
Archives: November 2015

What does ISIL/ Daesh actually want?

What does ISIL/ Daesh actually want?

By Amalendu Misra | (the Conversation) | - - Every religious community, at some point in its history, has harboured a vision of the apocalypse. It reminds us that the world periodically…
The GOP Race as America’s Hunger Games

The GOP Race as America’s Hunger Games

Nomi Prins | ( | - - Fact: too many Republican candidates are clogging the political scene. Perhaps what’s needed is an American Hunger Games to cut the field to size. Each…
Poll: Muslims actually HATE ISIL/ Daesh

Poll: Muslims actually HATE ISIL/ Daesh

Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore & Francesca Fiorentini | (The Young Turks) | - - N. B. Charts courtesy Pew Research Center [N.B. 6% of Buddhists in Malaysia think well of…
he ISIS Trap – Will You Fall Into It?

The ISIS Trap – Will You Fall Into It?

AJ+ | (Video Report) | - - "ISIS has a pretty black-and-white view of the world. Either you're with them, or you're with people they consider infidels. But what about people in…

How Islamic law can take on ISIL

By Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im | (The Conversation) | - - The media coverage of the terrorist atrocities of Friday November 13 in Paris would seem to promote an almost mythical image of…
Is Daesh/ ISIL a modern Raiding Pirate state?

Is Daesh/ ISIL a modern Raiding Pirate state?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Some analysts trying to understand Daesh (ISIL, ISIS) had suggested that it differs from al-Qaeda in its emphasis on taking and holding territory,…

Terrorism and the Other Religions

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Reprint edn. slightly revised. Contrary to what is alleged by bigots like Bill Maher, Muslims are not more violent than people of other…

Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Reprint edn. (Slightly rearranged & revised): 1. Terrorism or hirabah is forbidden in Islamic law, which groups it with brigandage, highway robbery and…
Afghanistan: America’s Military Money Pit

Afghanistan: America’s Military Money Pit

By Tom Engelhardt | (Informed Comment) | - - Let’s begin with the $12 billion in shrink-wrapped $100 bills, Iraqi oil money held in the U.S.  The Bush administration began flying it…
Is the Iraqi army a lost cause?

Is the Iraqi army a lost cause?

By Jon Moran | (The Conversation) | - - Building an army in a short space of time is a very difficult task. To be sure, there are some impressive examples. Cromwell’s…
EU approves labeling of Israeli Squatter products

EU approves labeling of Israeli Squatter products

Ma'an News Agency | - - BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The European Union on Wednesday adopted measures to label products from Israeli settlements, considered illegal under international law, in a move welcomed by…
America’s Never-Ending Wars: #1

America’s Never-Ending Wars: #1

By Ann Jones | ( | - - Ten months ago, on December 28, 2014, a ceremony in Kabul officially marked the conclusion of America’s very long war in Afghanistan. President Obama…