Libraries and resource centers documentation

Libraries and others cultural institutions have to manage more and more digital native documents or coming from digitization projects (for example to preserve historical collections and to spread them on a large scale). It is now essential to take into account the long time preservation of these data.

Lots of cultural institutions turned to the CINES to help them with this preservation mission.

The archives data are from various origins: digitized works (manuscripts, periodicals, old prints…), thesis, dissertations, pictures, videos…


STAR programme (Signalement des thèses, archivage et recherche – Thesis description, archiving and research)

Since the 7th august 2006 and a decree on French PhD thesis, it’s possible for the universities to use the national application STAR for the submission of the students ‘digital thesis. This application has been jointly developed by the ABES (Higher Education Bibliographic Agency) and the CINES, aiming to control the thesis’ processing circuit: archiving, diffusion, description.
Regarding the archiving step, thesis files are submitted to the application with their descriptive metadata. After a check, STAR exports these files to the CINES archiving platform PAC with some of its metadata.

For more information on   STAR program star

Some examples.

Cellules fibroblastiques étalées sur un support en verre traité par un revêtement de multicouches de polyélectrolytes. Image réalisée à l'U1121 "Biomatériaux et Bioingénierie", Strasbourg.

Dernière modification le : 3 April 2019