
Archives: December 2007

McClatchy: Edwards, Romney Lead in Iowa

McClatchy has a new Iowa poll out, taken Dec. 26-28. It shows that there was no spike among Iowa voters in concern for international affairs or terrorism in the wake of the…

Top Ten Myths about Iraq 2007

10. Myth: The US public no longer sees Iraq as a central issue in the 2008 presidential campaign.In a recent ABC News/ Washington Post poll, Iraq and the economy were virtually tied…

Christmas in Iraq

There was no midnight mass among Christians in Iraq again this year. Too dangerous. And of the estimated 800,000 Christians in the country in 2002, as few as half, 400,000, may be…

Barzani Slams Turks

Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani on Monday lashed out at Turkey for its air strikes on Iraq. Turkey says it hit terror bases.Bush strongly backed Turkey with a call to PM Erdogan.The…

Zogby: Huckabee, Obama Surge

Zogby has just released a national new poll that shows that the proportion of voters who are undecided on both sides of the aisle has fallen dramatically. The chief beneficiaries of the…

Defending Miss Teen USA South Carolina

Now that all those 'famous quotes of 2007' are coming out, people are replaying the answer of Caitlin Upton, a contestant for Miss Teen USA from South Carolina to a question during…

Suicide Bombings in Diyala, Baghdad;

A suicide bomber killed 13 in Kanaan, village near the provincial capital Baquba in Diyala Province. The bomber was targeting a patrol of the local Awakening Council (pro-US Sunni tribal levies). Reuters…

Kurdish Press Freedoms Curtailed

The parliament of the Kurdistan Regional Authority, a part of Iraq, has just passed a very dangerous press law, which has drawn vigorous protests from Iraqi Kurdish journalists. AP reports that:' Under…

Pelosi on Republicans: They Like this War

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she has been surprised at the depth of support for the Iraq War among Republicans in the House of Representatives. AP writes:' "They…

Ayatollah Huckabee’s Fatwa

In Shiite Iran, only a Shiite may be president. Not a Sunni Muslim, not a Christian, and not a secularist. Article 115 of the current Iranian constitution says:' Article 115The President must…

Oprah and Obama: Irony of the Week

The irony of the week is that Oprah Winfrey has come out strongly for Barack Obama as president. Why is that ironic? Because the subtext of Oprah's television show is that men…

Napoleon’s Scientists and the Pyramids

At the NYT, Katherine Bouton reviews Nina Burleigh's new book, “Mirage: Napoleon’s Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt," which I'm eager to see. In the course of the review, she writes of…

US Deploys Pakistani Insurgents against Al-Qaeda

The USG Open Source Center translates an article from an opposition Afghanistan newspaper alleging that Washington it deploying Pakistani tribal levies against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.'USA trying to use Pakistani insurgents against…

Bombings in Diyala Kill over Two Dozen

Bombings were back on the front page in Iraq on Saturday, with significant attacks carried out on Thursday evening and Friday.At Muqdadiya in Diyala province, a female suicide bomber blew up a…

Romney: Some Beliefs are More Equal than Others

Mitt Romney's speech in Texas on Thursday was supposed to be an attempt to fend off religious bigotry. Instead, it betrays some prejudices of its own (against secular people), and seems to…

Bush Grasp of Reality Tenuous

Farideh Farhi, at our group blog, Global Affairs, says she listened to Bush's press conference on Tuesday -- which was full of implausible statements -- and now wants to know what George…

International Reaction to the NIE: OSC

The USG Open Source Center surveys Iranian, German, French, and Israeli reactions to the US National Intelligence Estimate that holds that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. One is struck…

Hadley: Iran has no Nuclear Weapons Program

Here is the transcript of Monday's news conference:Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Stephen HadleyJames S. Brady Press Briefing Room3:35 P.M. ESTMR. HADLEY: Good afternoon, I'm Steve Hadley, the President's National Security…

Michigan Delegates Excluded From Democratic Convention

A specter haunts the Democratic Party, and it is the exclusion of Michigan and Florida delegates from the Democratic Convention.Both the Republican and the Democratic National Committees have been penalizing states that…

Bush Slammed for Opposing Nawaz

A Pakistani newspaper has accused George W. Bush of thinking that Nawaz Sharif of the Muslim League-N is a Muslim fundamentalist, and of expressing worries about him on that score. In fact,…

Napoleon’s Egypt at Firedoglake

At the Firedoglake blog, Swopa will be hosting a book Salon on Sunday starting at 2 pm EST on my Napoleon's Egypt: Invading the Middle East. I'll be answering questions online.

Save the Internet, Preserve Internet Liberty

We all know the drawbacks of corporate news outlets, and the great blessing that the internet represents for grassroots organizing and information sharing. But of course, the big corporations are very unhappy…