase, Williams or Jay Kincaid or Cranley himself (who ever fed Williams the story) wouldn't have bothered to use it as a race based campaign tactic.

That's the Cranely goal here.  The Cranley camp is playing racial defense. They know they are not going to win the majority of the black vote for Mayor with two black candidates running.  That fear is exacerbated when a former Cranley ally (one very influential in the black community) defects after Cranley's actions.  What does that mean?  It means he has to win the white vote big.  The white vote, which is no more monolithic than the black vote, does have one segment that tends to think alike, the GOP vote, which is nearly all white. Cranley has to win the GOP vote, something he hurt his chancing of doing when he advocated making Cincinnati a "sanctuary city."  How better to draw in white outrage than creating race based outrage against a black candidate?  Well, there are other ways to be a legitimate candidate who pulls in votes of white people, but why would Cranley want to win legitimately when crass actions make it more likely he wins at all?

Jason Williams continues to be a poodle of the Cranley camp.  He has it out for Yvette Simpson and is willing to dump this type of bullshit column out there and hide behind the comments of Mike Allen.  I'd call it brazen if it wasn't just so biased.  It is biased on multiple levels: Pro-Cranley, race, and gender.  It is by far his worst column of this election season, but I am sure it earned him brownie-points within the Cranley camp. It won't 'earn' him a position in a Cranley administration, but it inches him that way.

As a case in journalism, this episode falls into the don't make your own news category.  Williams didn't make news in the sense that he became part of the story, but he sure did as a columnist.  His column is largely framed as him not liking how Simpson's campaign responded to HIM.  Add that to the the race based logistics I write about above and this column is a shit-storm.  He built the controversy and he attempted to bottle it.  I call that trying to catch your own pass, something you can't do in American football, unless someone else touches the ball first.  Simpson didn't touch this story and that pissed off Williams off, but didn't stop him from catching his own pass.  That is what I call a fumble recovered for a loss.  Journalism and politics need forward progress, not steps back.  This is a step back.  The worst part, he could have written about this topic and not made it such a big deal and made an actual point about the Facebook comment.  That doesn't help his cause, so fair play be damned.