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Archive for June, 2010

David McWilliams thinks that Ireland’s problems were caused by the gombeen men.
Fintan O’Toole disagrees. He thinks it was the cute hoors.
David Harvey has a slightly different take on what was happening in the worlds of business and finance while McWilliams and O’Toole were flicking through their Carleton for metaphors and similes.

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Conference schedule and abstracts below. Conference registration form is here. A pdf of the conference schedule and abstracts is here.

Open publication - Free publishing - More conference

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I’m going to have to bow out of Dublin Opinion for a while, and keep my head in the past for the next month or so. Sure see how it goes anyway.
Bye for now.

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Irish housing statistics are notoriously vague. There is no accounting system for new housing units - rather, the CSO has to rely on figures from the ESB with regard to new connections, and from that it extrapolates the amount of new units.
The CSO’s figures for the amount of mortgages sold is also somewhat oblique, as […]

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I heard this morning on Morning Ireland that Frances Ruane of the ERSI said that one reason for its failure to highlight the serious problems in the Irish banking sector was due to them “lacking expertise in macro-economics”. It was also dependent upon, she went on, “material produced by the Central Bank and the Financial […]

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I gave up on Irish journalism about 18 months ago, just after the 2008 bank guarantee scheme and the December budget of that year. And while this has done my blood pressure no end of good - it’s not the news that drives me mad, it’s the inane analysis - it also means that I […]

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Frank Sidebottom, 1956-2010

a.k.a Chris Sievey.

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First of all, as always, the caveats.
This graph is based on dwellings in Irish towns of 1,500 people or more. The reason for that is because the Land Acts skewer home ownership as farms are both a home and a livelihood.
By removing farms from the picture, it’s possible to get a glimpse at house/apartment purchases […]

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(From RTE News, just after the result was announced:)

- So do you think this was an Dublin east coast / west coast thing?
- Oh, absolutely!

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