- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 364
Take a look inside the design project with Aktia, where X Hub team set out to explore the future vision of the Personal Finance Management tool. The #PFM2020 project brought together the finance and customer care experts from Aktia, concepting and design power form Adventure Club and deep understanding of banking industry from Tieto’s eBanking department. Together with the users we created solution, that will anticipate their future needs. http://www.tieto.com/xhub
VIDEO FINANCIAL REPORTING Why invest in is the first financial video platform where you can easily search through thousands of videos describing global securities. About The Video: We believe that complex financial data could become more approachable using friendly motion-graphic representation combined with an accurate selection of financial data. To guarantee the most effective information prospective we drew inspiration from Benjamin Graham’s book: “The Intelligent Investor”, a pillar of financial philosophy. For this project any kind of suggestion or critic will be helpful in order to develop and provide the best service as we can. Please visit our site www.whyinvestin.com and leave a massage to us. Thank you and hope you'll enjoy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION - DISCLAIMER ...
Tanker Aktia assisted by tugs Gent and Zeebrugge entering the Terneuzen locks. 8th November 2008
Lars Norqvist työskentelee Aktiassa UX design leadina. Käytännössä työ on asiakaskokemusten suunnittelua. Paljolti kyse on erilaisten käyttöliittymien piirtämisestä esimerkiksi nettipankkeihin ja mobiilipankkeihin. Lars on koulutukseltaan yo-merkonomi. Työssä on oltava luova ja osattava kyseenalaistaa tapoja, joilla asiat on aiemmin tehty ja hoidettu. Musiikki: Coconut Monkeyrocket - Accidental Beatnik. Free music archive. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Coconut_Monkeyrocket/
Juniorernas Aktia Cup spelades på konstgräset i Karis 3-4.9.2016. Tack till alla som deltog, ses igen nästa år! Boka in i kalendern! :-) Junioreiden Aktia Cup pelattiin Karjaan tekonurmella 3-4.9.2016. Kiitos kaikille osallistujille, nähdään taas ensi vuonna! Ruksatkaa kalenteriin! :-)
Härifrån hemåt http://bit.ly/battre_sa. Bättre så.