
Archives: August 2008

McCain, Palin and New Orleans

McCain on Katrina' Forty Senators and 100 members of Congress visited New Orleans before he [McCain] did; he finally got there in March 2006. He voted against establishing a Congressional commission to…

Sadrists Sign Oath to fight US Troops

Shiites from the Sadr Movement in Iraq have been signing oaths in blood to struggle against the foreign military occupation of their country. This ritual affirmation comes despite the command from Sayyid…

OSC: Russia- Iran Alliance?

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Russian press proposing a strategic alliance between Russia and Iran.Pundit on Possible Russia-Iran Alliance To Counter 'Unfriendly' US MovesArticle by Radzhab Safarov,…

Western Leaders of African Descent

Chris Matthews on MSNBC made the comment that if he won the presidency, Barack Obama would be the first "Western" leader of African descent. He then wondered if he was right, and…

McCain: Iraq is a Peaceful, Stable Country

McCain: "Iraq is a peaceful, stable country now":I'm hurt. I thought everyone who is anyone in Washington read IC. McCain seems to have missed these recent headlines here:Wednesday, August 27, 2008: "45…

Your Obama Tax Cut

Calculate your Obama tax cut."Barack Obama will cut taxes for over 95% of American families (even though more than half of American think he'll raise their taxes)"

International Reaction to Biden

Iraqi politicians greeted the the selection of Joe Biden as the Democratic vice presidential candidate with dismay because they oppose his soft partition plan for Iraq, an affront to Iraqi conceptions of…

OSC: Collective Punishment in Baghdad

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from the Arabic online press complaining about Iraqi government collective punishment of Baghdad city quarters that witness poor security.US, Iraqi Forces Accused of Dividing…

Biden as VP Candidate

A warm congratulations to Senator Joe Biden on his VP candidate position on the Democratic ticket!Sen. Biden called me to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Iraq in April 2004,…

Afghanistan in Crisis

All hell seems to be breaking loose in Afghanistan, at a time when most Western observers are focusing on the Georgia crisis. Ten French troops killed by 100 guerrillas. An attack on…

Davidson: Privatizing Foreign Policy: The Road to Iran

Lawrence Davidson writes in a guest op-ed for IC: Americans' penchant for paying little attention to their nation's foreign policies has powerful and disastrous effects on national politics and policy-making. Here are…

Musharraf Resigns

Al-Jazeera International on the career of Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf, who just stepped down to avoid impeachment.

Aljazeera International on the Kirkuk Crisis

The struggle over the oil city of Kirkuk has so far derailed provincial elections in Iraq. Aljazeera International on the Kirkuk crisis (part 1) Aljazeera International on the Kirkuk crisis (part 2)The…

Musharraf said on Verge of Resigning

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf will likely resign before Monday. Musharraf could only have stayed in power in one of three ways. He would have had to be able to block a 2/3s…

McCain: Nations don’t invade other Nations

McCain says, "In the twenty-first century, nations don't invade other nations:"And imagine him all sweetness and light now about wanting good relations with Moscow after his rants all the past week.An experienced…

Polk: Bases in Iraq, Provocation of Iran

William R. Polk writes in a guest editorial for IC:Rushing toward WarAs the Bush Administration begins its final months in office, it has embarked upon two courses of action that will pre-empt…

Iraq Refugee Crisis

There are approximately 2 million Iraqi refugees in the Middle East, mainly in Syria but with another big population in Amman. Their money is running out. NGOs have fewer resources for them…

Outbreak of Armed Conflict in Kirkuk Feared

Outbreak of armed conflict in Kirkuk feared.Fighting between Russia, Georgia risks wider war.Iraq will try to ensure that its army is "self-sufficient" by summer of 2009, when the Iraqi government wants US…

Ali-Karamali: Of Documentaries and Dehumanization

Sumbul Ali-Karamali writes in a guest op-ed for IC:A lazy way to dismiss conflicts as hopeless is to characterize (usually erroneously) the disputing parties as having been “at each other’s throats for…

Kwame Trumps Georgian War

These are the top three stories at at 3:00 pm on Friday, generated by reader interest.Wouldn't, like, war in the Caucasus be more important than the other two? Or the attempt…

InformationClearingHouse Web Owner Threatened

Are armed thugs threatening owners of progressive anti-war web sites in the United States? Tom Feeley who runs says he and his family are being harassed by men with guns.If the…

Plight of Iraqi Refugees

The US has virtually ignored the 4.7 million Iraqis displaced by its illegal war in Iraq and its after-effects. In an honest republic, this issue would be on American television screens every…

Asbahi Resignation and Islamophobia

Kudos to Jake Tapper for pointing out that Mazen Asbahi, the coordinator for Muslim affairs of the Obama campaign until he stepped down after 10 days, did nothing that Karen Hughes did…

The Scam of Energy Independence

John McCain keeps talking about making the US "energy independent."Robert Bryce points out that it is impossible for the United States to be energy independent with current technology.McCain says nuclear energy can…

Iraq Withdrawal Time Horizon= 2011? translated an article today from the Iraqi newspaper al-Sabah saying that there has been a breakthrough in the negotiations between the al-Maliki government and the Bush administration on a status of…

Was Abu Nidal Forgery Aimed at Refuting Joe Wilson?

The LA Times summarizes the case made by journalist Ron Suskind that the Bush administration orchestrated the forging of a document by Iraqi defector and former intelligence chief Tahir Jalil Habbush. Habbush…

Bush Suppressed Evidence Iraq Had no WMD

For critics of Ron Suskind's revelations that Bush and Cheney suppressed evidence that Iraq had no WMD, check out the below:Tyler Drumheller from a 2006 "60 Minutes" interview.Or how about the column…

John H. Brown on Bushian Propaganda

John H. Brown, who resigned in protest from the State Department in March of 2003, on the difference between public diplomacy and propaganda with regard to the Iraq War:

2 US Soldiers Killed; Parliament Tries Again

The Iraqi parliament will make another attempt on Tuesday to pass a provincial elections law that resolves controversies over how to treat troubled Kirkuk Province.AFP summarizes political violence in Iraq on Monday,…

Breakthrough on Solar Energy Storage

MIT has made a breakthrough in energy storage, one of the main obstacles to effective use of solar energy: "Inspired by the photosynthesis performed by plants, Nocera and Matthew Kanan, a postdoctoral…

Pakistan to Send Special Ops into Tribal Areas

Pakistan appears to be acquiescing in Bush administration demands that it send special ops forces in to fight the dissident tribal forces and the Tehrik-i Taliban, according to LAT.Aljazeera International reports on…