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Archive for August, 2013

The frankly bizarre 1913 commemoration event in Dublin today. Locked down for a Lockout.

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Irish Worker 30 August 1913 from Conor McCabe

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 Article from The Economist, 16 June 2005, which discusses the global property bubble.
Original article here, but in case it is moved here’s a pdf of it as well.

The Economist Global Housing Bubble 2005 from Conor McCabe

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Irish Worker 27 August 1913 from Conor McCabe

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When Bonoism Came to Town

Granby Park - a masterclass in the de-politicization of public space. Played out in real time.
For more on Bonoism, see the article below.

Cameron, Culture and the Creative Class - Alan Finlayson (2011) from Conor McCabe

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[Photo from broadsheet.ie]
Michael McNamara walked away from this PPP in 2008. The site has now been successfully depoliticized.

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Irish Worker 16 August 1913 from Conor McCabe

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got sent this in the post via the publishers. No name, no details, just the image.

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Irish Worker 9 August 1913 from Conor McCabe

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