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JUNE 2017

2017-0083.pdf         DIRNSA Cyber Attack Patent                         June 30, 2017
2017-0082.pdf         Ex-NSA Cybersecurity Patent                        June 30, 2017
2017-0081.pdf         Ex-NSA Cybersecurity Patent Application            June 30, 2017
2017-0080.pdf         Keys to NYC Supertalls                             June 24, 2017

2017-0079.pdf         Hacking UK Trident Via BASIC                       June 11, 2017 (3.0MB)
2017-0078.htm offsite CIA Officer Aaron Hung-Li Shek                     June 11, 2017
2017-0077.htm offsite CIA Officer Alan Lawrence Patterson                June 11, 2017
2017-0076.htm offsite CIA Officer Andrew Michael Hartsog                 June 11, 2017
2017-0075.htm offsite CIA Officer David Rives Marlowe                    June 11, 2017

2017-0074.pdf         Reality Winner Detention Order                     June 9, 2017
2017-0073.htm offsite NL-RU police method for cybercrime internet taps   June 9, 2017
2017-0072.pdf         Reality Winner Indictment and Penalty              June 8, 2017
2017-0071.pdf         NSA Report on Russia Spearphishing /The Intercept  June 5, 2017 (5.8MB)
2017-0070.pdf         Reality Leigh Winner Court Files                   June 5, 2017

MAY 2017

2017-0069.jpg         Trump 40 Wall St Luxury Offices Unfinished, Unsafe May 28, 2017
2017-0068.jpg         Trump Park Ave Luxury Condos Unfinished, Unsafe    May 28, 2017
2017-0067.jpg         Trump SOHO Luxury Hotel Unfinished, Unsafe         May 28, 2017

2017-0066.jpg         Gitmo CIA Torture Huts 2003 and 2017               May 28, 2017
2017-0065.jpg         Army Helo Anti-Missile Infrared Countermeasures    May 28, 2017
2017-0064.jpg         Arba Minch Drone Base, Ethiopia Gone               May 28, 2017
2017-0063.htm offsite Images of Trump dissent and resistance May-Now     May 28, 2017
2017-0062.htm offsite Images of Trump dissent and resistance Jan-Apr     May 28, 2017

2017-0061.htm offsite Daily chronology of Trump's presidency             May 28, 2017
2017-0060.htm         Cryptome "A Sends:" Trashed by Twitter             May 26, 2017
2017-0059.htm offsite CIA Officer Allen Lewis Powell                     May 25, 2017
2017-0058.htm offsite CIA Officer Christopher Huttleston                 May 25, 2017
2017-0057.htm offsite CIA Officer Diana Phillips Dragon                  May 25, 2017

2017-0056.htm offsite CIA Officer Mark Allen Webster                     May 25, 2017
2017-0055.htm         Spy Dox                                            May 21, 2017
2017-0054.jpg         Jeff Bezos Amazon Spy                              May 21, 2017
2017-0053.jpg         Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Spy                       May 21, 2017
2017-0052.jpg         Sergey Brin Google Spy                             May 21, 2017

2017-0051.jpg         Larry Page Google Spy                              May 21, 2017
2017-0050.jpg         Jack Dorsey Twitter Spy                            May 21, 2017
2017-0049.htm         Cryptome Archive, 103K files, 1996-2017            May 20, 2017
2017-0048.pdf         Anthony Weiner Court Filings                       May 20, 2017
2017-0047.pdf         In Defense of Transracialism                       May 20, 2017

2017-0046.htm         Trump Protection 5                                 May 20, 2017
2017-0045.pdf         Trump Duped by RU/US Mafia at Trump SoHo/Florida   May 14, 2017
2017-0044.pdf         Trump Foundation IRS Filed 2 Weeks After Election  May 14, 2017
2017-0043.pdf         FDIC 2016 Security Report to GAO                   May 12, 2017 (4MB)
2017-0042.htm offsite Why is Trump dotty about spying?                   May 12, 2017

APRIL 2017

2017-0041.pdf         War with North Korea: No Joke                     April 26, 2017

2017-0040.pdf         Snowden's Box - How NSA Material Was Shared       April 15, 2017         Snowden alleges: NSA 'Top Secret digital weapons' April 9, 2017 (179MB)
2017-0038.pdf         Trust no one: Modernization, paranoia, conspiracy April 8, 2017
2017-0037.pdf         National Security Presidential Memorandum 4       April 6, 2017
2017-0036.pdf         Post-Quantum Crypto to Avoid Comsec-Infosec Fail  April 2, 2017

MARCH 2017

2017-0035.pdf         Tapping Trump's Wires: A Spy Hunter's Perspective March 30, 2017
2017-0034.htm offsite UK Chemical Weapons Storage and Disposal Compound March 30, 2017
2017-0033.pdf         FISC Order on Bulk Collection En Banc Poll        March 22, 2017
2017-0032.pdf         Trump Naked Emperor Sued by ~800 in NY State      March 18, 2017

2017-0031.htm offsite Spy Outsourcing Leaks Secrets                     March 18, 2017 
2017-0030.pdf         Indictment of FSB Hackers of Yahoo                March 15, 2017 (13MB)
2017-0029.pdf         Hawaii Judge Orders TRO on Trump Immigrant Terror March 15, 2017
2017-0028.htm offsite CIA Officer Jared Kartchner                       March 14, 2017
2017-0027.htm offsite CIA Officer John Hardman                          March 14, 2017

2017-0026.htm offsite CIA Officer Raymond Castillo                      March 14, 2017
2017-0025.htm offsite CIA Officer Robert Briskman                       March 14, 2017
2017-0024.pdf         Evgeniy Bogachev Indictment-Complaint             March 13, 2017
2017-0023.htm offsite WikiLeaks Vault 7 CIA Malware                     March 7, 2017
2017-0022.pdf         Wash-Minn v Trump - DoJ to Gut Muslim Ban Orders  March 6, 2017


2017-0021.pdf         Leaked Trump EO: Strengthening US Cybersecurity   February 26, 2017

2017-0020.htm         Schneier's Internet Security Agency - Bad Idea    February 25, 2017
2017-0019.htm         Trump Protection 04                               February 25, 2017
2017-0018.htm         Trump Protection 03                               February 20, 2017         President's Surveillance Program (1,568 pages)    February 20, 2017 (134MB)
2017-0016.pdf         US International Trade Commission NatSec Info     February 12, 2017

2017-0015.pdf         NSA Sued for ThinThread/Trailblazer SIGINT Tools  February 11, 2017
2017-0014.pdf         NSA Harold T. Martin Indictment                   February 9, 2017
2017-0013.pdf         Barrett Brown Donors Sue DoJ/FBI for Anonymity    February 8, 2017


2017-0012.pdf         Darweesh v. Trump Immigrant Detention Stay/Docket January 29, 2017
2017-0011.pdf         Harold T. Martin Detention Hearing Transcript     January 28, 2017

2017-0010.pdf         AG Guidelines for CIA Spying on US Citizens       January 19, 2017 (14MB)
2017-0009.pdf         Manning Summary Judgment Denied, WikiLeaks Cited  January 16, 2017         CNN Gets GSA Files on Trump Old Post Office Hotel January 15, 2017 (68MB)
2017-0007.htm offsite Christopher Steele Residence 51.2177, -0.7554     January 15, 2017
2017-0006.htm offsite Obama's Communications Equipment, Presage Trump's January 15, 2017

2017-0005.htm HTML    Donald Trump's Activities in Russia and Kremlin   January 14, 2017
2017-0004.pdf PDF     Donald Trump's Activities in Russia and Kremlin   January 11, 2017 (6.6MB)
2017-0003.htm offsite NY Times Profiles Julian Assange, Cites Following January 9, 2017
2017-0002.pdf repost  Assange: State and Terrorist Conspiracies 2010    January 9, 2017
2017-0001.htm         Cryptome Archive, 102K files, 1996-2017           January 8, 2017

Deborah Natsios, Cryptome:

2016-0050.vid         (±) False Tallies-the Prisoner’s Dilemma?         February 6, 2016
2015-1688.pdf         Voir Dire: Interrogating the Juridical City       August 16, 2015
2015-1687.vid         Meet Me At Your Riser - Cryptome Video            August 16, 2015
2015-1507.pdf         Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City      June 15, 2015
2015-1404.vid         Bowery Ghost Ships Launched - Natsios-Cryptome    May 14, 2015

Deborah Natsios John Young Bibliography

Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

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      blocked. Python, Wget and Bot Not, Thanks. Bots are vile bandwith wasters.


O f f s i t e

Cryptome Interview by Pit Schultz 16-0205

The Whistleblower Architects: surveillance, infrastructure, and freedom
of information according to Cryptome (part 2)

The Whistleblower Architects: surveillance, infrastructure, and freedom
of information according to Cryptome (part 1)
Tecno|Grafia[s] Interviews Cryptome 1996-2016
Text Only Version
Corrected Wikipedia entry for Cryptome, bloated, erroneous, biased, sensationlist junk deleted: [Image] JULY 2016 2016-1420.pdf NSA Suite A Release Progress July 31, 2016 2016-1419.htm Russia Doesn't Like CloudFlare July 30, 2016 2016-1418.pdf PSFR Mobile Application Single Sign-On July 30, 2016 2016-1417.pdf DoD Special Command Positions July 30, 2016 2016-1416.pdf WikiLeaks Embargo Agreement for Partners July 27, 2016 2016-1415.htm Prez Policy Directive 41 US Cyber Incidents Coord July 26, 2016 2016-1414.htm Sample DNC Leak Emails with Headers July 26, 2016 2016-1413.htm National Intelligence University Campus July 25, 2016 2016-1412.pdf ASEAN-China Agree on Conduct in South China Sea July 25, 2016 (1.7MB) 2016-1411.pdf Cryptome Report to NYC DOITT on LinkNYC Beta Pt 1 July 24, 2016 2016-1410.vid Cryptome Report to NYC DOITT on LinkNYC Beta Pt 2 July 24, 2016 2016-1409.htm updated LinkNYC Spy Kiosks Installation Videos July 24, 2016 2016-1408.vid LinkNYC-Spy Kiosk Installation Outside Cryptome July 23, 2016 2016-1407.htm updated LinkNYC Spy Kiosks Installation Videos July 23, 2016 Masterspy Declassifies 3 Reports on FISA Sect 702 July 21, 2016 2016-1405.pdf Oligarchs Go Shopping for Media via RSF July 21, 2016 (23MB) 2016-1404.htm Tactical Tech: New Linux Digital Security Guides July 21, 2016 2016-1403.pdf Images Want to Be Free! July 21, 2016 2016-1402.pdf How to Steal $1 Billion with Banks Compliance July 20, 2016 2016-1401.pdf DNI: EO12333 AG Guidelines for PCLOB July 2016 July 20, 2016 2,445,405 Domains That Use CloudFlare Nameservers July 19, 2016 (13MB) 2016-1399.pdf DNI ICD 310 – Clandestine HUMINT FI-CI Inside US July 19, 2016 (3.1MB) 2016-1398.pdf DNI ICD 311 – Clandestine HUMINT FI-CI Inside US July 19, 2016 (2.5MB) 2016-1397.pdf DNI ICPG 900.3 – Mission Posture Change Reporting July 19, 2016 (1.8MB) 2016-1396.htm Cloudflare reCAPTCHA De-anonymizes Tor Users July 18, 2016 Navy Releases FOIA Report on Iran Boat Capture July 18, 2016 (106MB) 2016-1394.htm Lucky Green Leaves Tor, to Shut Tonga Bridge July 17, 2016 2016-1397.pdf FBI-CIA Letter to SSCI on Saudi role in 9/11 July 15, 2016 2016-1396.pdf Redacted 9/11 Report (858 pages) July 15, 2016 (6MB) 2016-1394.pdf House Intel Committee 28 Pages of 9/11 Report July 15, 2016 (5MB) 2016-1393.pdf William Arkin: Thoughts on Incidents in Nice July 15, 2016 Guccifer 2.0 Releases 8 DNC Documents July 13, 2016 (11MB) 2016-1391.pdf NARA Muses WikiLeaks Releases (521 pages) July 11, 2016 (17MB) 2016-1390.pdf DHS and FBI Muse WikiLeaks Releases July 11, 2016 2016-1389.pdf USG Inadvertently Disclosed SCI in Bergdahl Case July 9, 2016 2016-1388.htm National Grid Electric Utility Company July 9, 2016 2016-1387.htm West 135th Street Natural Gas Pumping Station NYC July 9, 2016 2016-1386.pdf DoD Defense Innovation Unit Experimental July 9, 2016 2016-1385.htm offsite Whistleblower Architects: Cryptome (part 2) July 7, 2016 2016-1384.pdf FISC Misc 13-08 Notice of Supplemental Authority July 6, 2016 2016-1383.pdf Obama Order on US Forces Civilian Casualties July 6, 2016 Chilcot Inquiry on Iraq (6,417 pages) July 6, 2016 (31MB) 2016-1380.htm Hillary Clinton Protection 2016 July 5, 2016 2016-1379.pdf FBI Clears Clinton Emails - Free Guccifer! July 5, 2016 2016-1378.htm offsite Whistleblower Architects: Cryptome (part 1) July 5, 2016 2016-1377.pdf Declaration of the End of Government Secrecy July 4, 2016 2016-1376.pdf House Homeland Committee Encryption Primer July 4, 2016 2016-1375.pdf USG-v-Ross Ulbricht, USG Brief Against Appeal July 1, 2016 (25MB) O f f s i t e 2016-00086 DNC Leak 93,000 Names and Email Addresses July 31, 2016 2016-00085 Cryptome Interview by Pit Schultz 16-0205 July 28, 2016 2016-00084 DNC 22,456 Emails (99% Junk, Criminal Later Maybe July 26, 2016 2016-00083 Feds Seize Kickass Torrents Piracy Domain Names July 21, 2016 2016-00082 Tracking Torrents Hiding Behind Cloudflare rel July 21, 2016 2016-00081 Arkin Archives: Why You Can’t Keep Secrets July 21, 2016 2016-00080 CIA Officer Mary Claire Peroutka PNG from Moscow July 19, 2016 2016-00079 CIA Officer Daniel L. Van Dyken PNG'd from Moscow July 10, 2016 2016-00078 Whistleblower Architects: Cryptome (part 2) July 7, 2016 2016-00077 Whistleblower Architects: Cryptome (part 1) July 5, 2016 2016-00076 The Microbiome Security Agency July 5, 2016 2016-00075 Alphabet’s money-spin, terrorist-foil, kiosks July 4, 2016 2016-00074 Terrorists are the health of secret keepers July 4, 2016 2016-00073 White House: Technology and the Future of Cities July 4, 2016 2016-00072 Secrecy: A Brief Account of American Experience July 4, 2016 2016-00071 Bilderberg Conference Reports 1954-2002 July 3, 2016

Premiere Full Video by dnCRYPTOME: (±) False Tallies-the Prisoner’s Dilemma?

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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

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      blocked. Python, Wget and Bot Not, Thanks. Bots are vile bandwith wasters.

5 November 2016: Do not use the two following keys, they have been 
forged padded and uploaded.

John Young 15-0915 <> 0xD87D436C
Cryptome 15-0915 <> 0x8CD47BD5

John Young Architect:
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NYC DoB-Licensed Site Safety Manager 1992-1995
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