
Archives: January 2009

Provincial Elections in Iraq

More on Iraq's provincial elections, slated for Saturday for most people, though some categories of voter have already voted,on Wednesday (e.g.police, the sick).This sample is a skewed one and might not be…

Obama on the Middle East

The transcript of President Obama's interview on al-Arabiya Television (Dubai)is at the latter's site and I will mirror it here, below.Just a few quick observations. Obama emphasized respect for the Muslim world,…

Blog of the Day

A shout out to comedian Margaret Cho, whose material I've always found fresh, insightful and funny. As a public speaker who sometimes delves into humor, I can attest that it is way…

Cole in Salon: Obama’s Vietnam?

My column is out in "Obama's Vietnam? Friday's airstrikes are evidence Obama will take the hard line he promised in Pakistan and Afghanistan. But he should remember what happened to another…

Gaza War! Hunh! What was it Good For?

According to UNICEF, their preliminary estimate of the damage done by the Israeli military to Gaza infrastructure is $1.9 billion. Note that this is Gaza infrastructure, not Hamas infrastructure. So at least…

Sunday Reading

Don't miss Barney Rubin's long and personal meditation in the Boston Review on his involvement in Afghanistan diplomacy over the past decades. The depth of that involvement in recent years makes all…

Obama as Anti-Bush

President Barack Obama signalled on several fronts on Thursday that the new president is his own man and is eager to actively reverse Bush administration policies. There will be a lot of…

The Dream of Our Founders will Live On

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the…

"They even killed the cats!"

Some 50,000 Palestinians have been left homeless by the Israeli war on the people of Gaza, with 400,000 now lacking access to running water. Rebuilding what the Israeli military destroyed will cost…

Olmert Announces Ceasefire; Mearsheimer on Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced a ceasefire in the Israeli assault on the population of the Gaza Strip, beginning at midnight Saturday, Israeli time. He will not withdraw Israeli ground…

Bahrain to Build Zero Emissions Skyscraper

Bahrain is building the world's first zero carbon emissions skyscraper:' Thomas Lucking, of architectural firm Gerber Architekten, said they have designed a tower which will be completely energy self-sufficient."We basically achieve this…

Bahrain to Build Zero Emissions Skyscraper

Bahrain is building the world's first zero carbon emissions skyscraper:' Thomas Lucking, of architectural firm Gerber Architekten, said they have designed a tower which will be completely energy self-sufficient."We basically achieve this…

W.’s Twilight: A Man of Feeble Temper

W. said goodbye to us last night, in an appearance that was surely notable for most Americans mainly because of the annoyance that he delayed by fifteen minutes their prime time shows…

W.’s Twilight: A Man of Feeble Temper

W. said goodbye to us last night, in an appearance that was surely notable for most Americans mainly because of the annoyance that he delayed by fifteen minutes their prime time shows…

Gaza War Sours Turkey-Israel Relations

One of the little noticed side effects of Israel's war on Gaza has been a substantial souring of relations with Turkey. The Israelis had had a relatively close diplomatic, military and trade…

Occupied Gaza in Photographs

British Gaza"Gaza: Soon after the British Empire occupied the city from the Ottoman Turks," (circa 1918) "Grand Omari Mosque, 1928"Egyptian Gaza"UN soldiers keeping the peace during the Israeli withdrawal from Egypt," 1957…

Occupied Gaza in Photographs

British Gaza"Gaza: Soon after the British Empire occupied the city from the Ottoman Turks," (circa 1918) "Grand Omari Mosque, 1928"Egyptian Gaza"UN soldiers keeping the peace during the Israeli withdrawal from Egypt," 1957…

Only a "For America" PAC Can Stop the Madness

I want to follow up today on my postings over the weekend on how organizing to defend progressive congressional representatives and punish reactionary ones is far superior to street protests as political…

Monday Last Day: 2008 Weblog Awards

Update: We're way behind, progressive blogosphere. Today is the last day to make a push. You can vote again if it has been 24 hours. Let's at least try to pull closer.Thanks…

Massive Protests in London, Barcelona

Some videoblogging for a snowy Sunday (where I am).Israel renewed its strikes and shelling against targets in densely-populated Gaza on Sunday morning. Some 850 Gazans and 13 Israelis have been killed in…

Save the Congresspersons, Save the World

Regarding the Congressional resolution on Gaza, The breakdown of the vote is here. (h/t You may be looking at an endangered species list.Cont'd . . .Actually, although the vote appeared overwhelmingly…

Rocketry 101

I don't think it is going to be easy to stop Gazans from making rockets if they want to. /End

Rocketry 101

I don't think it is going to be easy to stop Gazans from making rockets if they want to. /End

The Neoconservative Style & Weblog Awards

Michael J. Totten has surged way ahead in the voting online for the best Middle East weblog. The way he has done this is very instructive and tells us something about how…

Schmidt: It is 3 Crises, Not One

Soren Schmidt writes in a guest op-ed for ICAnalysis. The fighting in Gaza is closely linked to two other conflicts: Israel’s relationship with Syria and Iran’s role in the region. All three…

Schmidt: It is 3 Crises, Not One

Soren Schmidt writes in a guest op-ed for ICAnalysis. The fighting in Gaza is closely linked to two other conflicts: Israel’s relationship with Syria and Iran’s role in the region. All three…

Cole in Salon: Gaza and the End of Neoconservatism

My column is out in, "Neoconservatism dies in Gaza: The recent Israeli offensive has put the final nail in the coffin of the Bush administration's Middle East fantasy.".Excerpt:' The Gaza War…

Israeli Captain: We are Near WW III

BBC interviews a former captain in the Israeli army who condemns that attack on Gaza and warns that because of US-Iran tensions, "we are very near WW III."/End.

Sayyid Najm: "Tanks against Flesh is not War"

Aljazeera Arabic this evening interviewed Sayyid Najm, an Egyptian novelist and literature specialist on war in literature. He is author of, among other things, Ayyam Yusuf Mansi (Cairo: Zahran, 1990). He made…

Sayyid Najm: "Tanks against Flesh is not War"

Aljazeera Arabic this evening interviewed Sayyid Najm, an Egyptian novelist and literature specialist on war in literature. He is author of, among other things, Ayyam Yusuf Mansi (Cairo: Zahran, 1990). He made…

Palestinian Girl, Israeli Troops

Korean television has video of a Palestinian girl confronting Israeli soldiers over their firing (rubber bullets?) at demonstrating Palestinian children and youth.She is being identified by my facebook friends as Huwaida Arraf,…

Gaza in the Time of Ashura

The Gaza War is coming at a poignant time for the Shiite world, since the opening 10 days of the first month of the Muslim year, Muharram, are a time of mourning…

Gaza 2008: Micro-Wars and Macro-Wars

With regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict, we have entered the age of micro-wars.The first wars that Israel fought with its Arab neighbors were conventional struggles in which infantry, artillery, armor and air…

Israel Destroys American School in Gaza, Kills Guard

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports of Israel's heavy artillery bombardment of densely populated Gaza on Saturday that "The American School north of Gaza was directly hit…

Israel invades Gaza

After a four-hour artillery barrage, Israeli troops moved into the northern part of the Gaza strip on Saturday. This land operation raises the same question Jonathan Freedland asked about the whole Gaza…

Thousands Protest Israel, US in Kabul

Thousands of Afghans rallied on Friday against the Israeli attack on Gaza Three thousand protesters in Kabul burned Ehud Olmert and George W. Bush in effigy, chanted death to Israel and death…