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Archive for December, 2012

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Trying to fish for an analogy to help describe the process of discussing counter-capitalist theories and templates without signing up to them. Really struck by recent conversations with Rónán Burtenshaw and Miles Link and the flagging of works by Seth Ackerman and David Schweickart - both writers new to me - and also the idea […]

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September 2007 was the month when property prices in Ireland reached their peak. From then on they started to slip. Contrary to popular belief, the crisis in September 2008 (12 months later) was not caused by a property crash as it hadn’t happened by then. It was caused by a crisis in the inter-bank lending […]

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Dirk Bezemer, INET.

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?”Benes and Kumhof describe this perception of banks as mere intermediaries between savers and borrowers as the hallmark of someone who doesn’t understand banking.” (Steve Keen, 12 November 2012).

Anyone who has read Mellor, Graeber, Ingham, will find nothing new here, but very interesting to read it in an IMF paper. The intermediary hypothesis is the […]

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Brian Goggin, local expertise…

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?”Over the past four years, the Federal Reserve has more than tripled the monetary base, a key determinant of money supply. Some commentators have sounded an alarm that this massive expansion of the monetary base will inexorably lead to high inflation, à la Friedman.
Despite these dire predictions, inflation in the United States has been the […]

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Writing a chapter on the 1913 Lockout for a book on the history of the Irish working class in the 20th century edited by David Convery, and I’m struck by the similarities in the tax avoidance then and now. This is from something I wrote for Saothar but I’ll be raising the same point in […]

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I took part in preliminary workshop yesterday on using feminist economics to:
a)analyse Ireland today, and
b) develop counter-capitalist economic strategies.
The plan over the next few months (or until we run out of energy) is to come to a working definition of what we mean when we say feminist economics and to map the Irish […]

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