
Archives: Central Intelligence Agency

All the President’s Deniers

All the President’s Deniers

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - This week, we've seen a parade of Donald J. Trump's far-right cabinet appointees attempting to tone themselves down (with help from pliant GOP…
US: Trump’s Justice, CIA Picks Threaten Rights

US: Trump’s Justice, CIA Picks Threaten Rights

Human Rights Watch | - - (Washington) – President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as United States attorney general reinforces fears that Trump’s administration will threaten human rights protections,…
The Great War of Our Time:  Book Review

The Great War of Our Time: Book Review

Book Review By Brian Glyn Williams | (Informed Comment) | - - Michael Morell. The Great War of our Time. The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism, from Al Qa’ida to ISIS. New York;…