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Archive for the 'bank inquiry' Category

I’ll be writing more about this at the weekend but I think this is a good standalone clip from evidence to the banking inquiry given by Prof. Ed Kane on Wednesday 28 Jan 2015.
He was asked by Deputy Pearse Doherty to elaborate on the statement below which was made in a paper that […]

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Shadows never go away.
Might be you don’t see them,
but they’re always clinging to your heels.” A Song of Ice and Fire
When I was a child in primary school my way of dealing with Irish class was to find a word in the question that matched a word in the text and hope for the […]

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Reprieved! Reprieved! I was sure of it.
When you’re most despairing
The clouds may be clearing.” The Threepenny Opera.
Patrick Honohan, the governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, will be before the Bank Inquiry committee this week to talk about his 2010 report into the crisis.
We will be able to hear his explanation as to the […]

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I do not think it is fair to say people partied. People just lived a little better than they otherwise would have done because of the bubble.” Peter Nyberg under questioning from Deputy Pearse Doherty, 17 Dec 2014.

Peter Nyberg’s appearance at the Irish bank inquiry marked the beginning of the context phase, the purpose of […]

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God will forgive them.
He’ll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.
I can’t live with that.”
Dead Man’s Shoes (2004)
What are we to make of the Irish Banking Inquiry, which began its public hearings last week. For myself, as I said in Shop Floor in September, I think it provides an opportunity for progressives and we […]

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