
Archives: October 2016

Girl Soldiers: Forgotten Casualties of War

Girl Soldiers: Forgotten Casualties of War

By Pat Hynes | ( Truthdig ) | - - As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was visibly shaken by sexual crimes against women and girls when she visited the Democratic Republic…

Israel Envy and Trump’s Wall

By Shalom Goldman | (Patheos) | - - In the current presidential campaign, Republicans and Democrats seem to be competing with each other to proclaim their “pro-Israel” stances. In a March address…

Gun Industry in US kills 7 Kids a Day

By Gary Younge | ( ) | - - Every day, on average, seven kids and teens are shot dead in America. Election 2016 will undoubtedly prove consequential in many ways,…
Failing Libya

Failing Libya

By Alison Pargeter | ( OpenDemocracy) | - - If peace and national unity in Libya seem remote five years after the fall of the Qadhafi regime, western powers and the international…

7 Things to Know about Mosul

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The Iraqi government has announced that the campaign to take the large northern city of Mosul back from Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) has begun…
US Goes to War with Houthis in Yemen (Openly)

US Goes to War with Houthis in Yemen (Openly)

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The US Navy in the Red Sea fired Tomahawk missiles into Yemen early Thursday morning, taking out three radar stations. Those facilities had…
The Unbearable Horror of Donald Trump

The Unbearable Horror of Donald Trump

By David M. Faris | (Informed Comment) | - - Monday’s debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was a bizarre, disorienting carnival from the start. It was one of the only…
Starving Yemen

Starving Yemen

By Helen Lackner | ( OpenDemocracy ) | - - Is the forgotten war turning into a forgotten famine? What answers will we give when the next generation ask how we could…

The Graveyard of ISIL

By Mustafa Sadoun | Fallujah | ( | - - NIQASH visits an ISIL cemetery in Fallujah and finds the hastily built, last resting places of several of the group's leaders,…

Israeli Military seizes Female Gaza aid Flotilla

By Andrea Germanos, staff writer | ( | - - Group including Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire aimed 'to highlight the vital role women play not only in the resistance movement, but in…
Whose Fault is Trump?  Top 7 Culprits

Whose Fault is Trump? Top 7 Culprits

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign platform has from the beginning been based on racism, religious bigotry, class warfare of the rich on workers,…