
Archives: Pentagon

The Violent “American Century”

The Violent “American Century”

By John Feffer | (FPIF) | Originally published in Korea Quarterly | - - The last near-century of American dominance was extraordinarily violent. Is it coming to an end? John Dower is…

America’s Special Ops Perpetual World War

Nick Turse | ( ) | - - The tabs on their shoulders read “Special Forces,” “Ranger,” “Airborne.” And soon their guidon -- the “colors” of Company B, 3rd Battalion of…
Russo-US dog fights over Syria?

Russo-US dog fights over Syria?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - Yara Bayoumi at Reuters reports on the complicated minuet being danced by Russia, the Syrian Air Force, and the United States. The Syrian…

American Amnesia in the Garden of War

By John Dower | ( | - - Some years ago, a newspaper article credited a European visitor with the wry observation that Americans are charming because they have such short…

How our Standing Wars are Warping Us

Tom Engelhardt | ( | - - On successive days recently, I saw two museum shows that caught something of a lost American world and seemed eerily relevant in the Age…

Why $54 bn for Pentagon won’t fix US Security

By Rajan Menon | ( ) | - - Donald Trump’s supporters believe that his election will end business as usual in Washington. The self-glorifying Trump agrees and indeed his has,…