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Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
June 30, 2017 Disclaimer: Please read.

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Author Rebecca Carroll on Navigating the ‘Monolith of Blackness’ Through Writing (Audio)

In this week’s edition of “Scheer Intelligence,” host and Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer interviews the writer about race, her writing process and the climate for black writers and artists.


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J. David Ake / AP

Is the Supreme Court Killing Secularism?

Three rulings in one week raise fears that human rights are being subverted in favor of religious rights, particularly those of evangelical Christians.

After a Rape: Helping Survivors Heal, Part II

Counseling and other services allow women to reclaim control and even develop a new purpose in life.
A/V Booth

On a panel moderated by Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer (far right), Goodman explains why he blew the whistle on corruption in the Central Intelligence Agency.

The award-winning cartoonist came prepared with images of Jesus in compromised positions and an array of ideas about the role of the rabble-rousing artist in contemporary culture. Watch and learn.

Trump’s Travel Ban 2.0 Goes Into Effect

The ban has set the stage for a Supreme Court battle over executive powers later this year.

Numerous States Reject the Administration’s Demand for Voter Data

A request for sensitive voter information by the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is garnering backlash from civil rights advocacy groups, governors and state secretaries. (Pictured: A 2014 march for voter protections.)

In Sickness and in Health

Although “The Big Sick” presents itself as a familiar story with an intercultural twist, it breaks from the typical boy-meets-girl form in more ways than one with moving results.

Living in the Shadows

A new book by writer, photographer and union organizer David Bacon is a bilingual fusion of journalism and documentary photography that reveals the humanity and suffering of marginalized Latino workers.



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Five Things Trump Is Doing That Are Worse Than Insulting Mika Brzezinski

U.S. media is focusing on the president’s provocations rather than on important issues like tax cuts, climate change and health care. (Pictured: Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough on MSNBC.)

Russians Alarmed, Washington Befuddled by White House Threat to Syria

The American statement that Syrian President Bashar Assad (pictured) is preparing to use poison gas could have dire consequences.

The American Meaning of War: Reality or Reality Television?

There are so many wars and war rumors involving America these days that it’s starting to feel a little unreal, even for the most devoted of news watchers.

Thinking Dangerously: The Role of Higher Education in Authoritarian Times

Any viable attempt at developing democratic politics must address the role of education and civic literacy as central to politics itself.

The New York Times Retracts a ‘Russiagate’ Canard

The Times belatedly rejects the much-repeated claim that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia hacked into and distributed Democratic Party emails.



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Pope’s Top Financial Adviser Is Accused in Australian Sex Abuse Case

Charges against Cardinal George Pell mark the first time a criminal case related to the Catholic Church’s pervasive abuse scandal has reached the Vatican’s innermost circles.

Medicare for All: It’s a Matter of Life and Death

“The science is showing us that if you lack health insurance ... people die earlier as a result,” says Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program.

State Department Publishes Formerly Expunged Documents on 1953 Iran Coup

The documents reveal U.S. fears over communism and offer new information on the CIA’s role in toppling Iran’s government. (Pictured: A man erases graffiti from a wall in Iran in 1953.)

After a Rape: Getting Through a Maze, Part I

Programs help sexual assault survivors confront a tangle of law enforcement, medical and legal proceedings. (Pictured, part of a webpage of a nonprofit group that reports and records sexual assaults.)

Time to Rekindle the ‘Spirit of Glassboro’

Fifty years after the Glassboro Summit between President Johnson (pictured right) and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, we should question the wisdom of leaders averse to any U.S.-Russia detente.