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Archive for May, 2010

Dr. Fintan Lane, Irish labour historian and political activist, is among those on the Challenger 1, which was one of the ships attacked early this morning with at least 19 fatalities.
The Irish-Palestine solidarity Campaign has called for a protest at the Spire in Dublin this evening, 31 May, @ 6pm.
Among the speakers confirmed are […]

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This weekend, I started reading Shlomo Sand’s The Invention of the Jewish People. So far, its very enjoyable and interesting. This weekend too, someone gave me a 2009 exam paper for 1st year history in UCD because they thought I might be interested to see how the paper may have changed since I sat it […]

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What Power Struggle?

On May 10th, just after the EU announced its 750 bn Eurozone bailout Wolfgang Münchau from the FT said this:
“We know now that Greece, Portugal and Spain will always be able to refinance their government debt, but the long-term solvency position of the Spanish state remains unchanged. The private sector is massively indebted. The […]

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[Thanks to Ciarán Crossey of Ireland and the Spanish Civil War for the pamphlet.]
A pdf of the pamphlet, which was first published by the Belfast Executive of Republican Clubs in 1976, is available to download here.

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I’ll be manning the Irish Labour History Society stall tomorrow at the Anarchist bookfair.
Among the books for sale:
€3 - selected past issues of Saothar, or 4 for €10
€3 - Desmond Greaves, Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union: The Formative Years
€2 to €5 - selected books and pamphlets from James Connolly
€5 - Joe Deasy, The Fiery […]

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I swear, when God was handing out muppets, the SWP must have been at the top of the queue going “Oh! Are these free?”
The quote above is from one of the speakers at Tuesday’s rally. I didn’t get his name but he was from TCD Students’ Union, and he stood on the back of a […]

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The Definition of Delusion

Look Delusion up in Wikipedia and this is what you get…
From a Guardian article today on the “Irish Situation”
Despite sitting at a desk surrounded by thousands of square metres of vacant office space in Dublin’s docklands, John FitzGerald, an economist at the Economic and Social Research Institute, an independent think-tank, is far more optimistic than […]

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In the June budget the Minister for Finance, Mr. Richie Ryan, announced that the two major Associated Banks [Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Bank] had agreed to make £40 million available to house purchasers over the next two years. The two major banks were each to make £10 million available for house purchase loans […]

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[Terry Dunne writes:]
A one day interdisciplinary conference aiming to bring together researchers whose work offers an insight into the lives of ordinary people in nineteenth century Ireland. The particular focus is on class as those lives were bound up with production, domination, exploitation and conflict.
Given the relatively sparsely documented nature of this topic and […]

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Simon Johnson is a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, and considering that organization’s history of imposing austerity measures for the support it provides and condemning ‘emerging’ countries to decades of economic misery in order to support the banks in the developed world that got them into the mess in the first place […]

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