BuddyPress 2.9 Beta 2

Today sees BP 2.9 move to Beta 2 ( Beta 1 skipped for technical reasons ) testing phase and we would request all plugin authors, theme developers and other interested parties test out this release and feedback any issues found to our ticket trac home .

You can download the plugin to test from the WP repo BP 2.9.0-beta2 or grab a copy from our SVN repo.

Amongst other improvements and fixes to look out for are:

  • Fixing display of older activity comments.
  • Correction of message when removing friends that are not friends.
  • Group invites – omit sending to previously invited members.
  • Profile image upload fix for IE Edge breaksIOS fix.
  • Correct issue with hidden group & CSS specificity.
  • URL compatibility for LightSpeed.
  • Fix inability resizing of member avatar for cyrillic character filenames.

For a full list of commits see 2.9 tickets

Template changes

In this release there are a number of improvements to templates that add a level of improved a11y performance and markup changes for better semantics & Standards.

Theme authors may want to pay particular attention to changes to profile field visibility links and the profile field descriptions where significant markup changes are made that effect positioning of these elements – changesets for these are r11617 & r11618

Nouveau – new template pack

While we were definitely aiming for release of this feature for 2.9, the necessary final fixes and feature enhancements along with the necessary code reviews were going to prove very tight to get finished in time and would have likely meant a degree of rushing. We have decided that as this is such a major new feature, the first new theme in many years and that expectations will be high for it that we should not rush to put out a product that might be even slightly sub optimal.

However fear not we are very concerned that the project is focussed on through the last stages of 2.9 and has primary focus during the next release cycle to ensure an early completion.

It is further proposed that we’ll actually release Nouveau in a much shorter release cycle as 3.0, this way we can get an early release and not have the project just sitting in trunk until the end of the year.

Dev Chat Summaries for June 7 & 14, 2017

New Schedule for BP 2.9

  • Beta 1: June 21, 2017
  • Release Candidate 1 (string freeze): July 12, 2017
  • Release Date: July 26, 2017
  • Currently 66 tickets in queue (30 open. 36 closed)

BP 2.8.3

  • Currently 4 tickets in queue (all fixed)
  • Release Date: To be announced.
  • Plus one more ticket coming up from @johnjamesjacoby


Updates from @hnla on the work done during June 1-14:

  • Various adjustments for styles.
  • Tackling the button args defaulting some to button from the default anchors.
  • Button JS functions were re-factored to check button element type and fetch the wp_nonce according to data attr or href so we can allow switching in templates of elements without losing Ajax functionality.
  • NPM modules were all updated thanks @netweb.
  • @mercime added a round of further A11y updates for aria-labels on navigational elements, added updated color vars to pass 4.5:1 color contrast checks, and we added ARIA state changes to button elements along with attendant JS & Ajax adjustments to toggle them.
  • Updated table styles a tad to improve line separation for notification & adjusted cell widths and vertical centering for checkboxes.
  • Updated act update excerpts ‘view’ link to improve visually, updated excerpts so they match across components.
  • Minor button $args updates to data attr string nonce name for uniformity.
  • Updated group homepage admin info message for styling.
  • Updated navigation wrappers to use nav element for better semantics thanks @mercime
  • Completed hopefully adding aria state attr to action buttons toggling elements.
  • Also thanks to @dcavins for taking the Star action Ajax issue on

@hnla: “We need to think about #7157 UI to pick Template Packs and how we can tackle that.

“We are pushing onwards and upwards but we do still need the community to start to wade in running any checks in general, or picking up tickets where they can. I’ll be trying to move tickets around a bit in the projects card screens.

“There’s an interesting ticket re: new custom homepage for Groups/User. There’s discussion on how these pages could have custom content manipulated/added. Perhaps someone might like to look at that and see what they can come up with? It would be pretty much an open book to play with https://github.com/buddypress/next-template-packs/issues/19

“Under ‘General Tasks’ we have a number of tickets of a ‘bug’ or ‘enhancement’ label, some are relatively straightforward & we could do with any help to grab a few of those and tackle.

“I would like one of the lead devs to step up at some point and offer some thoughts on how we approach two fundamental requirements, those being implementation of the dashboard selection of template packs and the second being looking at the principle loader file in the plugin root next-templates-packs.php with a view to how this is re-factored to serve as a means of doing the necessary template registration, especially if additional template packs are provided either as plugin or in core.”

Trac Tickets

Fix for profile image upload on Microsoft Edge breaks iOS Safari and Chrome (#7416) @r-a-y has committed fix in trunk.

Use bp_get_admin_url() in XProfile instead of hard-coded links (#7536) @JohnPBloch has submitted patch. @johnjamesjacoby will be testing this in the multitude of environment setups that we support.

Plugin short descriptions are limited to 150 characters (#7452) @johnjamesjacoby will handle this.

Use JOIN rather than Subquery on user search (#7452) @r-a-y requests feedback from lead dev.

Only load component action and screen code when we’re on the component’s page (#7218) @r-a-y has patch. @boonebgorges has posted feedback and @r-a-y has responded in ticket.

When searching on the activity page, you cannot search using an author’s name (#3889) Ticket has been punted to future release.

Trailing slash needed for URLs for compatibility with LiteSpeed (#7448) @r-a-y has patc. @johnjamesjacoby has posted feedback and @r-a-y has responded in ticket.

`bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=Non existing fields’ )` (#7516) @r-a-y has committed fix to trunk.

Messages are not deleted from DB, when user is deleted (#7523) @r-a-y has patch. @johnjamesjacoby has posted feedback.

Slack logs:
June 7: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1496862133456977
June 14: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1497466925349980

Dev Chat Summaries for May 24 & 31, 2017


@hnla gave an update of the work done for the past two weeks:

  • Improved Group invites screen
  • Updated the search styling/markup to match to directory search input
  • Improved general styles and icons
  • Updated the action button for groups and activity arg functions to better check and switch the url nonces from href to data attr depending on element selection.
  • Tweaked JS to ensure we target correctly the newer elements so screen messages display within grid loop boxes
  • Added Ajax support for state changes
  • Changed a range of action links to button elements
  • Added missing labels for form controls
  • Merged pull requests from new contributors, @jon007 & @s-ferdie, for cover-image-header correction and adding parameters to allow Sass variables to be overridden.

Trac Tickets

Remove `remove_node` ‘edit’ in `bp-core-adminbar.php` (#6831) @tw2113 has committed patch to trunk.

Remove/Replace `title` attributes with Tooltips usable in all devices (#7188) Screenshots on Mac OS for latest patches posted by @dcavins. Feedback from @hnla. @r-a-y recommended using `data-bp-tooltip` instead of `data-title`. @mercime will refresh patch and commit.

Only load component action and screen code when we’re on the component’s page (#7218) @r-a-y has patch. @boonebgorges has posted feedback.

Don’t show the sorting box and the meta information (#7312) Related: #6754.

When user is not logged in, in he/she clicks email link to view new messages gets 404 page when should get login page (#7349) @r-a-y has committed a couple of patches fixing redirection issue and adding notices. Has new patch for `visibility` and `redirection` updates.

Fix for profile image upload on Microsoft Edge breaks iOS Safari and Chrome (#7416) @r-a-y has patch. Needs iOS user to test. Update: @mrjarbenne has tested patch and the issue still exists on Mobile Safari on iOS.

Resize member avatar error with cyrillic (not latin) filename (#7484) @r-a-y has patch. @boonebgorges: “I’d have to spend more time with it to understand in greater depth, but at a glance it looks like a clever fix.”

`bp_group_has_members` performs unnecessary query (#7513) @dcavins has patch. Dev feedback requested.

Messages are not deleted from DB, when user is deleted (#7523) @r-a-y has refreshed patch based on discussion during dev chat.

Counter for “All” tab for activity and groups table (#7526) @bhargavbhandari90 has patch. @r-a-y will review the patch.

Fetching of ALL users from `bp_friends_prime_mentions_results()` for non logged in users (#7530) @r-a-y has committed patch to trunk.

Slack logs:
May 24: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1495652618137375
May 31: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1496257388695772
(A WordPress Slack account is required to view the logs.)

Building Bridges between Students and Educators in Nepal

Arjun Bhattarai shares how he built the largest community website for students in Nepal at https://buddypress.org/2017/05/building-bridges-between-students-and-educators-in-nepal/

#case-study, #developers

General Summary as of May 17, 2017

This post covers the BuddyPress Dev Chats for May 3, 10, and 17. Information has been updated to current status.


A friendly reminder from @hnla re testing and patches for bp-nouveau.

@hnla has committed styling updates, concentrated on some issue areas with what’s new update form and user screens, in particular messaging and the bulk action filters & search form elements, hacking away at the Backbone templates to bring the markup into line with the general selector and search form visual styles & updating the JS show/hide events to work with classes rather than jQuery .hide().

@hnla: “The what’s new form could still do with some further attention on the general show/hide nature of its control actions, I removed some earlier styles & tidied up the new autocomplete input where `post in groups` is selected, however we currently have no onBlur event to hide the controls so anyone that fancies delving into backbone could help out looking at what we could do to add some fun to the what’s new form. At this stage We have clean code supporting this feature, pretty much a blank canvas for playing around with effects that might look good rather than our rather staid `onfocus` open.”

@r-a-y reviewed bp-nouveau. Fixed issues for loading Ajax on component request and updated actions now they’re button elements, comments counts, notice errors, and set up the `buddypress-wrap` class dynamically.

@netweb has kept on top of the tooling for the project, updating the style-lint config modules, updating grunt file and fixed linting issues.

@mercime has been working on #130 where consensus during dev chat was to use option 2 for the implementation.

@dcavins was added to the sitewide notices ticket #137.

At this stage we need more devs taking tickets/project cards and moving into In Progress column.

Trac Tickets

Include BP Edit Group Slug into the core (#6014) @dcavins has committed patch to trunk.

Messages: member page messages are queried for the loggedin user (#7096) @dcavins has refreshed patch. @r-a-y and @Offereins have provided feedback.

Remove/Replace `title` attributes with Tooltips usable in all devices (#7188) @mercime has examples in ticket. The choice was the second example, though  @dcavins is making a case for the third example.

Only load component action and screen code when we’re on the component’s page (#7218) @r-a-y has patch.

Use JOIN rather than Subquery on user search (#7442) @brandonliles has patch. Needs dev feedback.

Resize member avatar error with cyrillic (not latin) filename (#7484) @r-a-y has patch which relies on newer PHP functions (v5.4). It’s either that or wait for WP core to fix #WP22363 #WP24661 #WP15955. Dev feedback requested.

bp_group_has_members performs unnecessary query (#7513) @r-a-y has patch. Dev feedback requested before committing.

BuddyPress Case Studies

Thanks to all who have shared their BuddyPress use cases with the community! The growing list of published articles are available in the BuddyPress Codex for your reference. If you’re interested in sharing your own BuddyPress use case, fill up this form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Slack logs:
May 3: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1493838015001913
May 10: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1494442868540761
May 17: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RQBYUG/p1495047787891614
(A WordPress Slack account is required to view the logs.)


A Community for Organising Sweden’s Largest Environmental NGO

Alexander Berthelsen shares his case study of the development journey through the years for Naturkontakt, Sweden’s Largest Environmental NGO, at https://buddypress.org/2017/05/naturkontakt-organising-swedens-largest-environmental-ngo/

#case-study, #developers

Largest Turkish Recipe Site Spiced Up with BuddyPress

Mustafa Uysal (Twitter: m_uysl) of Nefisyemektarifleri.com shares how they scale their BuddyPress site with ~2.2 Million users at https://buddypress.org/2017/05/largest-turkish-recipe-site-spiced-up-with-buddypress/

#case-study, #developers