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Trump Therapy 141.1 -- Comey torpedoes himself

no one seems to have picked up on the best line of "defense" that Trump should grab onto --- Comey's discussion of Lynch's decision to refer to the Clinton investigation as a "matter". THAT whole thing draws into serious question Comey's reliability as an "interpretative" witness. Read more about Trump Therapy 141.1 -- Comey torpedoes himself

Rangoon78's picture

George Kennan prototype American monster.

"Is it not clear that as long as capitalist encirclement exists there will be wreckers, spies, diversionists and murderers in our country sent behind our lines by the agents of foreign states?"

Joseph Stalin, 1937

“USSR still lives in antagonistic capitalist encirclement with which in the long run there can be no permanent peaceful coexistence.”

Trump Therapy 50.1 -- Two Maps

There is a reason why Obamacare is doing poorly in a number of states...
And its because the GOP is running these States.
Look at this map that shows which states that expanded Medicaid and which didn't, which is a very good indicator of whether the state government tried to make Obamacare work, or whether it wanted Obamacare to fail.
And compare it to this map, which shows, by county, which places have only one insurer participating in the "Healthcare Marketplace"
The states where one insurer "Marketplaces" predominate are generally those that have not adopted Medicaid expansion. Read more about Trump Therapy 50.1 -- Two Maps

Trump Therapy 27.1 -- Heroes

Most analyses of the leaks associated with the Flynn situation assume that they are motivated by political/ideological considerations, or animus toward Trump as a result of his attacks on the Intelligence Community. No one seems to be considering the most obvious answer -- the leaks are neither ideological or personal, but are patriotic. Read more about Trump Therapy 27.1 -- Heroes

Trump Therapy 26.1 -- The Coverup

There is a reason that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are resisting calls for independent investigations of the Trump campaign connection to Russian interference in the election -- both were complicit in Russia being able to consistently change the narrative in ways that advantaged Donald Trump. Read more about Trump Therapy 26.1 -- The Coverup

Trump Therapy 19.1 -- List

Last night, the White House released a list of 78 "terrorist attacks" that (according to Trump) were "not even being reported" by "the dishonest press" who "have their reasons". Trump's original claim referred to terrorism in Europe ("...all across Europe. You've seen what happened in Paris, and Nice. All over Europe, its happening. Read more about Trump Therapy 19.1 -- List

Trump Therapy 18.1 -- Iranophobia

Why is Iran on Trump's so-called "travel ban"? If the purpose is to prevent al Qaeda/ISIL terrorists from gaining entry into USA, Iran makes no sense at all, because those Sunni-based organizations despise Shiite Iran even more than they do the USA. Read more about Trump Therapy 18.1 -- Iranophobia

Trump Therapy 16.1 -- Yemghazi

another story that would be getting a lot more attention were it not for Trump's "government by chaos" style. It turns out, the administration has been lying about the origins of the Yemen raid. According to someone who was "in the room", Sean Spicer is lying when he says that the raid was approved by the NSC Deputies Committee on Jan 6, and that it was held off only because they wanted to do it on a moonless night. Read more about Trump Therapy 16.1 -- Yemghazi

Trump Therapy 14.1 -- Well Organized Anarchists

There is something wrong with this picture.
Since when are anarchists so highly organized? Since when can 100 to 150 people plan a violent action, all wearing black and milk soaked kerchiefs, and many carrying shields, and no one hears about it in advance? Read more about Trump Therapy 14.1 -- Well Organized Anarchists

Trump Therapy 13.2 -- Mr. Maturity

Trump is apparently giving the media the finger during photo ops.
Exhibit A occurs at 24 seconds into this video.
There is also a video of him on the phone, that accompanied the stories about his calls to the President of Mexico, and the PM of Australia. While I can't yet find a link to those videos* (and will update as soon as I do) its obvious that again, he is giving the finger.

How much more pathetic can he get? Stay Tuned. Read more about Trump Therapy 13.2 -- Mr. Maturity

Trump Therapy 13.1 -- On Notice

So, noted Islamophobe and conspiracy theory advocate Michael Flynn declared "As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice." And were it not for the fact that Flynn is Trump's national security advisor, and not some 400 lb idiot sitting in his parent's basement, this would just be funny, not frightening.

I mean, the Colbert Report was doing this for laughs 10 years ago? And how long before South Park has Ms Garrison putting the boys "officially on notice"? (Or has it been done already?) Read more about Trump Therapy 13.1 -- On Notice

Trump Therapy 11.2 -- Unprincipalled

Sean Spicer just claimed that there was no "downgrading" when Trump decided that the Director of National Intelligence and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were excluded as permanent members of the National Security Council Principals Committee.

Spicer pointed to the 2001 memo organizing the Principals Committee, which did not, in fact, include the DNI* or CJCS.
Read more about Trump Therapy 11.2 -- Unprincipalled

Trump Therapy 11.1 -- Jewish Lives Matter

Reince Priebus on why the White House statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day failed to mention Jewish people...

I don’t regret the words,...I mean, everyone’s suffering in the Holocaust including, obviously, all of the Jewish people affected and miserable genocide that occurs — it’s something that we consider to be extraordinarily sad,...If we could wipe it off of the history books, we would. But we can’t.

SAD?!?! WTF? Read more about Trump Therapy 11.1 -- Jewish Lives Matter

Trump Therapy 9.1 -- Not Not a Muslim Ban

What do you call an executive order that bans refugees from a Muslim majority country from entering -- but make an exception for "persecuted religious minorities".(1) What do you call an executive order that prioritizes "persecuted religious minorities" from Muslim majority countries one the complete ban on refugees from that country is lifted.(2) Read more about Trump Therapy 9.1 -- Not Not a Muslim Ban

Trump Therapy 8.1 -- Acknowledging British Sovereignty

Well, the Trump - May press conference is over, and the talking heads have, as usual, missed the point. That point being that Donald Trump is not ready for prime time.

Not that Trump absolutely embarrassed himself -- he did manage to pass over that very low bar. But watching Theresa May and Trump side-by-side was a study in contrasting competence. Read more about Trump Therapy 8.1 -- Acknowledging British Sovereignty


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