
Archives: January 2017

From Ugly American to American Bully

By William J. Astore | ( ) | - - I came of age during America's Cold War with the Soviet Union, witnessing its denouement while serving in the U.S. military.…

Top 3 Ways to rig an Election

By William deBuys | ( ) - - Donald Trump was right. The election was rigged. What Trump got wrong (and, boy, does he get things wrong) is that the rigging…
The Inauguration of White Supremacy

The Inauguration of White Supremacy

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Trump's cabinet has no Latinos, the first time that minority, which comprises 18 percent of Americans, is absent for twenty-five years. Trump famously…
Trump and the Pee-Pee Party:  Alec Baldwin at SNL

Trump and the Pee-Pee Party: Alec Baldwin at SNL

NBC's Saturday Night Live | (Video Skit) | - - "President-elect Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) holds his first press conference since getting elected." Donald Trump Press Conference Cold Open - SNL
All the President’s Deniers

All the President’s Deniers

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - This week, we've seen a parade of Donald J. Trump's far-right cabinet appointees attempting to tone themselves down (with help from pliant GOP…

The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump

By Rajan Menon | ( | - - Stack up the op-eds and essays on the disasters that await the world once Donald Trump moves into the White House and you’ll…
Welcome to Psychopathocracy

Welcome to Psychopathocracy

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - We are now on the brink of a new form of government, undreamed of by Aristotle, who spoke of monarchy, aristocracy and democracy.…
Those Times the NSA Hacked America’s Allies

Those Times the NSA Hacked America’s Allies

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The hysteria about Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee servers and the phishing scam run on Hillary…
Pain and torture: state violence in Egypt

Pain and torture: state violence in Egypt

By Maged Mandour | ( | - - The root of state violence and torture is not poor police training, nor a political decision that can be reversed, it is the…
Turkey’s Syrian blowback

Turkey’s Syrian blowback

Neil Thompson | (Informed Comment) | - - With the New Year terrorist attack in Istanbul now being claimed by the Islamic State (IS) movement, it is clear that Turkey has suffered…

Rethinking The Cost of War

By Mike Hixenbaugh for The Virginian-Pilot, and Charles Ornstein, ProPublica | - - There are many ways to measure the cost of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War: In bombs (7 million…