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Archive for December, 2013

Newspaper man reveals in shocking detail that he knows nothing about class:
“AB voters
In class terms, Fine Gael is away out in front among the better-off AB voters, where it is on 46 per cent. It is also the biggest party among middle-class C1 voters, where it gets 33 per cent, and among farmers, where […]

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Rentier incomes and financial crises (2003) Gerald Epstein, Dorothy Power from Conor McCabe

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There are at least 728 companies with an address at 5 Harbourmaster Place, Dublin 1, IFSC.
Above is an ad currently on daft.ie for office space on the 2nd floor of that building. Earlier this year Nama announced that it was allocating up to €2 billion to facilitate the construction of yet more office space […]

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