
Archives: June 2017

America’s Special Ops Perpetual World War

Nick Turse | ( ) | - - The tabs on their shoulders read “Special Forces,” “Ranger,” “Airborne.” And soon their guidon -- the “colors” of Company B, 3rd Battalion of…

Trump’s Love Affair With the Saudis

By William D. Hartung | ( | - - At this point, it’s no great surprise when Donald Trump walks away from past statements in service to some impulse of the…
Russo-US dog fights over Syria?

Russo-US dog fights over Syria?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Yara Bayoumi at Reuters reports on the complicated minuet being danced by Russia, the Syrian Air Force, and the United States. The Syrian…
Putin’s End Game in Syria

Putin’s End Game in Syria

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The Syrian press is watching Oliver Stone's interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin and likes what it sees. Syria's al-Watan (The Nation) reports…
Do Egyptians have any Rights Left at All? – HRW

Do Egyptians have any Rights Left at All? – HRW

Human Rights Watch | - - (Beirut) – Egyptian authorities in recent weeks have arrested at least 50 peaceful political activists, blocked at least 62 websites, and opened a criminal prosecution against…
Don’t Slow Down on Impeachment

Don’t Slow Down on Impeachment

Robert Reich. | Yes! Magazine | - - The three previous presidential impeachment inquiries rested on less evidence of obstruction of justice than is already publicly known about Trump. The real reason…

Making America a Pariah again?

By Tom Engelhardt | ( | - - In its own inside-out, upside-down way, it’s almost wondrous to behold. As befits our president’s wildest dreams, it may even prove to be a…
Hawaii defies Trump, commits to Paris Accords

Hawaii defies Trump, commits to Paris Accords

TeleSur | - - Even the limited environmental reforms of the Paris Agreements were too much for the United States. Hawaii has broken from the White House's abrupt exit from the Paris…

Is breathtaking Iran your next Tourist Destination?

By Frud Bezhan | ( RFE/RL) | - - Stunning landscapes, famous hospitality, and numerous World Heritage sites. Iran’s potential as a holiday destination is vast, but foreign tourists have largely avoided…
Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

Human Rights Watch | - - Ramp Up Pressure for Accountability on all Sides (Jerusalem) – Fifty years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it controls these areas through…
US faces risks as Trump misreads the Middle East

US faces risks as Trump misreads the Middle East

Francis Ghilès | ( | - - Militarising the region further and taking sides in a recently concocted sectarian conflict will likely end in tears. Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, Saudi King…

Trump’s Great Retreat, from Asia Too

John Feffer | ( ) | - - Asia has been the future for more than a generation. When Americans try to glimpse what’s to come, images of the Pacific Rim…