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      CINES is a great French leader in the field of long-term preservation of electronic documents. Nowadays the information in digital form is pervasive in large quantities in multiple formats. It is part of the ...
  • Diaporama Accueil Anglais
    New record at CINES

    New record at CINES

    The machine Occigen just produced his first big result. The new TOP500 rankings just released, the figure produced by Occigen during the passage of the LINPACK benchmark provides an excellent ranking. The benchmark gave the ...

CINES (National Computing Center for Higher Education) is a French public institution, located in Montpellier (south of France) and supervised by the French ministry for Higher Education and Research. CINES offers remarkable services to the …

In the context of its missions, CINES, thanks to its expertise, has become a known actor of the European scientific community. This is the case for both its activities of long term preservation and intensive …

More thant 1500 user’s of the CINES are represented by the user committee “Comité de Chercheurs Calculant au CINES” (CCCC or C4). The C4 provide exchanges between CINES and the users. It may be consulted …

Replacing « JADE », the new cluster is being installed since september : 2.1 Petaflops The new supercomputer OCCIGEN will replace Jade in 2015. Its installation starts in september 2014 at CINES, National Computing Center for Higher Education, located …