
Archives: May 2002

Iraq And September 11 Date Wed 29 May

Iraq and September 11Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 22:37:27 -0400 (EDT) To: gulf2000 list Subject: Re: Laurie Mylroie: Iraq, the Strategic Blunder, NRO The media industry around sabre rattling toward Iraq continues…

Bin Ladens Plan When I Said That He Obl

Bin Laden's PlanWhen I said that "He (OBL) knew what the likely US response would be, andhad thought several steps ahead, as in chess" I was referring to Septemberand October, when the…

Bin Ladens Intentions In His Taped

Bin Laden's IntentionsIn his taped interview with Sheikh al-Harbi (or whoever it was), which was probably secretly taped without Usama's knowledge by one of al-Harbi's associates, Bin Ladin says that he was…