
Archives: Yemen

US Goes to War with Houthis in Yemen (Openly)

US Goes to War with Houthis in Yemen (Openly)

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - The US Navy in the Red Sea fired Tomahawk missiles into Yemen early Thursday morning, taking out three radar stations. Those facilities had…
Starving Yemen

Starving Yemen

By Helen Lackner | ( OpenDemocracy ) | - - Is the forgotten war turning into a forgotten famine? What answers will we give when the next generation ask how we could…
Yemen: Saudis Using US Cluster Munitions

Yemen: Saudis Using US Cluster Munitions

Human Rights Watch | - - End Production, Transfer of These Banned Weapons (Washington, DC) – Saudi Arabia has used US-made cluster munitions near civilian areas in Yemen, leaving behind unexploded submunitions,…