London: 121 Social Center needs help

Hello friends

Here is the latest message from the occupied 121 Centre in Brixton. London.

We have now been in occupation, behind barricades, for 54 days but are expecting an eviction to happen at any time. The case was sneakily moved up from the jurisdiction of the County Court to the High Court last week so now the stakes are a little bit higher. [Read More]

Berlin: Charges Against ‘Interim’ Magazine Have Been Dropped

German authorities have suffered an embarrassing failure in their attempts to criminalize the Berlin autonomist periodical ‘Interim’. All charges against 14 individuals targeted in a series of highly-publicized raids in Berlin last year have been dropped. It seems the state’s intelligence agency could not find anything useful in the massive amounts of confiscated materials. Last June, 500 police raided a total of nine houses and workplaces in Berlin, looking for the alleged editors of Interim magazine. [Read More]