Bristol: occupied homeless centre faces eviction

February 14th 2011

Homeless people in Bristol have occupied a former homeless advice centre recently closed down by the council. They are now facing eviction by notorious bailiffs Constant & Co.

After weeks of legal battles, it looks like the occupied former homeless centre “The Hub” in Cumberland Street, St Pauls, is finally facing eviction. A court date is set for Friday the 18th, 12:00 noon and the occupants are expecting immediate action on behalf of notorious bailiffs Constant & Co if their case is lost.

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Paris: Week of solidarity and struggles against repression (20-27 february 2011)

[February 2011]

Translation from

To control population movements is one of the States priorities. It is, in particular, to select with care the labour force needed for the economy, and this in a general context of deterioration in the standard of living. This selection requires the reinforcement of imprisonment of people called “undesirable”, border controls and raids, dropping visas and an intensification of the struggle against the ones who in one way or another go against keeping under control population movements. For few years, people who fight against detention centres, raids and generally speaking against the deportation machine are more and more filed by the police. Interior ministers of the European Union increase measures to intensify the struggle against what would be according to them a same threat : “illegal immigration and terrorism”

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Bristol: Emporium and Classics still alive and well


Update on legal threat to 35/37 Stokes Croft

People that know and use the spaces have been asking for an update on the legal situation with 35/37 Stokes Croft so we’d thought we’d get a little summary out.
We are still going! There are exhibitions and events coming up at the emporium and the free shop continues its regular opening times of Thursday to Saturady 2pm-5pm.

Our next court appearance will be Thursday 7th of April.

We haven’t actually spoken to any ‘owner’, even their lawyers laugh at the fact that he/she might not exist. The claim in court is that the owners are Hong Kong businessmen, and company records have been produced to attempt to confirm this. We have attempted to speak to them but there has been no reply. Only through an estate agents (Maggs and Allen) and a law firm (Awdry, Douglas and Bailey) have we ascertained more information, which is not wholely reliable as they are trying to make money out of an abandoned building and have been trying every trick in the book to make a quick buck. Here’s updates on what’s happened so far. [Read More]

Germany: Solidarity after the eviction of Liebigstrasse 14 in Berlin on 2nd of february 2011


Riots all over Germany after the eviction of Liebigstrasse 14 in Berlin on 2nd of february.

The Liebig 14 was one of the last and oldest squats in Berlin.

On the 2nd of february, 2.500 cops violently evicted the houseproject. It took them 8 hours to evict the barricated house.

One week before the eviction there was a demonstration with 7.000 people in Berlin against the evictionplans.

In the night following the eviction, there were demonstrations with about 3.000 people and riots in the streets of Berlin with an estimated damage of one million euros and more riots with less people and less damage in the following nights.

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Copenhagen: Activists fight on the streets in support for Liebig 14

February 2nd, 2011

Angered at the news of the eviction of the Liebig 14 in Berlin, some 300 protesters took to the streets of Copenhagen in a solidarity demonstration. With chants, slogans and revolutionary music people gathered on the fringe of Copenhagen inner city and marched towards the german embassy. The police kept watch on the side streets and from the back and front of the demonstration.

The embassy was guarded by police in riot gear and armored vans. Opun arriving protesters attacked the police with bottles and firecrackers trying to reach. The police approached the demonstrators but didn’t dare to attack directly or arrest anyone. After the standoff the demonstration went back towards the grounds of Jagtvej 69. The former site of Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen. On the way protesters smashed windows of some banks

Even though the demonstration went without direct attacks from the police, six people were arrested for being in the possesion of gas masks, pepperspray and graffiti cans. Only pepperspray is directly illegal in Denmark however.
