
US: Workers score big victory against Starbucks at Labour Board

New York, NY - The Industrial Workers of the World Starbucks Workers Union won a watershed victory yesterday...

Lend a hand: Starbucks engaging in religious persecution of IWW barista

For the second time in as many months, Starbucks management has kicked Starbucks Workers Union member Suley Ayala out of the workplace for wearing her modest Pentagram necklace.

IWW: Union victories at NYC Union Square Starbucks

On Friday Nov. 18, Starbucks workers at Union Square publicly declared their membership in the Starbucks Workers Union.

Workers at third US Starbucks go union

In New York City at the end of last year Starbucks baristas and supporters wearing union pins and hats surrounded the store manager at the Union Square location in Manhattan tonight to announce their membership in the IWW Starbucks Workers Union.

Vietnam: Wildcat strikes win pay hike

More than a dozen strikes by more than 40,000 workers in Ho Chi Minh City's export processing zones have forced the Vietnamese government to raise the country's minimum wage by nearly 40 percent.

First starbucks strike in the world!

It was bound to happen eventually -- and it happened today in New Zealand. Low-paid Starbucks workers walked off the job and formed a picket line.