- published: 10 Jul 2011
- views: 11501
Fermo [ˈfermo] listen (ancient: Firmum Picenum) is a town and comune of the Marche, Italy, in the Province of Fermo.
Fermo is on a hill, the Sabulo, elevation 319 metres (1,047 ft), on a branch from Porto San Giorgio on the Adriatic coast railway.
The oldest human remains from the area are funerary remains from the 9th-8th centuries BC, belonging to the Villanovan culture or the proto-Etruscan civilization.
The ancient Firmum Picenum was founded as a Latin colony, consisting of 6000 men, in 264 BC, after the conquest of the Picentes, as the local headquarters of the Roman power, to which it remained faithful. It was originally governed by five quaestors. It was made a colony with full rights after the battle of Philippi, the 4th Legion being settled there. It lay at the junction of roads to Pausulae, Urbs Salvia, and Asculum, connected to the coast road by a short branch road from Castellum Firmanum (Porto S. Giorgio).
With the Pentapolis, in the 8th century it passed under the authority of the Holy See was thenceforth subject to the vicissitudes of the March of Ancona. In the 10th century it became the capital of the Marchia Firmana. Under the predecessors of Honorius III (1216–27) the bishops of city became prince-bishops, first with the secular rights of counts, and later as princes of Fermo.
Fermo - Marche - Italy
Fermo - Só o tempo vai provar (Clipe Oficial)
Tacos a la Fermo - Fer Morera
Fermo - Esconderijo [Webclipe Oficial]
Fermo - Bom Menino (Lyric Video)
Fermo - Estenda sua mão (2014)
Fermo 9-5-16 Alimentazione Ambiente e salute - Franco Berrino, D.Angelucci, E.Alquati, R.Alleva
Migrante ucciso a Fermo, caso chiuso: ha vinto lo sport
al fermo cinghiale di 137kg
Actors: Bruno Ganz (actor), Silvio Soldini (writer), Felice Andreasi (actor), Silvio Soldini (writer), Antonio Catania (actor), Giuseppe Battiston (actor), Silvio Soldini (director), Carlotta Cristiani (editor), Mauro Marino (actor), Daniele Maggioni (producer), Giselda Volodi (actress), Manrico Gammarota (actor), Doriana Leondeff (writer), Doriana Leondeff (writer), Don Backy (actor),
Plot: Life is often just "for sake of" and we need to know about it and want to benefit when we are presented with the occasion to. A bit for "sake of", a bit for choice, Rosalba, young and apart from anything a housewife of Pescara, during a bus trip after she found herself alone and...forgotten in a highway café, decides not to wait for her husband and sons to come back to pick her up but instead decides to find her own way home. She is a little offended that she has been forgotten by her family and has been told by her husband to stay put so, rebelling a little she finds herself hitch-hiking direct for Venice. Her adventure in Venice begins meeting strange but fascinating people. Fermo; an anarchistic florist, Grazia; a masseuse and Fernando; a waiter from Iceland that speaks his own language of Italian.
Keywords: accordion, accordion-player, apartment, birthday, bus, cell-phone, cleavage, clumsiness, dance-restaurant, detectivehttp://blog.marcafermana.it/ - Fermo è un comune italiano di 37.876 abitanti, capoluogo della provincia omonima nelle Marche centro-meridionali. È sede arcivescovile. Dista circa 6 km dal mare Adriatico, in una zona ad alta concentrazione demografica che include anche i centri litoranei di Porto San Giorgio e Porto Sant' Elpidio e la cosiddetta area calzaturiera (Montegranaro, Monte Urano, Sant'Elpidio a Mare). ( source Wikipedia )
DIREÇÃO E EDIÇÃO William Herrmann ROTEIRO Magrão ASSISTENTE DE PRODUÇÃO Magrão Davi Carvalho Júlio Piovesan Marcello Souza Felipe Medeiros Patricia Saijo Acesse: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Banda.Fermo Twitter https://twitter.com/FermoOficial
Link del video anterior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqvZRq1VuVM Mis redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fer-Morera-1... Instagram: @ifermorera Twitter: https://twitter.com/iFerMorera Ask.fm: http://ask.fm/iFerMorera Contacto directo: fermo1596@gmail.com
Agradecimentos especiais: Hurricane Studio Suminsky Chilli Beans Estudio Kadu Tattoo DIREÇÃO E EDIÇÃO William Herrmann ROTEIRO Magrão ASSISTENTE DE PRODUÇÃO Magrão Igor Ribeiro Júlio Piovesan Marcello Souza Lucas Rodrigues Felipe Medeiros Acesse: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Banda.Fermo Twitter https://twitter.com/FermoOficial LETRA Ser fiel a quem nos projetou Coroar a quem do mal provou E o novo modo sobre ordenar E o mundo sempre fora do lugar E ao mundo revelar O quão triste é não poder Ter a fé em suas mãos Mas nada poder fazer Mas a ordem de cima é o breu E a certeza do fim Ele deu E CONHECEREIS A VERDADE E A VERDADE VOS LIBERTARA
Download: http://migre.me/hCh3p Fermo - Estenda a sua mão (2014) Vem que eu posso te cuidar estenda-me a sua mão prometo não soltar nada disso vai nos separar pois teus braços que é o meu lar e o que eu tenho para te dizer, é que eu sempre cantei por você não sei quem vc quer enganar é tarde pra se aventurar dividir, respirar um só mesmo ar e depois viver tudo em vão deixe acabar o meu amor que eu ti dei, mas hesitou e todas cançoes que eu fiz pra voce ? e todas as cartas que eu pude escrever ? como pode esquecer ? e todos momentos que a gente viveu ? e todos os planos que a gente pensou ? Agradecimentos : Inverso clothing From hellrecords (henrique) Tarrago 13 studio William Herrmann fotografia
Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Ve la ricordate la storia di Emmanuel Nnamdi e Amedeo Mancini, i due che si erano trovati a litigare per gli insulti rivolti alla moglie del nigeriano, e che era finita su tutti i giornali? Fantastico, perché è arrivata a una conclusione, e praticamente nessuno è soddisfatto del risultato. Altri video? http://www.breakingitaly.it H E Y A: http://heyastore.com Emmanuel Nnamdi, la moglie patteggia: 4 anni a Mancini - http://bit.ly/2iOzsPz Terremoto in centro Italia, si scava all’Hotel Rigopiano - http://bit.ly/2jCzL4G Ridotta la pena a Chelsea Manning, ma Assange non si consegnerà - http://ind.pn/2iXmAu4 Il video consegnato a Wikileaks da Manning - http://bit.ly/2jcVCfC Canale di Vlog e Live - http://bit.ly/zYaoBU Facebook (Personale): http://on.fb.me/wq5fLb Twitter: http://bit.ly/zQtyfp In...
I've been reading what they say in the news
Hoping that I hear back from you
I wrote you this letter of explanation
A look at things from my point of view
It's a matter of supply and demand
Field research and capital gains
Success is just a product of sex and money
I've got the looks; they've got the brains
It's a necessary part of the job
Get maybe just a little involved
But most of our dealings were strictly business
I just wanted to know
If' you're okay and it's all right
Everybody's talking about
Who's with who and who's making out
Wouldn't we be better off making music
Instead of all this sleeping around?
'Cause everyone here has a mistress
It's such a dirty business
If we put our heads together
The songs will live forever
I gotta get out of this hell-hole
I'm packing my things and I'm coming home
You're okay and it's alright
You're okay, is this alright,
if I put my hand on your thigh?