
By its statutes, the CINES is administered by a board of directors headed by a Director. It has a strategic steering committee.

The Board of Directors CINES includes:

1. Four right members :

a) The Director for Research at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research or his representative;
b) The Director for Higher Education at the Ministry of Higher Education or his representative;
c) The head of the department responsible for the scientific and technical information to the Ministry of Higher Education or his representative;
d) The Director General of the National Centre for Scientific Research or his representative.

2. Five persons appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education and Research for their skills in the areas defined in Article 2, including two university presidents appointed on a proposal from the Conference of Presidents of university;

3. Three elected staff representatives.

Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, of the five named individuals.

The center’s director is appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education and Research for a period of three years renewable.

The Strategic Directions Committee includes:

1. Three members by right:

a) the Director for Research at the Ministry of Research or his representative;
b) the director responsible for higher education in the Ministry of Higher Education or his representative;
c) the Chairman of the center’s board of directors;

2. Three persons appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education because of their expertise in the areas defined in Article 2, for a period of three years renewable.

The principal shall assist in an advisory capacity in meetings of the Strategic Directions Committee.

The strategic directions Committee shall elect from its members a Chairman for a term of three years renewable, under the conditions set by the internal regulations of the institution.

The president of strategic directions Committee may invite to attend a meeting in an advisory capacity, any person whose presence is considered useful on a point of the agenda.


Furthermore, by common statutory texts to institutions such as CINES, it has a Technical Committee and a Committee of Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions:

  • Technical Committee of CINES : two representatives of the Administration, (the Director and the Manager in charge of human resources) and three full staff representatives (and three alternates)
    It is chaired by the Director of CINES.
  • The Health Committee, Safety and Working Conditions of CINES : two representatives of the Administration, (Director and Officer in charge of human resources) and three full staff representatives (and three alternates who may come the meeting but can not intervene), the CINES Prevention Officer, the occupational physician, the Inspector Health and Safety and occasionally a person qualified establishment designated by the committee.
    It is chaired by the Director of CINES.
Dernière modification le : 24 February 2015